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Countermeasures on Preventing and Eliminating Mass Incidents under the Perspective of Party-mass Relationship

导  师: 莫岳云;陈祝生

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 我国社会经济体系发展的变化日新月异,目前我国正处于社会转型阶段的关键时期,在转型过程中,各利益主体、新型体制和理念均与传统发展观均处于争锋相对的形态,矛盾冲突日益加剧。社会矛盾与冲突情况在群体性事件中越来越常见,矛盾主题模拓展日益宽广,表现形式也越来越激烈,严重阻碍社会发展的稳定与和谐。当前,如何正视社会性事件,如何坚持党的群众路线,从中分析成因,均衡各阶层利益,调和利益冲突,最终有效降低群体性事件的发生几率,这一系列问题是目前各级党组织与人民群众重点研究对象,同时,这些问题也引发了学界的重视与研究。本文运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的研究方法,从提高党的执政能力、加强党的群众路线、巩固和扩大党的执政基础的高度,从党群关系的视角深入研究我国群体性事件的成因、特点和对策,具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。 本文笔者围绕我国群体事件,对发生群体事件的背景、主要成因以及改善这一现状的对策进行探讨。结构主要由事件背景、研究意义、研究思路、研究方式以及文本框架这几部分组成。采用由浅入深、循序渐进的方法,对群体性事件的定义、特点以及类型分别展开探讨,为后续研究奠定基石。接着以实践角度对群体性事件进行研究,对诱发群体性事件原因,我国群体性实践的历史由来、当前现状以及发展趋势展开讨论,最终得出解决问题、改善现状的相应意见。文章以“瓮安事件”等代表性事件为案例进行共性与个性地分析,对此次事件的整个过程、发起原因与性质进行讨论,寻找管理制度的不足之处后提出改善对策,实现处理我国群体性事件起到的指导性作用。最后,对于如何处理群体性事件提出防范与化解的意见,主要内容有:提高党组织在群体性事件中的意义与价值,拟定完善的群体性事件法律法规,明确政法机关处理群体性事件的有效策略,制定合理的善后制度,坚持党的群众路线。除此以外,还需对预防群体性事件再次发生提出意见,如:强化信息管理,创建稳定和谐的社会环境、公平竞争的社会环境,加强社会凝聚力,建立民意传达交流的平台。 Changes in our social and economic system of rapid development, China is in a criticalperiod of social transition stage in the transition process, various stakeholders, the newsystem and the concept of the traditional concept of development were outdone are in shape,growing conflict. Social contradictions and conflicts in the case of group events arebecoming more common, contradictory themes increasingly broad expansion mode, moreintense form of expression, a serious impediment to stability and harmonious socialdevelopment. Currently, how to face social events, how to adhere to the Party's mass line,which analyzes the causes and balanced interests of all classes, to reconcile conflicts ofinterest, and ultimately reduce the probability of occurrence of mass incidents, the issue ofthis series is the Party organizations at all levels and the people people focus on the object,while these problems are caused by the attention and academic research. In this paper, thecauses of dialectical materialism and historical materialism research methods, from theparty's ability to improve and strengthen the Party's mass line, consolidate and expand thebase height of the ruling party, from the perspective of ties between the party 's in-depthstudy of group events characteristics and countermeasures. From the article, the author of groups around the event, the occurrence of massincidents in the background, the main causes and countermeasures to improve this situationwere discussed. Structure is dominated by events background, significance, integral part ofthese research ideas, research methods, and text frames. Using elementary, gradual way, thedefinition of group events, characteristics and types were launched to explore, to lay thecornerstone for future study. Followed by a practical point of group events conductedresearch on the causes of induced mass incidents, historical origin of the practice of mass,the current status quo and development trend of discussion, and ultimately come to solve theproblem and improve the corresponding views of the status quo. After the article to ' Weng'anincident ' and representative event commonness and individuality of cases to analyze thewhole process of the incident, the cause and nature of the discussions initiated to finddeficiencies in the management system proposed improvement measures, implement theprocessing of group events play a guiding role. Finally, how to deal with mass incidents prevention and defuse the views put forward, the main contents are: to improve the partyorganization in the meaning and value of group events, group events intended to improvelaws and regulations, specifically law enforcement authorities effectively handle massincidents strategy, develop a reasonable aftercare system, adhere to the Party 's mass line. Inaddition, the need to prevent mass incidents comment again, such as: strengtheninginformation management, to create a stable and harmonious social environment, socialenvironment of fair competition, strengthening social cohesion and to establish a platformfor the exchange of opinion convey.

关 键 词: 党群关系 群体性事件 瓮安事件 预防对策

分 类 号: [D252 D631.43]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 郭志鹃
作者 李有旺
作者 舒蒙
作者 王胜儒
作者 肖悦


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东警官学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东警官学院治安系
机构 暨南大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚