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Police's Resesrch for Mass Group Events of Guangzhou Based Onthe Perspective of Stability

导  师: 张凤凉

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 当前,全球性金融危机对我国经济社会影响和冲击不断加深,经济不稳定因素与政治、社会方面不稳定因素相互影响,短期问题与长期积累的问题相互累加,国内不稳定因素与国际反华势力相互交织,各种社会矛盾和热点问题日益凸显,由此引发的各类群体性事件不断增多,规模不断扩大,表现形式多样,对抗程度加剧,对社会治安稳定影响日益突出。近些年来,广州市维稳工作面临着很大的挑战和考验,如何及时妥善处置各类群体性事件,特别是影响恶劣的大规模群体性事件,是公安机关必须面对的一项重要内容。 为积极做好维稳工作,广州市各级公安机关围绕经济社会发展大局,加强情报信息工作,掌握维稳工作主动权,积极主动配合各级党委、政府和有关职能部门,协助党委、政府和有关部门防范和化解了大量社会矛盾,处置了大批群体性事件,为维护全市社会大局稳定作出了积极的贡献。但是,由于当前社会矛盾复杂,以及其他多种因素的影响,当前该市群体性事件总量依然很大,且规模扩大,参与人数众多,行为方式激烈,组织性、联动性和反复性增强,较为典型的如2011年“6·11”新塘大墩村事件、2009年和2012年越秀矿泉“7·15”、“6·18”非洲籍人员聚集围攻派出所事件、2013年海珠东晓南“5·18”外来人员聚集闹事事件,对社会政治稳定和治安稳定造成严重威胁和冲击,在全国甚至国际上都造成了负面影响。此外,一些群体性事件借助于网络工具扩大社会影响,并通过网络传播迅速发酵进而演变为“网上群体性事件”,境内外敌对势力则通过网络平台插手国内矛盾,远端遥控借机挑起事端,意图制造社会动荡,如何有效预警、化解“网上群体性事件”,也成为当前维护社会稳定重大而迫切的难题。面对严峻形势,广州市各级公安机关作为该市维护社会稳定的主力军和职能部门,如何积极预防、妥善处置各类群体性事件,切实维护广州的社会大局和治安稳定,对构建广州的平安、和谐社会具有重要的现实意义。 因此,本文试图从分析群体性事件的性质及成因着手,借鉴国内外研究经验,分析在当前环境下广州市公安机关应对和处置群体性事件的现有方式和思路,探索切实可行的的预防和处置策略,以促进该市公安机关处置群体性事件工作的创新发展。 At present, with the deepening of the global financial crisis impact on China's economicand social, economic instability and political and social instability factors influence each other,short-term and long-term accumulation of problems accumulate, the domestic instability andthe international anti-china forces are intertwined, and various social conflicts and hotspotissues highlighted increasingly, the resulting rise in all types of mass incidents, the scaleexpands unceasingly, diverse forms, against aggravating, the increasingly prominent influenceon social security.In recent years, guangzhou stability work is facing great challenges andtests, how to timely and properly handle all types of mass incidents, especially the large-scalemass incidents of bad effect, it is an important content for Guangzhou police to face. To actively do a good job stability, guangzhou police at all levels strengthen intelligenceinformation work, grasp stability work initiative, actively cooperate with party committeesand governments at all levels and the relevant functional departments, assist party committee,government and relevant departments to prevent and resolve a lot of social contradictions, thedisposal of the large number of mass incidents, to safeguard the city's social stability made apositive contribution.However, due to the complexity of the current social contradictions, anda variety of other factors, the current city is a large amount of mass incidents, and scale,participate in large number, behavior, organization, correlation and repeatability, the moretypical such as the2011“6·11” xintang dadun village events, in2009and2012, yuexiu,kuangquan the “7·15”,“6·18” African researchers gathered siege station, haizhu, dong xiaonan2013“5·18” migrants gathered riot events, poses a serious threat to social and politicalstability and social stability and impact, and even across the country have caused negativeinfluence in the world.In addition, some mass incidents with the aid of network tool to expandthe social influence, and spread rapidly through the network fermentation and then evolvedinto 'online mass incidents', the domestic or foreign hostile forces through the networkplatform in domestic contradictions, remote remote control to make waves, intended to makesocial unrest, how effective early warning, resolve 'online mass incidents', has become thecurrent problem of maintaining social stability important and urgent.Facing the grim situation,guangzhou municipal public security organs at all levels as the mainstay of the city tomaintain social stability and the functional departments, how to actively prevent and properlyhandle all types of mass incidents, to safeguard the social situation and social stability inguangzhou, for the construction of guangzhou of peace, the harmonious society has importantpractical significance. Therefore, this article tries to begin from analysis of the nature and causes of massincidents, using the experience of domestic and foreign research and analysis in the currentenvironment of guangzhou city public security organs to deal with and dispose of massincidents of existing methods and ideas, to explore practical prevention and treatmentstrategies, so as to promote the city's public security authority for the disposal of theinnovative development of mass incidents.

关 键 词: 广州市 公安机关 群体性事件 突发事件

分 类 号: [D631.43]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 项赠
作者 魏琪
作者 杨俊峰
作者 徐发翔
作者 尹淑玲


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东警官学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东警官学院治安系


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚