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Marketing Strategy Case Study of C Cosmetics Company

导  师: 黄嫚丽

学科专业: 1251

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 在改革开放的30多年中,中国经济得到了迅猛的发展,人们的生活水平和消费能力大幅提升,人们对美的追求和消费也提高一个新的高度,护肤品这个贩卖美丽的行业充分吸纳了巨大的改革红利,由小到大、由弱到强迅速地发展起来,市场规模成功跻身世界三甲。 中国的护肤品生产和销售企业90/%以上都是中小型企业,中小型企业的经营水平和营销能力对整个护肤品行业的发展起着至关重要的作用。本文以C化妆品公司为研究对象,以点带面地发现中小型护肤品企业面临的经营问题,并提出建设性改进策略,期望对中国护肤品行业的健康发展做出一定的贡献。 在案例介绍部分,本文首先对C化妆品公司的背景、发展历程、营销战略和营销策略进行介绍,然后对C化妆品公司的经营现状进行描述,最后总结出该公司面临的营销问题:1、营销战略的制定过于一厢情愿,2、产品同质化严重,3、品牌力严重不足,4、渠道系统运行效率不高,5、促销手段效果不佳。 案例分析部分,采用PEST法对C公司所处的宏观环境进行了分析,运用五力模型深入探讨了C公司所处的行业环境和竞争结构,对C公司的资源、能力和核心专长进行了总结,并应用SWOT分析了C公司所面临的机会、威胁、以及自身的优势与劣势。根据C公司面临的问题和所处的内外部环境,建议采用ST战略,以目前消费者对效果的期望未得到真正满足、护肤产品同质化严重为契机,充分发挥C公司韩方股东的产品研发实力,推出“护肤品+小型美容仪”这一新型的跨界护肤产品,走差异化的路线;同时,本文结合C公司的资源禀赋与核心专长、外部环境和新型护肤品特性,对该新型护肤品的目标市场界定提出建议,并对该新型护肤品在品牌、产品、定价、渠道和促销等方面提出策略性建议。 In the past30years, China experienced reformation and opening up in politics andeconomics. Chinese economy has developed rapidly as long as people's living standards and theability-to-pay increased dramatically. The demand and consumption of cosmetics and beauty careproducts reached to a brand new level. Chinese cosmetics industry successfully become top threeby seizing the opportunity of China rising. 95/%of enterprises, whose management level and marketing capacity play the mostimportant factors of Chinese cosmetics industry, are in small or medium size. In this paper,through research on company C, who run business in field of cosmetic industry, we seekstrategies for enhancement and optimization on management problems that worth to be extendedto further studying in a higher scope in order to making contribution to its healthy development. In case introduction section, we briefly go through company C’s background, developmentpath, marketing strategies and tactics. By studying the status of current business, marketingproblems including sales decreasing, weak recognition in brand, homogenization, low efficiencyin marketing channel, weak performance in promotion activities, are concluded. PETS and SWOT models are used to analyses both external and internal environmentalfactors of Company C for summarization of its resources and core competencies. Case analysis, PEST method using C macro environmental conditions in which companieswere analyzed using five forces model C-depth analysis of the company's industry structure andcompetitive environment for C 's resources, capabilities and core summarized and the opportunityto apply SWOT analysis pointed out the company faced threats to its own advantages anddisadvantages. Differentiation strategy is recommended for Company C to solve problems of its marketing section. Women who age above35are taken as target segment for launching a new type of skincare product, which is aggregated by derma-cosmetics and mini beauty-instrument. Theconclusion of the essay is focused on working out strategies in defining product name, productconcept, R/&D process, marketing channel management and production promotion.

关 键 词: 护肤品 营销策略 轻美容

分 类 号: [F274 F426.72]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 吴长江
作者 郭全美
作者 郭全生
作者 董雪丹
作者 张映先


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟