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A Research on the Problems and Solutions of HG University Library's Service

导  师: 彭说龙

学科专业: 1251

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 当今社会竞争的最关键要素之一是信息,图书馆作为大学最全面、最大型、最不可替代的信息服务平台,为师生提供着权威而且前沿的科技文献,保障着师生们获取科研信息的效率。大学图书馆的核心是服务,服务是否科学、合理和高效率,直接影响着图书馆能否满足学校教学与科研需要,承担起信息服务平台工作。HG大学图书馆作为珠三角地区大学图书馆的代表之一,有着丰富的馆藏资源和齐备的服务能力,但就其现状来看,还与其他世界一流大学图书馆存在相当大的差距。 本文以HG大学图书馆作为诊断研究对象,运用对比分析、服务质量问卷调查和专家访谈打分等诊断工具,尝试通过管理学的思维方式,找出HG大学图书馆目前存在的服务问题,并加以归纳分析,提出解决对策。 本文首先介绍了HG大学图书馆的历史与现状,概述了其目前的服务状况。依据它与国内外其他知名高校图书馆的对比,寻找出HG大学图书馆需要诊断研究的问题方向,从服务的内容、组织和条件三方面总结了目前所存在的不足之处,并归纳出几点需要重点关注的评价要素。由于HG大学图书馆的资源有限,因此各方面的不足需要进一步进行判断,选择对服务读者影响比较大的关键点进行改善。 随后,本文参考LibQUAL+TM调查研究和质量评价的方法,在分析获得诊断方向基础上,对图书馆进行了服务质量调研,通过专家访谈打分确定各诊断要素的重要性大小,通过对HG大学图书馆的读者满意度进行问卷调查获得读者评价,然后计算论证得到评价值。在研究分析原因中,进一步分析出未来HG大学图书馆需要重点解决的关键问题点。 最后,根据服务质量调研所诊断发现的关键问题,结合读者的调查诉求,本文提出了相应解决对策,例如:建立电子文献资源服务评价系统以此连接文献与读者需求,“MyLibrary”个人数字图书馆以适应读者习惯的改变,建设多元化的馆舍文化氛围营造舒适阅读环境等等,以解决现存的服务问题。总结了HG大学图书馆应该今后如何配置资源,促进其服务创新。 Information is one of the most vitally important factors in the competitive society today.Library has been regarded as the largest and most extensive information platform in universityand it provides faculties and students with authentic and cutting-edge scientific information,giving them assess to information on their research efficiently. The main purpose of universitylibrary is to serve its readers. If it serves in the right way and functions properly, it can meetthe teaching and researching demand of the university. HG University, which is one of thetypical libraries at the Pearl River Delta area, has abundant collection of books and papers tomeet reader’s need. However according to its current situation, the HG University Library stillhas a long way to go in achieving the goal of becoming a world-class university library. This essay targets on HG University Library. Several methods are adopted including datacomparison//analysis, questionnaire survey and interviews on experts. We attempt to found outthe problems that HG University Library has by dialectical thinking therefore we can come upwith solutions. The first part gives a brief introduction of the history and current situation of HGUniversity Library. By comparing with other famous university library, we find out in whatpoints the HG University Library need to be improved. The research points are summarized inthree aspects---service philosophy, service organizations and service patten. Third part of this essay utilizes the LibQUAL+TM research method as a reference andthe research target is examined based on the result of analysis. With the different weights fromexpert’s interview and questionnaire survey on reader’s satisfaction, the overall data is finallyrequired through mathematical calculation. On the basis of extensive analysis, we can pointout what are the main barriers of the HG University Library. Therefore we know what to do toinnovate, to satisfy readers and to maximize its function to serve. Finally, a key issue for the University Library Chapter HG diagnostic survey found that,combined with the demands of the reader, the current countermeasures proposed serviceissues, such as: Electronic Document Resource Service Evaluation System,'MyLibrary'personal digital libraries, online information literacy education platform, create an atmosphereof cultural diversity and other premises several ways to solve the existing service issues. HGsummarizes how the university library should be in the future allocation of resources topromote their service innovation.

关 键 词: 图书馆 服务诊断 对策

分 类 号: [G258.6 G252]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 胡小平
作者 陈彦廷
作者 张琦
作者 温红梅
作者 谭寅汉


机构 中山大学图书馆
机构 中山大学资讯管理学院
机构 深圳大学图书馆
机构 中山大学资讯管理学院资讯管理系
机构 电子科技大学中山学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟