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Competitiveness Evaluation of Cooperation Agencies for GD Re-guarantee Company

导  师: 徐维军

学科专业: 1251

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 在我国,中小企业对经济的发展起着举足轻重的作用,但由于信息不透明、规模小、信用度低、抵押品不足等各种原因,中小企业普遍存在融资难的问题,严重地制约着它们的发展。中小企业信用担保机构能够在一定程度上解决中小企业的融资难题,但在我国目前信用基础薄弱的社会环境下,以及受中科智、华鼎创富等曾经风光无限的商业担保机构倒下造成的负面影响,信用担保机构由于自身的缺陷也面临着银行授信额度低、担保业务高风险低收益、保证金比例高、无代偿宽限期等问题。信用再担保机构的出现较好地解决了担保机构存在的这些问题,它能够为信用担保机构起到增信、增值的作用,提高其与银行的谈判能力,激发担保机构的活力,使社会信用担保体系更加健全,为中小企业营造更好的融资环境。GD再担保公司是广东省内最早成立的再担保公司,由国有资本出资成立,肩负着扶持省内中小企业发展,以及规范广东省担保行业、支持担保机构发展、完善我省信用担保体系的使命。本文对国内外有关信用担保机构竞争力、再担保模式的文献进行综述,并简要的分析了所用到的相关理论,基于GD再担保公司的角度,以合作担保机构为对象进行实证研究。 首先,本文分析了国内以及广东省信用担保行业的现状,对GD再担保公司的概况和业务状况进行了介绍,并提出了本次研究的目的。GD再担保公司主要从事再担保业务,业务范围遍及全省,分布在省内各地市的担保机构是GD再担保公司的合作对象,也是开展业务不可或缺的帮手。广东省内担保机构数量众多,实力和素质参差不齐,如何将合作机构进行分类,然后根据不同的类型进行不同模式的合作成为一个重要问题。目前,GD再担保公司对合作担保机构的筛选和评价过程中存在一些不合理的情况,如依赖第三方进行评级而且标准不统一,没有建立完善的担保机构竞争力评价指标体系,也没有对担保机构的数据进行横向对比,确定与单个担保机构合作方式时受人为因素的影响较大等。 其次,分析影响担保机构竞争力的各种因素,依据信用担保机构竞争力相关理论和文献的回顾总结,根据建立评价指标体系的有关原则,结合GD再担保公司专家访谈,总结出“概况与股东情况、资本实力、业务能力、风险控制能力、代偿能力和盈利能力”这6类共20个影响担保机构竞争力的关键指标,建立GD再担保公司合作担保机构竞争力评价指标体系。并选取28家已经与GD再担保公司开展业务合作的信用担保机构作为研究对象,采集这些信用担保机构的数据,作为接下来进行实证研究的对象。 最后,运用聚类分析法和主成分分析法,对这28家信用担保机构的数据进行分析和分类,得出这些机构竞争力比较和评价的结果。在此基础上,结合GD再担保公司的实际情况,对这28家机构进行分类,提出GD再担保公司与各类信用担保机构的合作模式和扶持策略,以实现对合作机构进行科学的分类合作,降低合作风险,提高合作效率和收益的目的,并最终实现扶持担保机构健康发展,改善广东省内中小企业融资环境的使命。 In China, the SMEs play an important role in economic development. But because ofinformation opacity, small-scale, low credit, lack of collateral and other reasons, theprevalence of SME financing problem, severely restricting their development. SME creditguarantee institutions to a certain extent, solve the financing problems of SMEs. But in ourcurrent weak foundation of social credit environment, as well as the negatively affected bysome major guarantee agencies’ fall, the credit guarantee institutions also facing someproblems due to their own shortcomings, such as low bank credit line, guarantee businesshigh-risk and low return, high-margin ratio, no compensatory grace period and other issues.Credit re-guarantee institutions appeared to solve the problems of the guarantee mechanism. Itis able to added value for the commercial guarantee institutions, improve their ability tonegotiate with the bank to stimulate the vitality of the guarantee institutions, and make thesocial credit guarantee system more perfect, and finally create a better financing environmentfor SME. GD Re-Guarantee Corporation /(GDRGC/) founded by the state-owned capital, inorder to support the development of the SME of Guangdong Province, regulate thedevelopment of guarantee industry, support the development of guarantee institutions,perfecting the social credit guarantee system. This paper based on the perspective of GDRGC,and do the empirical research of the cooperation agencies for GDRGC. Firstly, this paper analyses the current situation of the domestic credit guarantee industry,and introduce the general sutiation and business conditions of the GDFGC, and then putforward the aim of the present study. GDFGC mainly engaged in re-guarantee business, scopeof business throughout the Guangdong Province. Guarantee companies which distributedthroughout Guandong is the cooperation angencies of GDFGC. There are a large number ofguarantee institutions in Guangdong Province, they have uneven strength and quality. How toclassify these partner companies, and then different modes of cooperation according todifferent types of the companies has become an important problem. Currently, there are someunreasonable situation in the process of screening and evaluating the guarantee companies,such as mostly rely on the rating agencies, the rating standard is not unified, neitherestablished the evaluation index system of guarantee institution competitiveness, nor comparethe difference of data of the guarantee companies, and determination of the cooperation modewith single guarantee agency affected greatly by human factors etc.. Secondly, analysis the factors which affecting the competitiveness of guaranteeinstitutions, and then establish the competitiveness evaluation index system of cooperating guarantee agencies for GDFGC, which base on the credit guarantee institutionscompetitiveness theory and literature review, according to the principle of establishingevaluation index system, combined with the GDFGC expert interviews. And then selects28cooperating guarantee agencies of GDFGC as the research object, collect the data of theagency as the preparation of the empirical research. Finally, the use of cluster analysis and principal component analysis method, analysis thedata of28credit guarantee agencies, obtain the result of competitiveness comparison andevaluation. On this basis, combined with the actual situation of GDFGC, classify the28companies, proposed mode of cooperation and support strategies of each kind of guaranteeagencies, to achieve the purpose of classify the companies, reduce risk, improve efficiencyand profitability of cooperation. And finally achieve the goal of support the development ofguarantee agencies, improve the financing environment for SMEs in Guangdong Province.

关 键 词: 信用担保机构 再担保 竞争力评价 主成分分析 聚类分析

分 类 号: [F271 F832.39]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 刘广韬
作者 鲁祖艳
作者 曾学文
作者 郑京华
作者 刘清力


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东工业大学管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟