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Study on the Chinese Legal Problems of Judicial Recognition of Well-known Mark

导  师: 关永红

学科专业: 030105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 我国于1985年正式成为《巴黎公约》成员国,《巴黎公约》要求成员国对驰名商标进行法律保护,而我国直到2001年修改新《商标法》后才确立了驰名商标司法认定制度。驰名商标司法认定是指在商标民事、行政案件审理过程中,当事人在其商标权受到侵害,请求驰名商标保护时,法院根据审理案件的需要,对商标驰名情况作出的认定。驰名商标司法认定的主体是有认定管辖权的法院,客体是商标是否驰名的事实,认定的对象是当事人请求驰名商标保护的商标。我国驰名商标实行行政认定和司法认定“双轨制”,在近十五年司法实践中,驰名商标司法认定泛滥,虚假诉讼屡禁不止,使驰名商标司法认定严重偏离立法本意——给驰名商标予以特殊保护,使驰名商标司法认定工作受到负面影响,司法权威受到挑战。虽然2013年《商标法》相关规定的修改对驰名商标司法认定的异化起到一定的遏制作用,但仍然无法解决驰名商标司法认定在制度层面和运行机制中存在的问题。在制度层面,新《商标法》的规定难以根除司法认定的异化问题;由于新《商标法》认定标准和考虑因素的规定较模糊导致驰名商标司法认定和行政认定的法律关系未厘清;驰名商标司法认定的异议制度不完善。在运行机制层面,驰名商标司法认定与行政认定在实践中存在冲突;人民法院之间的认定也存在冲突。本文认为,要解决驰名商标司法认定的制度和运行机制中存在的问题,一是要修改新《商标法》的相关规定,细化驰名商标认定的核心标准;二是要制定统一的驰名商标认定司法解释,细化驰名商标司法认定的考虑因素,建立驰名商标利害关系人异议制度;三是法院和工商行政管理部门要建立沟通协调机制;四是要完善驰名商标司法认定的实务审判机制。 China officially became one of the Members of 'Paris Convention' in1985,'ParisConvention' requires Members to protect the well-known mark, and China didn’t establish thesystem of judicial reorganization of well-known mark until2001. Judicial determination ofWell-known Mark is the determination which is in the mark civil, administrative caseproceedings, when the parties’ mark is infringed by others and requires the protection of theirwell-known mark, the judiciary needs to determine the mark is well-known or not if necessary.The subject of the well-known mark judicial recognition is the judicial organs, the object ofthe well-known mark is the fact that the mark is well-known or not, the target of it is therequest of the parties to the protection of well-known mark. But in the past fifteen years in thejudicial practice, the judicial recognition of well-known mark was abused and false actionwas made. The judicial recognition of the well-known mark has been far from the originalintention of legislation seriously–especially legal protection of the well-known mark, and thejudicial authority has been challenged. Although the relevant provisions of the new 'Trademark Law ' in2013have the effects to curb the alienation of judicial determination ofwell-known mark, but it can not solve the existing problems in the aspects of system andoperation mechanism of judicial determination of the well-known mark. At the system level,The provisions of the new ' Trademark Law ' is difficult to eradicate alienation of judicialconfirmation; The new ' Trademark Law' standards and considerations of a fuzzy rules makejudicial determination of well-known mark and administrative legal relationship unclearly;Judicial recognition of the well-known mark objection system is not perfect. In the aspect ofoperating mechanism, determination of the well-known mark has the conflict in practice andadministrative judicial determination; there is also having the conflicts among the people'scourt in the determination of well-known mark. Through analysis, I think, to solve theproblems of the system and operation mechanism of the judicial recognition, firstly, it is tomodify the relevant provisions of the new ' Trademark Law ', refine the core standards of thewell-known mark recognition, and improve relevant provisions about prohibiting advertising;secondly, it is to formulate a unified identification of the well-known mark recognition, refine the well-known mark judicial recognition factors, and establish a well-known mark interestedpersons objection system; thirdly, it is to establish a coordinating mechanism among thecourts,and the industrial and commercial administrative departments; fourthly, it is to improvethe well-known mark judicial recognition practice trial mechanism.

关 键 词: 驰名商标 司法认定 认定标准

分 类 号: [D923.43]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 郑丹虹
作者 蔡锻炼
作者 梁菡
作者 邹隽
作者 郑旭


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚