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The Pursuit of Freedom in Sutong's Novels

导  师: 徐肖楠

学科专业: 010106

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 在苏童三十多年的创作中,对自由的追求一直是他小说中一条重要的精神脉络。本文以苏童小说中追求的自由为主题,采用文本批评的方法,旨在阐释以下四个问题:在什么样的背景下产生这种追求,如何产生?苏童小说中的“自由”具体表现为什么?这种追求的动力是什么?追求的途径有哪些? 苏童对自由的追求是在压抑的生存环境中诞生的。正是因为环境阻碍了人的多样性发展,束缚了人的思想自由,这种追求才会如此强烈。苏童小说中的人物与环境有着复杂的关系,这些淌着枫杨树乡村或香椿树街血液的南方人,在气质和精神面貌上与小说中的环境是相融合、相依存的,但主观意识里又时常要破坏、逃离自己的生养之地。 苏童小说中所追求的自由是精神的产物,它永远与人身上的惰性、盲目、贪欲作斗争。在小说中则具体表现为:能进行独立思考、自主选择,不沉溺于各种贪欲,不被妒火蒙蔽心智,永远为美和爱留下空间。同时这种自由又具有强烈的个人主义色彩。如何使个人自由和面向他人统一,使自由与正义并存,是苏童小说悬而未决的问题。本文认为可以从徐肖楠教授提出的“诗性正义”这一理念中找到解答。 苏童小说的自由以激情为动力,呈现出和其他小说家所追求的自由的不同。它在情感上更炙热,但也欠缺了理性。这种激情首先源自于苏童本人的创作激情,他的作品是多样化,并富有想象力的。小说中的一些人物往往满怀激情的在梦和幻想中驰骋,甚至是陷入痴狂。从苏童的创作历程中,我们还可以看到这种激情渐渐走向平息,但不是燃尽消逝,而是转化成更为内敛厚重的情感,因为小说中融入了越来越多的宽容。 苏童小说中还展现了一些追求自由的独特方式。他们通过逃离人群、寻求自我、反叛公众舆论和长辈规约等方式以期待找到自由的出口,甚至会走向堕落和毁灭。他们的行为中有冲动、过激、不正义的成份,但更多的是理性的怀疑、对生活和生命的思考、打破陈规的勇气和创造力。 The topic of my paper is the pursuit of freedom in Sutong’s novel. It’s also one of themost important values of his novels. In this paper, I solved four problems: How does thispursuit come from? What’s the content of freedom? What drivesSutong struggle for freedom?How to lead to real free? Sutong create a special but black fictional world. In his novel, the southern town andcountry is either too wet or too hot. The people are not friendly with each other. The gossip isfilled up with every corner, and there is no place for love. People’s daily life has no vitalityand passion. The worse thing is people can’t control their own lives. That why freedom is soimportant for the characters in his novels. The connotation of freedom is spiritual free. That means free love, free choice and freeexpression. He also value people’s liberty right. We can’t ignore that freedom is flawed. Itcontains strong individualism and lack of restraint and justice. So sometimes when peoplepursuit his own freedom, he may bring hurt to others. How to balance the freedom and justiceis a problem Sutong should solve in future. Passion is the motivation that keeps this kind of pursuit move on. Sutong’s novel is fullof imaginations and keeps a certain distance from reality. The ordinary citizen spirit is thestrongest enemy of passion. It stands for selfness, conservation and pragmatism. Sutong thinkif you want to live a passionate and colorful life, the first thing is getting rid of these qualities.From his recent works, the passion calms down and turns to some gentle and deepemotion,but it never fade away. His novels also show us some special ways to get freedom. The characters in his novelstry to escape the public, or against the social system to find the way out. Most of them can’tfind the paradise but hell. But they never give up, so it’s impressive that some people stillhave the courage to pursuit freedom in such depressive condition.

关 键 词: 自由 激情 诗性正义 想象力

分 类 号: [I207.42]

领  域: [文学]


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机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系


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