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Study on Motivation and Cultural Significance of Deification of Confucius

导  师: 曹智频

学科专业: 010102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 孔子于中国哲学的重要性,恰如学者所言苏格拉底于西方哲学的重要性。因此,自从儒学萌芽、发展,孔子研究就一直是中国哲学研究最重要的领域之一。从古代百家对孔子其人的分散叙述,到孔子门人及后世儒家、学者,均对孔子研究锲而不舍,现代学者在这个领域里的研究与讨论的话题涉及面也较广,但到目前为止,孔子研究中对孔子其人及其形象、地位在历史发展过程中表现出的诸多特点和变异现象,还未见有专门详细、综合的论述。其中“孔子神化”这一历史现象虽在东汉已为王充有所觉,现代哲学大家冯友兰和西方著名学者雅斯贝尔斯也都曾在各自的巨著中提出孔子神化的问题,可惜目前尚未有学者从历史和逻辑的角度对其进行深入研究。 从历史、逻辑和文化的角度而言,孔子神化问题的历史动因及文化意义有三点值得注意。第一,从历史的维度来看,孔子神化的问题本身存在着一个“神”与“人”之间的理论论争;而从春秋战国至清末的2000多年,再到中华民国至现代,这期间又存在一个孔子形象在“神”与“人”之间不断发展变化的历史过程;经过不断的学术争论和历史发展,形成了一个复杂的孔子神化形象范式,它由多重人文要素组成,但通过复合传播模式在实现受众认知与接收的同时,异化为神化的认知形象,因此孔子这一神化形象范式既具有“人”的性质,但终极指向的却是“神”的意思。第二,从逻辑的维度来看,孔子被神化的历史动因主要是三个方面的因素作用。首先是官方对孔子的“王化”和民间对孔子的“娱乐化”二者共存,它使孔子身上“神”“人”之间界限开始模糊,促使孔子的形象逐渐远离人性;其次是学术界对孔子的“圣化”和传播媒介的发展对孔子形象的“虚拟化”二者互动,弱化了孔子身上“神”与“人”之间的差异,塑造了一个逐渐靠近神性的孔子;最后,宗教对孔子的“偶像化”和古代世俗社会对孔子的“道德化”二者交融,促成了孔子“神”“人”之间本质的转化,塑造了一个走向神化的孔子。第三,再以历史和逻辑这两个维度为分析基础,进一步深入到文化的维度,可发现孔子神化对于中国文化的发展,其影响是十分广泛的,二者在历史上也始终是交互影响着的;它同时还是对现代社会的一种精神映照,是可与现代学术发展齐观的历史现象;它还在现代传播中的人物偶像化趋势、造神运动、现代学术研究的学者崇拜中继续延续着。 Philosophy of Confucius on the importance of China, just as scholars have saidSocrates on the importance of Western philosophy. Therefore, since Confucianism bud,development, research conducted on Confucius has been one of the most important areas ofphilosophy of China. From ancient times one hundred pairs of Confucius, the man'snarrative, the disciples of Confucius and Confucianism later, scholars have conductedConfucius ongoing research. Research in this field and discuss the topic of modern scholarsalso covers a wider, but so far, the study of Confucius itsself and his image, position in thehistory of the development process exhibit many characteristics and variability of thephenomenon, but also there are no specially detailed, comprehensive exposition. The'Confucius deification' is a historical phenomenon, although Wang Chong has been felt inthe Eastern Han Dynasty. Youlan Feng, the modern philosopher, and Karl Jaspers,thefamous Western scholars, have also raised in their monumental deified Confucius problem,but unfortunately not yet scholars its in-depth study of the historical and logical perspective. From a historical, logical, and cultural point of view, the problem deified Confuciushistory and cultural significance of motivation has three noteworthy. First, from a historicaldimension, there is a theoretical debate between 'God' and ' man' problem on thedeification of Confucius; and on the2,000years from the Warring States period to the QingDynasty and the Republic of China, there is a historical process of constantly evolving ofConfucius image between 'God' and 'man'; through continuous academic debate andhistorical development, a complex image of Confucius deification paradigm formed, whichis composed of multiple human element composition. However, through a complex mode oftransmission, the audience perception and reception of it and at the same time, it alienatedthe image of God. So the deific image of Confucius has the nature of the paradigm of 'man',but its ultimate point was 'God' means. Second, from the dimensions of the logical point ofview, the historical motivation of deified Confucius was mainly three factors. First one isofficial of Confucius 'King' of Confucius and civil right 'entertainment' both coexistence,which make Confucius who 'God','people' began to blur the boundaries between,moving away from the image of Confucius to promote humanity; Second one is that academic community on the development of Confucius 'sanctification' and the media'simage of Confucius 'virtualize' interact, which weaken the differences between 'God' and'man' on Confucius and shape a Confucius image which is gradually close the divine;Finally, religion of Confucius 'Idol' and ancient secular society of Confucius 'moral'blend, which contributed to the transformation between the nature of 'God' and 'man' ofConfucius and shaped a deification of Confucius. The third, on the basis of the analysis ofhistory and logic dimensions, we go further to the cultural dimension and we can find thatdeified Confucius has a wide range of influences on Chinese cultural. And they alsoinfluence both each other. it is also a kind of spiritual shine on the modern society, a kind ofhistory phenomenon which can be aligned with the modern concept of academicdevelopment. It is still a continuation on the modern trend of supreme idol worship throughmodern communication, the movement of modern Apotheosis and the worship on academicby modern scholars.

关 键 词: 孔子 神化 动因 文化意义

分 类 号: [B222.2]

领  域: [哲学宗教]


作者 邓妍
作者 王鸿雁
作者 詹成
作者 刘昭瑞
作者 黄锦


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 华南理工大学


作者 张玉普
作者 张蕾蕾
作者 张馨文
作者 徐敏
作者 施群丽