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Research on a New Profit Model Based on Social Networking Site Transactions Interaction Mechanisms

导  师: 谷斌

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 根据谷歌发布的最新全球网站排名中,包括Facebook等一些社交网站已跻身前十名。国内的腾讯、新浪微博也运营得如火如荼。很显然,社交网站成为当前网络时代下重要的信息载体和人与人之间沟通的主要工具。 社交网站以拥有大量的用户群体受到了电子商务企业的青睐。将电子商务与社交网站相结合,是目前的一种主流趋势,也是企业正在积极寻求的一种新的模式。而社会化的电子商务并不是简单地将社交网站与电子商务“相加”,在已有的社交网站中单纯地加入商品链接。这种做法已经被证明是失败的。在过去几年,主流的社交网站中开展的电子商务也没有达到预期的效果。无论是Facebook里的虚拟礼品店,还是人人网推出的电子商务导购平台“人人爱购”,最终都以经营效果不理想,或与原社交网站定位不符为由,而草草收场。基于此种情况,有人悲观地认为社交网站中开展的交易活动投入产出比不高,并没有很大的发展前景。 本文的研究目的是找出影响社交网站中消费者购买意愿的因素,以此分析在社交网站中为何原有的电子商务活动没有达到预期的效果。本文主要包括以下几个部分,首先引入技术接受模型(TAM)以及交易成本理论,结合社交网站互动性的特点,探讨相关的文献,重点的部分在于进行归纳和演绎。然后从这些角度入手提出假设,找出对于社交网站中消费者购买意愿的影响因素,构建出一个衡量影响因素的模型。文章以有在社交网站上进行交易活动的用户做为研究对象,采用问卷调查法。利用SPSS17.0进行实证分析,包括问卷的信度和效度检验,回归分析,假设检验和结构方程模型。通过分析得出哪些因素对影响社交网站中用户的购买意愿起显著作用。最后,通过以上实证得出的结论,针对现有的社交网站中交易活动进行盈利模式的创新,为企业在社交网站中开展交易活动提供参考依据。 According to the latest global websites ranking announced by Google, somecommunicative websites including Facebook rank the top10. Tecent and Sina Weiboisrunning very well in China. Obviously, communicative websites have become the importantinformation carrier and the main communication tool in the present internet age. Social network sites get the favor of electronic business because of the large number ofuser groups. Combining electronic business with social network sites is not only themainstream at present but also a new model which enterprises are seeking. But socialelectronic business doesn’t mean simply combining electronic business with communicativewebsites, or just adding product link to the social network sites. This practice has been provedto be failure. In the past few years, doing electronic business in the main social network siteshasn’t got the expected result. Both the virtual online gift shop in Facebook and Renrenaigou,the shopping platform of electronic business in Renren, wound up hastily due to theunsatisfactory operation or not agreeing with the orientation of the original websites. In thiscase, some people hold the pessimistic view that the input-output ratio of the trade in socialnetwork sites is not high and this business has no prospect. The thesis aims to find out the factors affecting consumers’ purchase intention in socialnetwork sites and analyze why the original electronic business in the communicative websiteshasn’t got the expected result. The thesis first introduces TAM and Transaction Cost Theory,combining with the interaction characteristic of social network sites, explores the relatedliterature, the important part of which is the inductive and deductive. Then it puts forwardhypothesis and tries to find out the factors affecting the trade in social network sites and sets amodel judging the affecting factors. The research object is the college students who havedone online shopping in social network sites. The paper uses questionnaire survey andempirical analysis with SPSS17.0, including the test of the reliability and validity of thequestionnaire, regression analysis, the test of hypothesis and structural equation model.Through analysis, the thesis finds out what factors greatly affect the trade in social networksites, draws a conclusion from the empirical analysis and innovates the trade profit model in the existing social network sites, so as to provide reference frame for the enterprises who dobusiness in social network sites.

关 键 词: 社交网站 互动 技术接受模型 交易成本理论 盈利模式

分 类 号: [F49]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 陈娈
作者 柳杰
作者 贺星星
作者 彭帅
作者 张潇


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟