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Government Response to Research Network of Public Events

导  师: 李良成

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 当前频发的网络公共事件对政府与民众的关系、政府公信力、政府治理等带来了强烈的冲击;本文将政府信息公开和政府舆论引导作为政府回应的两个研究对象展开讨论,尝试找出当前网络环境下政府回应最严重的缺陷,并提出相应的对策建议。 本文主要从六个方面展开研究:第一部分,绪论。主要介绍本论文的选题背景及选题意义;简要评述了国内外学者对政府回应相关问题的研究现状,并提出支撑本文写作的理论基础;在此基础上,进行本论文展开的思路、方法和研究路径;最后指出本论文的创新之处与不足。第二部分,研究内容概述。主要是基于政府回应和网络公共事件这两个概念的界定。简要介绍政府回应和网络公共事件的概念;并将政府回应方式限定在信息公开和舆论引导两个方面;最后对网络公共事件的传播过程、衍生周期、爆发因素和社会影响进行了分析。第三部分,研究现状、存在问题与研究的必要性分析。主要是针对网络公共事件视域下政府回应存在问题进行了分析,并且提出了本研究的必要性,还对信息公开和舆论引导的原则进行了阐述。第四部分,案例分析。充分验证了政府回应过程中信息公开所存在的问题,对政府解决信息公开问题有着明显的督促与借鉴作用。通过舆论引导的案例,对完善政府回应过程中的舆论引导提供了范本。第五部分,网络公共事件下政府回应机制构建。信息公开方面包括一种机制、两种原则和三种沟通;舆论引导方面则包括对公众的正确引导、对媒体的合理利用、对政府的清醒认识。第六部分,结语及未来研究展望。总结本论文所得到的结论。 The current network of frequent incidents had a strong impact on government and publicrelations, government credibility, and governance. This article will open governmentinformation and public opinion to guide the government as a government response to discusstwo subjects,Try to find out the current network environment most serious flaw in theGovernment's response, and the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. In this paper, a study from six aspects: The first part of the introduction. Introduces thebackground and significance of the topic of this paper; A brief review of the theoretical basisof scholars study the government to respond to issues related to the status quo, and proposedsupport of this writing. On this basis, this paper carried unfolding of ideas, methods andresearch paths; concluded that the lack of innovation with the thesis, methods, and theresearch path. The second part is Research overview. Mainly based on the definition of two conceptsthat the Government'sresponse and the network of public events. Government's response to abrief introduction of the concept of public events and networks; and the Government'sresponse to the way is limited to two aspects of information disclosure and opinion leaders;last public events on the network communication process, derivative cycle, the outbreak offactors and social impact analyzes. The third part of the research outlined. Mainly based on the definition oftwo concepts,whichisthe Government's response and the network of public events.Briefintroduction theconcepts of government emergency response and network. And the way of Government'sresponse to the information is limited to two aspects of disclosure and public opinionguide.Finally, analyze the network communication process emergencies, derivative cycle, theoutbreak of factors and social impact. The fourth part is case studies. Fully verify the problems of information disclosed duringthe Government's response. There is a clear reference to urge the government to solve theproblem of information disclosure. Case through the media guide,to improve the publicopinion guide provides a template in the process of government response. The fifth part is the network of public events under the Government's responsemechanism to build. Information disclosure includes a mechanism to communicate with thetwo principles and three communications; guidance of public opinion includes the correctguidance of public opinion, rational use of the media, the government's clear understanding. The sixpart, conclusion and future research prospects. Summary this paper gets theconclusion.

关 键 词: 网络公共事件 政府回应 信息公开 舆论引导

分 类 号: [D63 G206]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [文化科学]


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机构 暨南大学
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