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Research on Staff Incentive of Non-profit Organization Based on Psychological Contract

导  师: 方俊

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 改革开放以来,非营利组织作为独立于政府和企业的“第三部门”开始参与到我国的环保、教育和卫生等公益事业领域,到今天,我国的非营利组织已呈现蓬勃发展的局面,在社会公共事务中扮演着重要角色。但是,与此同时,非营利组织也面临着诸多问题,员工激励不足即是其一。尽管已经有很多学者对非营利组织的激励问题进行了探索和讨论,但相关的研究还不够深入。由于非营利组织在我国迅速发展,故对非营利组织员工激励的研究具有极大的理论意义和实践意义。 心理契约是指员工对其与组织双方各自所应履行责任、义务的一种认知,是组织与员工之间的一种非经济契约,它正好适用于非营利组织的志愿性、非营利性等特点,可以用来分析非营利组织与员工之间的关系,为研究非营利组织的员工激励提供新的视角,为非营利组织的人力资源管理研究提供依据。本论文分为四个部分。 第一章为绪论,介绍论文的选题背景、意义,对国内外关于心理契约理论和非营利组织的员工激励的研究进行了梳理,为后面的研究作铺垫,并对关键概念给出界定。 第二章为理论分析,分析非营利组织员工的特点,进而探讨非营利组织中员工的心理契约内容和维度,再结合与心理契约相关的激励理论的阐述,探究心理契约对非营利组织员工激励的作用。 第三章以广州义工联的实证研究来分析非营利组织员工心理契约视角激励机制的缺陷。通过问卷和访谈的方式调查广州义工联员工心理契约的现实情况,通过访谈调查分析广州义工联员工激励的现状和缺陷。然后分析基于心理契约的员工激励机制的必要性,为下一章作铺垫。 第四章为相应的激励路径,分别对应非营利组织员工心理契约的四个维度,首先要设计合理的薪酬结构,包括:设计合理的薪酬结构、构建科学的绩效考核体系;其次要营造良好的组织环境,包括:营造良好的工作环境、注重与员工的情感沟通;再次要引导员工的职业发展,包括:提供参与管理的机会、丰富员工的培训体系、引导员工的职业发展;最后要倡导共同的组织文化,包括:构建组织文化激励、形成柔性的人本管理、打造有效的荣誉激励。 Since China's reform and opening up,as independent of the government and theenterprise's "third sector",Non-Profit Organization began to participate in our country'senvironmental protection,education,health and other public welfare activities. To this day,NPO has showed vigorous development situation in China which plays an important role inthe social and public affairs,but at the same time,the NPO is fraught with so many problemsand underexcitation is one of them. As a core subject in human resources management,incentive is quite important in thefield of enterprise management. There is no doubt incentive has the same importance in thefield of NPO management. Although so many scholars had carried on the exploration anddiscussion with the incentive problem of NPO,but the related research is not deep enough.Due to the rapid development of non-profit organizations in our country,so the study of NPOemployee incentive is of great theoretical significance and practical significance. Psychological contract is a kind of employees’ cognition which refers to the respectiveresponsibilities and obligations of the employees and organization. It is a kind ofnon-economic contract between the organization and employees. It is just suitable forvoluntary and non-profit. Psychological contract can be used to analyze the relationshipbetween NPO and employees and it provides a new angle of view to the research of nonprofitemployee incentive. So it can provide the basis for the human resource management researchof NPO. This paper has four parts. The first chapter is the introduction,introduce the topic background and significance ofthis paper. Combing the psychological contract theory and the employee nonprofit researchAt home and abroad for the later study,define the key concepts. The second chapter is theoretical analysis,analysis the characteristics of the nonprofitorganization staff,and then probe into the employees' psychological contract content anddimension of nonprofit organization. Combined with the exposition of the psychologicalcontract incentive theory in this paper,explore the role of psychological contract for NPOemployees incentive employee. The third chapter is about the dilemma analysis of the analysis of NPO employees' incentive mechanism in the level of psychological contract by the empirical research ofGuangzhou Volunteers’ Union. Through the way of questionnaire and interview to survey thepresent situation of Guangzhou Volunteers’ Union staffs in the level of psychologicalcontract,then analyze its status quo and difficulties through interviewing. Then analysis thenecessity of the employees incentive mechanism which is based on psychological contract,make matting for the next chapter. Chapter four is the corresponding incentive paths which are respectively correspondingfour dimensions of NPO employee psychological contract. The first thing is to designreasonable pay structure,include designing reasonable salary structure and building thescientific performance appraisal system; Secondly creating a good environment,includecreating a good working environment and paying attention to the emotional communicationwith employees; Once again guiding employees' career development,include providing theopportunity to participate in the management,riching staff training system and Guiding theemployees' career development; Finally advocating common organizational culture, includeBuilding organizational culture motivation,forming a flexible humanistic management andbuilding effective incentives for honor.

关 键 词: 心理契约 非营利组织 激励机制 激励理论 广州义工联

分 类 号: [D630.3]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 张君艳
作者 蔡奕强
作者 卢洁仪
作者 许婷
作者 刘爱静


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚