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Study on the Effect of Face Consciousness on Native Consumers Conspicuous Consumption Behavior

导  师: 沙振权

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 改革开放30多年来,我国的经济实力得到迅速提高,居民消费能力也显著提升,社会生产产品种类也极大丰富,消费开始呈现多元化、开放性的特征。居民消费不再只满足于商品本身使用功能,消费者更希望从商品的购买获得象征价值来表现自身的与众不同、社会地位,获取更多的面子、提升自我的社会形象。穿名牌、开好车、住洋房,这一系列的消费行为都与消费在的面子和炫耀心理有着非常密切的关系。炫耀性消费已成为许多中国人消费行为的重要动机和表现形式之一。目前,炫耀性消费行为作为一种特殊的消费行为和消费现象已经在我国迅速扩张开来,并引起了国内企业界和理论界的注意。 本文旨在采取实证研究方法,通过访谈和调查问卷的方式获得一手数据,在此基础上研究本土文化背景影响下年轻消费者(主要指80后大众消费群体)的面子观与参照群体影响对其炫耀性消费行为的影响机制和效果,试图为理解炫耀性消费行为的形成机理提供理论和实证证据。研究结果表明,消费者面子观(想要面子和怕掉面子)对炫耀性消费行为有显著的正面影响;参照群体影响(信息性影响和价值表达性影响)对炫耀性消费行为都有显著的正面影响;面子观对参照群体功利性影响、价值表达性影响都有显著的正向影响,而对参照群体信息性影响的影响不显著;中介作用的检验结果表明,面子观对于炫耀性消费行为的作用,是通过参照群体价值表达性影响得以实现。 本研究结果具有一定的理论价值和实践意义。从理论方面来说,本文从营销学的角度,将西方的炫耀性消费理论置于面子观这一本土化构念下进行重新审视,为正确认识我国市场上的炫耀性消费行为提供一个本土化角度的理论解释。就实践意义来说,研究面子观和参照群体影响对国内消费者炫耀性消费行为的影响及作用机制,无论是对企业制定有针对性的市场战略,还是政府部门引导民众的消费风气,都具有十分重要的实践价值。 With30years of reform and opening up, China's economic s trength has beenrapidly increasing, the consumer also significantly enhance the ability of social,andproduction product range is also greatly enriched, consumers are beginning to showopenness and diversified characteristics. Consumer are no longer content with use of theproduct itself, they would prefer to buy goods from a symbolic value to the performanceof their distinctive social status, getting more face to enhance social self-image.Wearing designer, driving fancy cars, living in houses, this series of consumer behaviorshow that consumer face has a very close relationship with showing off psychology in.Conspicuous consumption has become many Chinese people 's important motivation andperformance of consumption. Currently, conspicuous consumption behavior as a specialconsumer behavior and consumer phenomenon has expanded rapidly in the open country,attracting the attention of the domestic business community and theorists. This paper aims to employ empirical research, to obtain first-hand data throughinterviews and questionnaires way to study local culture on the basis of the backgroundunder the influence of young consumers /(mainly referring to the80mass consumergroups/) to its the impact and effectiveness of the mechanism conspicuous consumptionbehavior, trying to understand the formation mechanism of conspicuous consumptionbehavior to provide theoretical and empirical evidence. The results show that consumersface view /(wants out face to face, and fear/) have a significant po sitive impact onconspicuous consumption behavior; reference group influence /(informational impactand value expressive impact/) of conspicuous consumption behavior has a significantpositive influence; utilitarian concept of reference group influence face, expressivevalue has a significant positive impact, but the effects informational reference group hadno significant impact on; intermediary role of the test results show that face concept forconspicuous consumption behavior influence is by refere nce to the value of theexpression of the affected groups can be achieved. This study has some theoretical and practical significance. From the theoretical side, from the marketing point of view, the Western theory of conspicuous consumption hasbeen placed face down view of the localization of constructs to re-examine, for thecorrect understanding of the behavior of conspicuous consumption on the marketprovides a localized theoretical point of explanation. On the practical sense, studying theconcept of research and reference group face impact on domestic consumer behavior ofconspicuous consumption and mechanism of action, both for businesses to developtargeted marketing strategies, public or government departments to guide the consumerculture, has a practical important value.

关 键 词: 面子观 参照群体影响 炫耀性消费行为 实证研究

分 类 号: [F713.55]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 丁登明
作者 赖若霞
作者 于增芬
作者 韩晶晶
作者 林敏华


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟