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Enterpreneurship and Its Influence of Strategic Choice for Enterprises

导  师: 蓝海林

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 伴随着经济发展与技术进步,企业赖以生存的内外部环境发生了巨大的变化,突出表现在产品生命周期缩短、产业结构转型以及市场需求多元化等方面。企业所处的环境更加复杂和动态,企业的经营决策风险加大,企业家在企业经营中发挥着重要的作用,企业家精神也逐渐被重视。企业家精神不仅能够提高企业竞争力和获利能力,同时也成为提高生产效率和促进经济增长的重要因素,也被认为是一个国家和地区经济发展的强劲驱动力。 中国作为一个正处于转型经济时期的发展中国家,一方面市场体系尚未成熟,企业的经营活动面临较大的风险;另一方面正式制度的不健全,导致非正式制度填补正式制度的真空。同时,知识经济对于企业的创新提出了更高的要求,创新、执着和敢担当等特质为代表的企业家精神发挥着越来越重要的作用。 本文针对中国情境下企业家精神及其对企业战略选择的影响展开讨论。首先,通过对国外的文献梳理分析企业家和企业家精神的含义,并分析了企业战略选择的类型以及企业家、企业家精神与企业战略选择的相关研究。然后,讨论了企业家精神的三个层面,和企业家精神的创新性、前摄性、风险承担性和寻租性四个纬度。最后,从企业家精神的纬度出发重点分析了企业家精神对企业战略选择的具体影响,并进一步对企业家精神的培育和扩散进行了分析。本文既是对企业家精神及其对企业战略选择的影响的进行初步讨论,也希望能帮助企业在现实情况下识别和发挥企业家精神的作用,特别是发挥企业战略选择上的作用提供有益的参考。 With the economic development and technological improvement, the externaland internal environments of an enterprise have been greatly changed in the recentyears, especially in terms of reduction of product lifetime, transformation of industrialstructure, and diversity of market demand, etc. An entrepreneur plays a significantrole in the process of a business, to deal with the complicated and dynamic situationsand the increasing risks in strategic decision. As a result, the concept ofentrepreneurship has received increasing concerns in literature. Entrepreneurship canhelp establish enterpreneurial competition advantages and gain the ability to makeprofit, and is considered as an important factor to enhance the production efficiency,promote economic growth, and can even powerfully drive the national and//or regionaleconomic development. As recognized as a fast growing nation, China has been going through atransformation period. Mature market-based economic system has not been fullyestablished and therefore entrepreneurial activities might encounter considerable risks.On the other hand, constitutional immaturity results in the replacement of formaleconomic system by informal ones. Meanwhile, the emerging knowledge economydemand for higher level of entrepreneurial innovation. Innovation, determination andresponsibility in the form of entrepreneurship are of great significance inentrepreneurial activities. The thesis has investigated the Chinese-style entrepreneurship and its influenceon strategic decision. First, the concepts of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship havebeen presented and described. The categories of strategic decision have been analyzedand the state-of-art literature on entrepreneur, entrepreneurship and strategic decisionhave been reviewed. Second, the three aspects of entrepreneurship have beendiscussed. The dimensions of innovation, perspective, risk allocation and rent seekingwithin entrepreneurship have been investigated, respectively. Finally, the influencesof entrepreneurship on strategic decision have been studied in detail. In addition, the process of development and extension of entrepreneurship is discussed. Overall, thethesis presents a preliminary analysis and discussion on the entrepreneurship and itsinfluence on entrepreneurial strategic decision. More importantly, it presentsbeneficial reference on recognition and promotion of the effect of entrepreneurship inrealistic situation, especially on the strategic decisions.

关 键 词: 企业家精神 战略选择 扩善 培育

分 类 号: [F272 F272.92]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 常诚
作者 吴溪河
作者 温宝
作者 唐志阳
作者 魏国平


机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟