导 师: 晁罡
学科专业: 120202
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 政企关系是企业必须良好协调的重要关系资源之一,这一关系的具体表现形式为政治关联。政治关联能够为企业带来经营发展过程中所需要的政治资源以及政策性发展机会,借助这些有力支持,企业在与其竞争对手展开竞争的过程中将占据优势地位。现有文献在对政治关联进行研究的过程中,常讨论的是政治关联与某一变量之间的两两关系,对于更深入层面的作用机制探讨较少。因此,本文主要从厘清政治关联作用机制的角度出发,对企业政治关联与政府补助之间的详细关系进行了研究。 本研究在社会逻辑理论的整体框架上,建构了以企业政治关联为前因变量,制度环境为调节变量,企业慈善捐赠为中介变量,政府补助为结果变量的理论模型;通过问卷数据以及年报数据进行综合匹配分析,运用SPSS和回归分析等多种方法,剖析了不同企业的政治关联强度对其获得政府补助的影响路径和效应,以及制度环境的调节效应和企业慈善捐赠的中介效应,进一步厘清了政治关联、政府补助、企业慈善捐赠以及制度环境之间的作用机制和逻辑关系,特别是企业慈善捐赠在维系政治关联中的纽带作用,以及制度环境对政治关联作用发挥的情境性影响。 在实证分析的基础上,本研究发现:(1)政治关联对政府补助具有显著的正向影响作用;(2)企业慈善捐赠在政治关联对政府补助的影响关系中起到了部分中介作用;(3)制度环境在政治关联与企业慈善捐赠的关系,以及政治关联与政府补助的关系中起调节作用。 Political connection is an important relation resource to enterprise. Corporate holdingthis kind of resource will get more political resources and developing opportunities than othercorporate from government. With these strong supports, corporate will occupy the dominantposition. Existing literatures which focus on the political connection usually discuss therelationship between political connection and one another variable. There is a little researchfocused on deeply mechanism of political connection. Therefore, this article clarified thespecific relationship between political connection and subsidy. This study discusses the political connection as the antecedent variable of subsidy,different intensity of political connection will take diversity subsidies to corporate. In addition,this study introduces corporate donations and institutional environment into our model. Wetreat the corporate donation as the mediating variable and treat the institutional environmentas the moderating variable. Based on the survey data and report data, this article clarifies therelationship among political connection, corporate donation and institutional environment.This study analysis the specific functions of corporate donation and institutional environmentto the political connection. On the basis of empirical analysis, this stud y found these results./(1/) the politicalconnections have significant positive influence on government subsidies;/(2/) corporatedonation is the partially mediating variable;/(3/) the institutional environment is themoderating variable.
关 键 词: 政治关联 慈善捐赠 制度环境 政府补助 社会逻辑理论
分 类 号: [F272.9]