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A Comparative Study on Consulting Mode in Colleges and Universities between Home and Abroad

导  师: 宋广文

学科专业: 030205

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 伴随着改革开放和社会的不断进步与发展,社会竞争日渐激烈,人们的生活节奏加快,来自社会生活方方面面的矛盾、痛苦和压力给社会生活中的个体带来了沉重的心理负担和挑战。在这个竞争不断激烈的社会,高校大学生作为社会中的一个亚群体,同样面临着各种压力与挑战。尤其是随着高等教育体制的改革,高校大学生面临着激烈的学习竞争、复杂的人际关系、价值观念的多元化、外来文化的激烈冲击以及理想和现实巨大落差的冲击等问题,在众多压力的共同作用下,当代高校大学生的心理状态不容乐观,心理健康问题也日益突出。针对大学生的心理健康问题,越来越多的高校认识到心理咨询工作的重要性,我国高校心理咨询从20世纪80年代中期起步之后,获得了长足的发展。但是,目前高校的心理咨询存在资金、技术、人才等各方面的局限,面临着许多困境。 为了应对这种困境,本研究综合分析了国内外高校的心理咨询人员队伍建设、心理咨询机构建设、咨询具体方式以及咨询效果评估的现状,进行分析比较,发现目前国内高校存在的长处与不足,总结国内高校心理咨询成功的经验和做法,汲取国外的先进经验,对现有的高校心理咨询机制进行完善和补充。研究指出目前国内高校的心理咨询状况的突破,需要从心理咨询队伍建设、机构建设、具体方式的变革以及心理咨询效果的评估等方面开展,真正使高校心理咨询工作健康、顺利开展。 With the opening and reform, the advancement and development of society, people’slife rhythms accelerate social competition increasingly fierce. The contradiction and painand pressure from all aspects of social life bring to the individual in the social life of theheavy psychological burden and challenges. College students as a sub-group in society, inthe period of intense social competition continues will also face a variety of pressures andchallenges. Especially with the reform of higher education system, college students facingfierce competition learning, complex relationships, diversity and values, as well as theintense impact of foreign simmer huge gap between the ideal and reality. Under thecombined effect of many pressures, the psychological state of contemporary collegeStudents College is not optimistic, mental health problems are also increasingly prominent.For college students mental health problems, a growing number of colleges and universitiesrecognize the importance of counseling work. Thus, university counseling from the start,after the1880s, gained considerable development. However, there exist limitations collegecounseling capital, technology, personnel and other aspects, facing many difficulties. In response to this dilemma, this study analyzed the current situation of comprehensivepsychological counseling agencies at home and abroad in membership, quantity, quality,consulting and advisory concrete ways to assess the effect of a comparative study found thatthe strengths and weaknesses of existing domestic universities, summary domesticuniversity counseling successful experiences and practices, learn from the advancedexperience of foreign countries, the existing counseling improved and supplemented.Research indicates the current status of the domestic breakthrough counseling needs ofcollege counseling from team building, institution-building, as well as psychologicalcounseling to assess the effect of changes in terms of specific ways, the real work to makecollege health counseling, smoothly.

关 键 词: 心理咨询 高校心理咨询 比较研究

分 类 号: [G448]

领  域: [哲学宗教] [哲学宗教] [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 朱颖婷
作者 赖小林
作者 杨艳波
作者 林瑾
作者 邓培森


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学公共管理学院
机构 广东财经大学


作者 张婉春
作者 张媚
作者 张碧月
作者 张良有
作者 徐敏