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A Research on Factors Affecting Behavior Intention of Internet Cash Management Financial Products

导  师: 刘志超

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 国内互联网现金管理类理财产品市场目前正处于加速前进的动车上,各大互联网大佬、银行、基金公司等纷纷购票进站,各类产品井喷发展,竞争非常激烈。运营商急需营销方面的指引,然而,学术界专门针对该类产品的研究却寥寥无几。因此,本研究以互联网现金管理类理财产品的用户为研究对象,从顾客感知价值的视角出发,探索影响该类产品用户使用意义的因素,并结合该类产品的特征,引入风险态度这一调节变量,探究用户的风险态度是否在用户的感知价值对其使用意愿的作用关系上起到调节的作用以及其中具体的调节效应,试图为业界提供具有操作性指导意义的营销建议。 本研究在对互联网现金管理类理财产品、顾客感知价值、使用意愿和风险态度相关理论研究的基础上,提出适用于本研究的理论模型与研究假设,并通过深度访谈和问卷调查的方式随机收集了248个样本的数据,再在数据具有一定可信度与有效性的基础上,对数据进行了相关分析和回归分析,验证研究假设,从而得出本研究的结论:(1)互联网现金管理类理财产品的用户感知价值具有5个纬度,包括功能价值、情感价值、社会价值、感知成本和感知风险,前三个纬度同属于感知利得的层面,而后两个纬度则属于感知利失的层面;(2)互联网现金管理类理财产品的用户感知价值显著影响其使用该类产品的意愿,并且主要是功能价值和情感价值这两个纬度起作用;(3)个人的风险态度显著影响互联网现金管理类理财产品的用户感知价值对使用意愿的作用关系,主要是通过分别调节功能价值、情感价值这两个纬度对使用意愿的影响关系而起作用。基于以上结论,本研究结合互联网现金管理类理财产品的特征,并考虑到该类产品用户的媒介接触习惯,在产品设计和营销策略这两个层面上提出建议,供互联网现金管理类理财产品的运营商参考。 In China, Internet cash management financial product market is currently blooming, likea rushing train in its full speed. Major Internet Giants, big banks, fund companies and otherfinancial institutes are trying to get the tickets into the train. More and more diversifiedproducts are released one after another, flooding the market. How to survive and have a placein such fierce competitions become the first thing companies will think of when they wake upand the last thing they will think about before sleep. Operators of this kind of financialproducts urgently need the most effective marketing guidelines, but there are few specializedacademic researches focusing on these products. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is toinvestigate the most important factors that are affecting the behavior intention of users ofInternet Cash Management Financial Products, from the customer perceived value perspective.Also, taking the characteristics of such financial products into consideration, this studyintroduced a moderator Risk Attitude, to explore whether users’ risk attitudes play a role onmoderating the relationship between users’ perceived value and their behavior intention andhow. A multi-dimensional measure of customer perceived value was used to determine whichaspects of the Internet cash management financial products experience were valued by usersand how value dimensions impact on subsequent behavior intention.Data collected from248users of Internet cash management financial products in China by survey and in-depthinterviews were used to empirically test a model of customer perceived value on behaviorintentions with risk attitude posited as a moderating variable. Multiple regression wasemployed for hypothesis testing. The empirical results reveal that /(1/) customer perceived value of Internet cashmanagement financial products has five dimensions, including functional value, emotionalvalue, social value, perceived cost and perceived risk;/(2/)two out of the five dimensions ofcustomer perceived value /(functional value and emotional value/) have a significant positiveimpact on the behaviorintentions of Internet cash management financial products’users withrisk attitude moderating the relationship. Based on the above conclusions and taking users’media habits into account, this paper providesInternet cash management financial products’operators with valuable information onhow users’ experiences can be improved by twodifferent value dimensions and practical advices on product design and marketing strategies.

关 键 词: 互联网现金管理类理财产品 感知价值 风险态度 使用意愿

分 类 号: [F832.2]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 关佩仪
作者 梁淑娟
作者 吕乔
作者 陈玉钗
作者 华婷


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 广东财经大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟