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Research on the Connections between the Use of Social Media and Subjective Well-being of University Students: a Comparison of Qzone and Sina Weibo

导  师: 吴柏林

学科专业: 0303

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

摘  要: 社交媒体(Social Media),主要指那些为人们提供分享关于生活的意见、想法、经验、观点等平台的网络工具。社交媒体彻底地改变了人们的生活和交往方式:一方面,互联网和社交媒体逐渐突破了社会交往的时空界限,更便捷、更开放、更个性化的交流方式使得人们的社会交往更加丰富多彩,人与人之间的联系也更为自由,即使身处异地,也能与亲人、朋友通过社交媒体随时随地地进行交流,大大降低了人的孤独感和疏离感;另一方面,随着移动互联网技术的进步,以及各种智能化手机的出现和更新,人们越来越习惯并依赖通过社交媒体进行的人际交往,“人-机”的对话逐渐影响着“人-人”对话的进行,有部分社交媒体的用户更是倾向于在线上而非线下进行社会交往。此外,社交媒体是否会对人的心理健康水平造成消极影响也开始成为一种普遍的社会焦虑。 大学生是国内社交媒体的重要组成用户。青年大学生是当前中国网民组成的重要一部分,大学生群体对互联网的使用程度逐渐深入,互联网也成为大学生日常学习、工作、生活不可获取的一个工具和部分。此外,社交媒体不仅是当前互联网发展的一个重点和应用趋势,也是大学生群体中非常流行的网络应用工具,对社交媒体的使用无可置疑地会对大学生的生活产生一定的影响。 幸福感是近年国内社会科学领域探讨得比较多的一个话题,随着人们生活水平的日益提高以及对物质生活的关注,社会关于精神生活的讨论也越来越多。近年来,国内很多高校里发生了一些由于心理和情感问题导致的大学生不幸事件,使得对大学生的心理健康和幸福感的关注再次成为社会上讨论的热点话题。 本文通过对比国内两个典型的社交媒体QQ空间和新浪微博,对社交媒体使用与大学生用户的主观幸福感感知之间的关系进行探讨,通过统计学的方法,本文有如下几个主要的发现:/(1/)大学生用户对不同的社交媒体,呈现出不同的使用强度、使用效果、社交圈子变化以及真实信息的展示情况;/(2/)整体来看,大学生对生活的满意度为“比较满意”,情绪比较积极,整体幸福感较高;/(3/)整体而言,社交媒体使用强度与大学生幸福感存在负相关关系,而社交媒体使用效果对幸福感具有正向影响作用;/(4/)QQ空间和新浪微博的使用效果都与用户主观幸福感正相关,但两个社交媒体的使用与用户的生活满意度、积极情绪、消极情绪方面具有不同的影响关系。 Social media refers to those Internet tools which provide platforms for people to share theirviews, thoughts, experience and ideas about lives. What is more, through social media, people areable to form certain groups not only online but also off-line. With the development and innovationof communication technology as well as the continuously change of requirements in newcommunication tools, social media has caught wide attention and brought great impacts in bothforeign and domestic society. To name a few, FACEBOOK, Twitter, Google+and Wikipedia aretypical representatives of social media in western countries while in China, Qzone, RenRen.com,Baidu PostBar and Sina Weibo are some of the famous and influential social media. The appearance of social media has changed people’s life and interaction modelfundamentally: for one thing, the development of Internet and social media has broken down theboundaries in both time and space in social interaction among people. With social media, peoplehave more convenient, opener and more personalized ways of communication which providespeople with more freedom in social contacts. Even in different places, people could communicatewith their friends and families easily thanks to social media and this would greatly reduce people’sfeeling about loneliness and alienation. For another thing, along with the progress in mobileinternet and the reforms in various smart phones, people are becoming increasingly used to onlinesocial interaction with social media. That is to say, we could not ignore the fact thatcommunication “between people-and-computer//mobile phones” is gradually impacting thecommunication “between people-and-people”. In addition, some internet users are more inclinedto online communication rather than real-life interaction and some experts worry that this wouldbring about negative effects on people in long term regards of their real social skills. Whethersocial media would impact people’s mental health also becomes a common social anxiety ingradual. According to some related researches, it is considered that college student is a significantcomponent of social media users in China. To begin with, college student makes up a considerablepart of Chinese netizens and Internet is increasingly becoming college student’s crucial tool andpart in their daily study, work and life activities. Moreover, social media is not only a significantpart and trend in current and future development of Internet, it is also a popular and eveninevitable part of Internet tools among college students. It goes without saying that the use of social media would bring certain impacts on college students’ real lives. Furthermore, subjectivewell-being has been a heated topic in social science in the past few years. With the improvementof people’s living standards, people not only concerns about the material lives, they also pay moreattention to life of mind. Beyond that, in recent years there have been some tragedies which aremainly caused by mental and psychological problems among college students in Chineseuniversities and this again draws people’s attention to college students’ mental health andwell-being. Based on the contexts mentioned above, in this essay, I am going to explore the connectionbetween use of social media /(take Qzone and Sina Weibo as examples/) and college-student users’subjective well-being with two main research methods: questionnaire and interviews. There aresome main research findings in this essay:/(1/) When using different social media, college students’intensity and effects of utilization, social circle and the level of presented real personalinformation are diverse;/(2/) In general, college students have a relatively high level of lifesatisfaction and their emotion is relatively positive;/(3/) College student’s subjective well-beingis negatively related with the intensity of utilization of social media while it is positively relatedwith the effects of utilization./(4/) Both the utilization effects of Qzone and Sina Weibo are inpositive relationship with college student’s subjective well-being but the relationship with lifesatisfaction, positive emotion and negative emotion is diverse.

关 键 词: 社交媒体 社会交往 大学生 幸福感

分 类 号: [C912.6 G206]

领  域: [经济管理] [社会学] [文化科学]


作者 宋立民
作者 胡志华
作者 张蔚虹
作者 郑雯雯
作者 姜天伟


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 中山大学传播与设计学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 施瑞瑜
作者 柯婷
作者 王润萍
作者 詹佳佳
作者 刘燕萍