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Problems Research on Development of County Bank in Our Country

导  师: 孟令国;王远昕

学科专业: 0251

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

摘  要: 随着国家对农村金融改革的深入,村镇银行作为农村新型金融机构的一部分,在解决“三农”问题和激活农村经济的发展方面,贡献了不竭的动力。但是,在村镇银行实际运营中却遇到一些问题,使其“政策性”和“商业性”难以兼顾,从而影响了它们为完善农村金融供给和改善农村地区的金融服务提供持久动力。因而,深入、系统、全面的研究其发展问题,提出相应的解决策略,实现村镇银行可持续发展具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 本文先采用文献综述法,集合五大理论作为支持,将村镇银行发展的界定为可持续发展。运用科学的分析方法,结合国际经验对村镇银行目前面临的问题进行阐述分析。然后就中山小榄村镇银行个案,用数据分析法对我国村镇银行发展问题的进行了研究。最后得出村镇银行要实现持续发展的策略:调整经营战略、改善金融生态环境、健全金融基础设施以及完善金融监管。 本文的创新主要在于对中山小榄村镇银行可持续发展问题如资金困境、风险防范不到位、人力资源缺乏等进行深入剖析,从商业可发展和外部生态建设角度提出问题的解决方案,并作了可行性分析。另一方面,格莱珉模式的国际经验揭示出我国村镇银行发展的瓶颈因素,通过小榄村行问题的解决探索我国村镇银行发展问题的措施。 With the deepening of rural financial reform in our country, rural banks as part of the newrural financial institutions, has contributed a great power in dealing the problem of“agriculture, rural areas and farmers” and accelerating the rural economics. However, thereare some bottleneck problems in the actual operating of rural banks. Since it is so difficult tobalance its “policy” and “commercial”, that has a serious impact on rural banks’ providinglasting power to complete the financial supply and services in rural areas. Therefore, throughthoroughly, systematic, comprehensive research on rural banks’ development problems, putforward the corresponding solution strategy, and realize the sustainable development ofrural banks will do have theoretical and practical significance. My paper firstly sets five theory as support, and then uses summarizing documents methodto give a definition of development of rural banks, to list the problems the county banks arefacing with by compared with an international case. Secondly, use data analysis method, toanalysis the bottleneck ahead the path of development of ZhongShanXiaoLan County Bank.Finally, the way to realize the strategy of sustainable development can be concluded: tostrengthen rural banks’ management level, to improve financial ecological environment andinfrastructure, to enhance the supervision. The innovation of this article: through deep researches on problems of sustainabledevelopment about ZhongShanXiaoLan County Bank, I put forward solutions on businessand external ecologically sustainable development of that bank; then uses the grameen modelto point out the bottleneck for sustainable development of rural banks in our country, andtake adventage of zhongshanxiaolan bank’s experience to stretch out the measures ofresolving the sustainable development problems.

关 键 词: 村镇银行 资金困境 风险防范 金融生态环境

分 类 号: [F832.35]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 董碧辉
作者 万华玲
作者 詹士华
作者 万良勇
作者 匡飞华


机构 广东金融学院金融系
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


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作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟