导 师: 王学武;李宜心
学科专业: 0251
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东财经大学
摘 要: P2P网络借贷/(online peer-to-peer lending/)是指不以银行等金融机构为中介、借贷双方直接通过互联网完成交易的借贷,P2P借贷公司为投资者和借款者牵线搭桥平台。这种新型的融资模式起源于英国,自2005年世界第一家P2P贷款公司Zopa在伦敦成立以来,这个行业就得到了高速发展,并且展示出了广阔的应用前景。在我国,随着第一家P2P网络借贷公司拍拍贷成立以来,至今国内已有200余家P2P网络借贷公司注册运营。 本文在阅读文献和整理资料的基础上,运用经济学和金融学相关原理分析P2P网络借贷兴起的原因,介绍其发展现状,通过分析比较国内三家具有代表性的P2P网络借贷拍拍贷、人人贷和平安陆金平台各自的操作流程及产品、风险控制和收费标准,揭示我国现有P2P网络借贷模式存在的问题与不足,试图在现有P2P网络借贷模式的基础上构建一个由贷款者、借款者、P2P网络借贷平台、第三方支付和资金监管方及担保公司多方参与的、改良的P2P网络借贷模式,并提出相应的对策建议。为我国P2P网络借贷行业的健康有序发展提供可资借鉴的模式,希望为推动民间金融健康可持续发展尽绵薄之力。 Online peer-to-peer lending is relying on internet technology, which is the newfinancial service model, specifically, this new model has no relationship with traditionalbanking system,but through the network lending platform to complete lending transactions.This new financing model originated from UK, since2005the first P2P lending company---Zope UK company inception in London, the industry has been rapid development, andshow a broad application prospects. As the first P2P lending company PPDai entered ourcountry since2007, there are more than200online P2P lending companies that have beenregistered and operating in China. After theoretical investigation of the online P2P lending market,this paper will detailthe background and experience of online P2P lending market,companies,like PPDai,Renrendai,Lufax operating online P2P lending are introduced thoroughly, by comparing onoperating modes, risk control and profit model to provide a comparative analysis betweenamong companies. So that useful suggestion can be given after the analysis. this paper willtry to build online P2P lending market of multi-side participation,including lender, borrower,P2P lending company, third-party payment company, and guarantee company, whichpromote the healthy and sustainable development of this industry, and lead to importantpractical significance to promote the maximization of social benefits.
分 类 号: [F724.6 F832.4]