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China's Wage Protection System Construction and Perfection of the Legislation

导  师: 刘焱白

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

摘  要: 工资是劳动者赖以谋生的主要手段,劳动者在履行劳动给付义务后自然应有取得工资的权利。劳动法不仅应赋予劳动者有获得工资的权利,还应切实保障劳动者可以顺利取得工资并在欠薪情形下得到及时救济。在我国,虽然针对欠薪问题已有立法规制,也有政府多次严厉打击,但目前我国欠薪问题仍然十分严重。有的用人单位因经营管理不善,无力支付工人工资,而有些用人单位则违反法律规定,故意克扣、拖欠劳动者工资。而处于弱势地位的劳动者遇到欠薪时,由于劳动者并未占有用人单位的任何动产或不动产,也无法行使诸如担保权、抗辩权、要求返还交付物等权利来维护自身债权,因而劳动者完全依靠自身难以解决欠薪问题,所以,讨薪者跳楼、自焚、暴力报复等恶性事件才会屡屡发生,严重影响了社会稳定,造成了社会不良后果。如何进一步解决好欠薪问题,已成为各级政府部门和社会各界共同关注的焦点问题。究其原因,欠薪保障制度的不健全是非常关键的原因。因此,构建完善的欠薪保障制度实属必要。 本文运用规范研究与实证分析相结合的方法,对我国欠薪保障制度的现状、问题及对策建议进行阐述和分析,试图从立法的角度对现行一系列旨在解决欠薪问题的各种政策、举措加以评价,进而在法律制度方面提出一些可行的对策和建议,以期进一步完善欠薪保障制度,保障广大劳动者的合法权益。本文除引言和结语外,共分为四个部分: 第一部分,欠薪保障制度的理论概述。首先,从理论分析入手,阐述了欠薪保障的涵义,分析了构建欠薪保障制度的必要性和可行性,概括了欠薪保障制度的作用,为其后的理论分析及对策研究提供了依据。 第二部分,域外欠薪保障制度的考察启示。本章主要介绍了国外及我国港台地区欠薪保障法律制度的建立与运行的基本情况,从中获得一些值得我国借鉴与参考的经验。 第三部分,我国欠薪保障制度的立法现状及存在的问题。本章论述了我国目前的欠薪保障制度的立法现状和存在的问题,力图揭示我国欠薪保障制度存在的缺陷与不足。 第四部分,我国欠薪保障制度的立法构建与完善。在前文分析的基础上,对完善我国欠薪保障制度提供了具体的建议。包括四个部分:一是完善立法;二是建立欠薪保障基金制度;三是建立覆盖全社会的诚信体系,四是强化劳动监察部门的监督与处罚;五是完善“恶意欠薪”罪的司法适用。 Wage workers is the primary means to earn a living, workers should have the right to wagenaturally in the performance of the labor obligation. Labor law should be given not onlyhave the right to wage laborers, but also effectively protect the wages of workers can besuccessfully achieved and timely payment of wages in case of relief. In China, although theLegislation for the payment of wages has been a problem, but also the government to crackdown on many occasions, but there is still a very serious problem of payment of wages.Some employers due to poor management, inability to pay wages, and some employers arein violation of the law, deliberately withheld, paying wages to laborers. And disadvantagedworkers encountered wages due the workers did not possess any movable or immovableproperty of the employer, but also unable to exercise security rights, such as the right ofdefense, the right to request the return of deliverables, etc. to maintain their own debt, andtherefore labor who rely entirely on their own to solve the difficult problem of payment ofwages, so the pay talks were jumping, suicide, violence and other serious incidents ofretaliation will often occur, seriously affecting social stability, resulting in adverse socialconsequences. Wages how to further solve the problem, the problem has become the focusof all levels of government and the community of common concern. The reason is notperfect Wages security system is very critical reasons. Therefore, building a perfect securitysystem it is necessary Wages. In this paper, the use of standard research and empirical analysis method, the status quoWages security system, problems and suggestions elaborated and analyzed from theperspective of trying to legislate against the current series of policies aimed at solving theproblem of payment of wages, initiatives to be evaluated, then put forward some feasiblecountermeasures and suggestions on the legal system in order to further improve theprotection of wages system, protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers. Inaddition to the introduction and conclusion of this article is divided into four parts: The firstpart of the theoretical basis, Wages security system. First, from a theoretical analysis,elaborates the meaning of protection of wages, analyzes the necessity and feasibility ofconstructing Wages security system, security system outlines the role of Wages, theoreticalanalysis and countermeasures for subsequent studies provide a basis for. The second part of the study extraterritorial Wages security system. This chapter introducesthe basic situation of foreign countries and the establishment and operation of the Protectionof Wages of Hong Kong and Taiwan 's legal system and gain some interesting country to learn from the experience of reference. The third part of the legislation of the Protection of Wages on the status and problems of thesystem. This chapter discusses the current status of legislation of Wages security systemsand problems, trying to reveal the flaws and shortcomings of Wages protection systemexists. The fourth part, building and improvement of Wages Security System. Man on thebasis of the previous analysis, to improve our security system Wages provides specificrecommendations. Consists of four parts: First, improve legislation; Second, the Fundestablished system; Third, establish credit system covering the whole society, fourth is tostrengthen supervision and punishment of labor inspectorates; five is perfect " maliciouswages " of sin judicial apply.

关 键 词: 劳动者 用人单位 工资 欠薪保障制度 立法构建 完善

分 类 号: [D922.51]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 徐天琪
作者 闾定军
作者 袁明智
作者 黄渊明
作者 李晓敏


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 广东省社会科学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚