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Study on the Labor Law Protection for Vocational Student's Employment Practice

导  师: 谢根成

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

摘  要: 就业形势日趋严峻的现实致使高职院校毕业生联系工作单位的时间不断前移,多数在毕业论文答辩前就开始联系工作单位,其中,少数在办理毕业手续前就找到工作单位并签订就业意向的,就成为特殊就业者。对这种特殊就业者,用人单位仍将他们视为实习生。本文将这种“实习生”称之为就业实习生。就业实习期间存在严重同工不同酬的问题,不仅极大伤害了就业实习生权益,而且加剧了劳资双方纠纷。现行法律法规从实践层面上很难在实习权益受损的情况下给就业实习生以充分保护,究其主要因就是实习生的劳动法律地位没有确定。高职院校毕业生在就业实习期间人身伤害事故时有发生,事故发生后多数受害人得不到及时的救助和赔偿。高职院校毕业生在就业实习期间发生人身伤害事故法律性质认定,关键是就业实习生劳动者身份的认定。既然就业实习生已经与工作单位签订了就业意向,双方就形成了实质性的劳动关系,即便用人单位以就业实习生没有领取毕业证为借口不与之签订劳动合同,但这并不影响前者劳动者身份的确立。要从根本上解决就业实习生维权的问题,建议国家出台新的司法解释,修订完善《劳动法》和《工伤管理条例》,或者制定出台以就业实习生权益保护为内容的法律。构建高职院校毕业生就业实习期间权益的救济机制和严格规范实习协议的签订。 Due to the increasingly grim of the current employment situation, highervocational college graduates begin to contact employers at an earlier and earliertime. And most of them begin to hunt for jobs before their thesis oral defenses.Among them, a few have found jobs and signed employment agreement withemployers before going through graduation formalities. They become specialworkers. However, these workers are still regarded as internships by theiremployers. This paper treats these special “internships” as “employmentinternships”. During the internship period, they are treated unequally, that is,they are made to do the same work as others but are not paid as well as them.This not only violates their rights and interests but also intensifies labor dispute.From the practical level, it’s difficult for the current laws and regulations toprotect the employment internships fully whose rights and interests aredamaged. The main reason of causing this is that the legal status of labor forinternships has not been established. However, during the internship period, theinjury accidents often happened to higher vocational college graduates, and themajority of the victims cannot get timely relief and compensation. Thecognizance of legal nature on these victims is the cognizance of theiremployment internship status. Now that employment internships have signedemployment agreements with employers, the two sides formed a substantialrelation. Although employers takes the fact that employment internships havenot got the diploma as an excuse in order to avoid signing labor contract, itdoes not affect the establishment of employment internships’ identities. In orderto fundamentally solve the problem of employment internships’ right protection,the author suggests the country should enact a new judicial interpretation,revise and perfect labor law and industrial injury regulations, or work out a lawon protecting employment internships’ rights and interests. Construct remedymechanism to protect the higher vocational employment internships’ rights andinterests and strictly regulate their written internship agreement with work unit.

关 键 词: 实习 就业实习 劳动关系 高职院校

分 类 号: [D922.5]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 陆文龙
作者 段克文
作者 王尔新
作者 王福山
作者 王宜奋


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚