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On the Legislators of Bentham's Theory of Social Reformation

导  师: 贾焕银

学科专业: 0301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 重庆大学

摘  要: “人”的发现导致了“上帝之死”。人类必需在人的基础之上的建造以人为中心的新秩序,故此“人”就成了法律的起点和目的。这就是社会契约论开创的道路,然而她没有找到现实此岸通往理想彼岸的桥梁,边沁必须在霍布斯开创的起点上重新寻找通往理想的道路。故此,边沁的功利原理不仅是对社会契约论的否定,更是对主权原则的扬弃。边沁要以功利原则为工具构建新的法律体系。 边沁要建立的国家是以法律为基础的政治共同体,因而它的最高权力的行使者就是立法者。后来边沁又把国家权力分为建构权和实施权,于是国家的权能又一次被重构,社会成为终极的立法者,变成了共同体的构建性权威。原先行使全部国家权力的政府仅仅拥有实施权,实施权又被分为最高立法权和最高执行权。最高立法权在国家政治领域居于最高地位,执行权从属于立法权。社会成为了权力运行的一个重要组成部分,掌握着国家的最高权力。 这样,法律被最终划分为两个不同的领域,即针对民众的普通法律和针对统治者的特别法律(宪法)。这两个体系分别有自己的立法者,普通法律的立法者是终极立法者的进行政治统治的工具,前者须经后者的授权,接受后者的监督和控制,要遵循后者设定的原则,符合后者的利益。为此,边沁设置了宪法、政治、社会等多种手段,确保立法者不背离其设立的目的。边沁理论中社会是一个复杂的有机体,既包括政府对社会的规制,也包括社会对政府的控制。边沁的改革理论是终极立法者的哲学,通过立法者对终极立法者(社会)的依附和互动,应然之法与实然之法最终合二为一。 The idea of “individual person” was found led to “the death of God”. Humanmust create a new human-centered human order at the basis of the idea “individualperson”, therefore individual person became the starting point and purpose of the law.This is the road found by the social contract theory, but she did not find the bridge fromthe ideal side to the other side of reality, Bentham must search for a new way leading tothe ideal kingdom at the starting point set up by Hobbes. Accordingly, Bentham’sutilitarian principle is not only a denial of the social contract theory, but also adevelopment of the principle of sovereignty. Bentham want to build a new legal systemwith utilitarian principle as a tool. The state that Bentham want to establish is a law-based political community, andthus its highest authority is exercised by the legislators. Later Bentham divided politicalpower into constitutive power and operative power, so national power was reconstructedagain, society became the ultimate social legislator and the constitutive authority of theCommunity. The national government that originally exercise all the power only has thepower to implement, which had been divided into legislative powers and executivepowers. Supreme legislative power reside in the highest position in the country’spolitical field, the executive power subordinates to the legislative power. Societybecame an important component of power, who holds the key to the country’s highestauthority. Thus, the law was eventually divided into two distinct areas, namely, general lawsof the people and special laws against the rulers /(Constitution/). These two legal systemshave their own respective lawmakers, legislators of general laws are the ultimatelegislators’ tools for political domination, the former subject to the latter’s authorizationand accept the supervision and control of the latter and follow the principles set by thelatter in the interests of the latter. To this end, Bentham set constitutional, political,social and other

关 键 词: 主权 立法者 终极立法者 作为社会体系的法律

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 杨斐
作者 王卓祺
作者 朱灿焕
作者 何发平
作者 周志强


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚