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The Research on Establishment and Application of the Index System of Real Estate Project Programming

导  师: 赵彬

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 重庆大学

摘  要: 近年来国内对房地产项目策划的研究不断深入,但是还未出现对策划指标体系构建的相关研究。为了改变房地产策划指标研究倾向于评价的研究现状,论文提出了通过研究策划工作的一般规律,构建策划指标体系对策划工作进行指导的研究思路。论文策划指标体系中的指标可以被理解是策划过程需要关注和分析的因素,那么指标体系就是策划工作关键因素的集合,其既包括数量分析评价指标也包括描述性分析指标。论文最终建立的策划指标体系既可以作为项目评价或决策的工具,也可以通过对策划工作的指导提升策划质量。 论文的研究结构分为三个部分。第一部分是理论研究部分,对国内外的策划理论进行梳理并对现阶段策划指标体系的研究现状进行介绍,分析构建房地产策划指标体系应关注的问题。第二部介绍了策划指标来源、指标体系分析建立过程以及指标权重的确定。第三部分通过实例对构建的策划指标体系进行验证性研究并做出总结和展望。 对房地产项目策划指标体系构建的研究,作者根据策划的系统性和多样性特点,同时结合专家访谈研究得出策划指标体系构建的初步结论,即策划指标体系不仅包括策划评价指标、过程指标,还包括策划管理指标以及策划辅助指标。建立策划指标体系的重点是指标来源,作者在文献研究之后筛选出策划相关指标,并经过专家访谈结合调研问卷的多层次调研逐步筛选并最终确定了策划指标体系的二、三级指标,其中二级指标12个,三级指标61个。通过对文献以及我国相关法规和行业文件的研究,作者对指标体系三级指标进行了深化和分析,详细描述每个指标的含义以及定量、定性分析方法。通过熵值法修正层次分析法对指标体系的二级指标权重计算,最终形成了策划指标体系� In recent years, domestic research on programming has kept enthusiast,but therehas not yet been a research on the index system of programming. Programming hasbeen considered that work experience is more important than theory, resulting in anumber of projects programming became 'castles in the air' in the end. In order tochange the limitations of that the indicators of programming rather more inclined to thefunction of evaluate than the guidance, and the theoretical and systematic ofprogramming determine the necessary to establish the indicator system of programming.Indicator system of programming should not only be used to evaluate the project or bethe decision tool of project, it can also provide guidance on the programming work. Theprinciple of establishing the indicator system should be systematic, meeting thecustomers’ needs and integrating both quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. Thepurpose of establishing the indicator system is to provide a reference for the wholeprocess of programming and to improve the efficiency and quality of programmingwork. The first part of this paper is the theoretical research, which describes the theory ofprogramming, meanwhile introduces the situation of the index system of programmingdomestic and abroad and also introduces the notice to establish the index system. Thesecond part describes the sources of the index system, the process of establishing anddetermining the weights of indicators. The third part is the validation studies of theindex system and the summary and outlook of this paper. This paper mainly researches how to establish the index system of programming.Firstly, the author determines the classification of all indicators, according to thesystematic and values diversity of programming, while researching the classification,the process, and the method of programming, the author consider the indicator systemincludes not only the evaluation indicators, the process indicators, but also themanagement indicators and planning auxiliary indicators. The

关 键 词: 房地产策划 指标体系 熵值法

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 刘清泉
作者 何新安
作者 刘贞平
作者 万磊
作者 张笑秋


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟