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Study on Region Image of Hebei Coastal Area

导  师: 刘邦凡

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 燕山大学

摘  要: 随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,区域间交流与合作日益频繁,经济社会发展的相互依存度不断提高,伴随着区域经济向更高阶段的迈进,区域形象日渐成为促进区域可持续发展的动力源泉。良好的区域形象呈现着区域的特质和魅力,折射着区域的知名度与美誉度,对内形成凝聚力,对外产生辐射力,对于提升区域综合实力和竞争力发挥着不可低估的作用。改善和塑造区域形象,进行区域形象的全方位建设成为区域经营和发展到一定时期的必由之路。 2011年,《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》强调,重点推进河北沿海地区等区域发展,同年,《河北沿海地区发展规划》正式批准实施,这意味着由秦皇岛、唐山、沧州组成的河北沿海地区的发展首次上升到国家战略层面,并迈入新的历史时期。河北沿海地区要想变资源优势为竞争优势,实现跨越式和可持续发展必须进行区域形象的研究和塑造。 本文以区域形象战略与增长极理论、区域形象识别理论、区域形象维护理论作为理论依据,以河北沿海地区进入国家战略为背景,总结了当前河北沿海地区区域形象存在的突出问题和不足之处,结合地区资源优势和战略要求,提出了河北沿海地区区域形象塑造的建议。认为,河北沿海地区形象塑造的实践应反映历史文化、突出个性优势、服务未来发展、力求统筹整体、坚持以人为本、贯彻可持续发展,可将“发展的河北沿海、实力的河北沿海、开放的河北沿海、宜居的河北沿海”作为区域形象的定位,从文化理念、主体行为、视觉形象三个方面对区域形象进行优化,并采取经济、法律、行政和宣传手段保证区域形象得以延续和发展。 With the quickening of global economic integration, the regional exchanges andcooperation becomes increasingly frequent. The economical and social development hasbecome increasingly interdependent at the same time.As the regional economy develops ahigher stage, region image becomes increasingly the power to keep regional sustainabledevelopment. A good region image not only shows the characteristics and charm of aregion, but also reflects its popularity and reputation. Region image,which can formcohesion inside and produce radiation outside, is playing an important role in enhancingthe comprehensive strength and competitiveness of a region. Improving and establishingregion image is a necessary way when a region operates and develops to a certain level. “The Twelfth Five Year Plan of the People’s Republic of China National Economyand Social Development” emphasized “focusing on promoting the regional developmentof Hebei coastal area etc”in2011. In the same year,“The Development Plan of HebeiCoastal Area” approved officially and put into effect, which means the development ofHebei costal area consisting of Qinhuangdao,Tangshan and Changzhou has entered thenational strategy for the first time,and will come into a new historical stage.If Hebei costalarea is eager to transfer resource advantage to competitive advantage,and realize the leapfrog and sustainable development,it must carry on the research and construction of regionimage. This paper regards region image strategy and the growth pole theory, region identitysystem and region image preventive theory as the theoretical basis, taking Hebei coastalarea into the national strategy for background, summarizes many problems and deficiencyin existing region image,and puts forward some suggestion about region image withcombination of the superior resources and strategic demand in the area. The article holdsthe opinion that the practice of region image in Hebei coastal area should reflect thehistorical culture of area, underline characteristic superiority, serve future development,seek overall coordination, insist on humanism and carry out sustainable development, andshould also regard “the developing Hebei coast, the powerful Hebei coast, the open Hebei coast and the livable Hebei coast”as the region image position. This paper proposes thatwe can optimize the region image from culture concept, main body behaviour and visualimage.The government must guarantee the development and continuance of the goodregion image through a combination of economic, legal, administrative and propagandistmeans.

关 键 词: 河北沿海地区 区域形象 区域形象战略 区域形象识别 区域形象维护

分 类 号: [D67]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚