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The Analysis of the Supplementary Liability of Safety and Security Obligations with Third People Invovlved

导  师: 朱义坤

学科专业: 0301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 随着社会经济的发展,因违反安全保障义务而引起的侵权纠纷案件亦呈现上升趋势。安全保障义务作为一把双刃剑,其利弊也很突出,尤其是经营者或场所管理者因第三人侵权或犯罪行为所承担的责任,更是游弋在一个模糊的边缘。以牺牲一定的安全为代价换取效率,不仅不符合现代法律发展的趋势,而且个人的潜力无法得到保障,社会的发展同样受阻。相反,若对于经营者或场所管理者过分苛严,不仅不会实现保障消费者这一立法初衷,还会助长犯罪分子的嚣张气焰。只有将经营者或场所管理者所应承担的责任限定于一个合理的范围内,才会保障侵权责任法功能的实现。虽然法学理论界和司法实践对第三人介入情形下均认为安全保障义务人应承担责任,但对其责任的性质仍存在很大的争议。本文着重从第三人介入情形下安全保障义务人的责任承担进行分析,通过法理分析得出安全保障义务人承担补充责任不仅能够解决连带责任和按份责任的制度设计所无法回应的法理困境,并通过现实需要的分析,得出补充责任的制度设计能够有效发挥其促进社会和谐稳定的社会功能的结论,理应为其必然的制度选择,并进一步从立法变迁、制度解读出发,提出明确安全保障义务人承担补充责任的构成要件以及司法实践中的诉讼设置,以期充分发挥安全保障义务制度应有的价值,充分平衡各方当事人合法权益,力求社会效果与法律效果的统一。 本文主体部分为三章。第一章问题的提出,从法院审理的两起案件出发,引出安全保障义务和第三人介入情形下安全保障义务人的责任。第二章问题的分析,通过学界对第三人介入情形下安全保障义务人责任承担性质的不同观点的分析,指出安全保障义务人承担补充责任的法理依据,并提出现有制度下,应当明确第三人介入情形下安全保障义务人承担补充责任的构成要件以及诉讼设置方面的迫切现实。第三章问题的解决,为服务法院的司法审判,笔者从司法实践中经常遇到的问题入手,从安全保障义务人承担补充责任构成要件和相关诉讼设置两个方面提出相关的建议和意见。 Along With the development of society and economy, theinfringement caused by violation of security obligation alsoshowed arising trend. Safety protection, the advantages and dis advantages of whichare prominent as well, is recognized as a double-edged sword, especiallythe responsibilities of the operators or managers for the infringement orcriminal acts of a third party, which is cruising on a fuzzy edge. It doesnot accord with the trend of the development of modern law and potentialof the individual to exchange efficiency at the expense of certain safety.And social development was blocked too. On the contrary, if the stringentregulations were taken to restrain managers or site managers, not onlywould the original intention of legislation not achieved to protectconsumers, but also the arrogance of criminals would be encouraged. Thusonly the responsibility what operators or site managers should assumed islimited to a reasonable range, can the realization of the function of tortliability law be guaranteed. In the area of the legal theory and judicialpractice, the security volunteer shall assume responsibility while the thirdparty intervene, but there is still a great controversy for nature of theresponsibilities. This paper focuses on third people involved inthe security obligation under the liability analysis. Throughtheoretical analysis the conclusion that security obligations shallbear supplementary liability can be drawed. It can not only solvethe legaldilemma third infringement cases of joint and severalliabilityand liability by shares face, It reflects the fair principleof civil law, but also play a law to promote harmonious andstable social function, selectionshould be the inevitable system. Thefurther,from the legislation changes and system interpretation, it puts forward straight the specific security obligationssupplementary liability and judicial practice in the procedureset, It is expected to full play the value of safety protection system, and balance the legitimate rights of all parties, for the unity of social effects and legal The main part of this article is divided into three chapters. The first Chapter is the propose to the preblem, which start from the two cases managed on the Court, trying to lead the responsibilities what the security volunteer shoud assumed in the condition while the security volunteer exists and the third party intervents. Chapter Ⅱ was the analysis to the problem, attempting to point out the legal basis of the security volunteer assumed additional responsibilities, and present the elements which the security volunteer assumed supplementary liability on the intervention of the third party and the urgent realities of litigation setting, which is through analyse the diffence from the academics for the nature of the responsibilities the security volunteer assumed on the intervention of a third party. The chapter Ⅲ was the Solutions to the problem. As a judicial organs, the Court should combine with the sufficient judicial practice to present some relevant recommendations and views from the two respects contain the elements of the supplementary liability which assumeds the security volunteer and the related litigation settings.

关 键 词: 第三人介入 安全保障义务 补充责任

分 类 号: [D923]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 谢阳
作者 张祥林
作者 吴耀健
作者 曾健
作者 黄志坚


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 北京理工大学珠海学院
机构 广东财经大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚