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Exclusionary Rule Theory and Practice Research

导  师: 杜宝庆

学科专业: 0301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 美国在世界上最早确立了非法证据排除规则,然而自出现之日起理论界和实务界就一直对此争论不休,证据是定罪量刑的唯一根据,因此为了惩罚犯罪就必须要确实充分的证据予以支撑,由于侦查机关的目的是为了侦破案件,因此在收集证据的过程中出于种种原因可能会出现一些非法取证的行为,在这一过程中必定会对公民的权利造成一定程度的侵害。而刑事诉讼除了惩罚犯罪之外还有保障人权的功能,非法取证行为势必会侵犯到公民的人权,由于人权保障近年来上升到越来越高的地位,所以非法取证行为必须得到根绝。非法证据排除规则正是为此目的而产生,只有规范了侦查人员的侦查行为,让公权力在规则下运行,公民的个人权利才不会受到侵害。当然,任何事物都有正反两方面,非法证据排除规则在放纵犯罪方面也有着不容忽视的负面影响,因为收集证据的难度增加,用于证明行为人犯罪的证据不足,必然导致最后无法定罪的结果。接下来就有可能造成社会治安的混乱、犯罪率上升等一系列连锁反应,但是既然非法证据排除规则已经在这个世界上存在了一个多世纪,并得到了许多国家,特别是众多西方法治发达国家的肯定并通过法律的形式加以固定,这就足以说明非法证据排除规则自身所具有的重要价值。之前由于我国缺乏对有关非法证据规则的相关规定,直接导致了侦查过程中刑讯逼供等非法取证行为层出不穷的恶果,直到今年颁布实施的新刑事诉讼法才首次明确确立了非法证据排除规则。所以,目前我国的当务之急不仅是要完善我国的非法证据排除规则,同时在刑事诉讼中还要注重保障人权,唯有如此才能维护司法的尊严,保证司法的廉洁与公正。 本文共分四个部分,着重点是讨论我国非法证据排除规则在实务中所面临的困境及解决办法。 第一部分为引言,笔者通过举示一些当前因被刑讯逼供而屈打成招的热点案例来证明刑讯逼供的弊端性,引导读者认识到非法证据排除规则在刑事诉讼过程中的重要性。 第二部分重点讨论非法证据排除规则理论基础,该部分又包括二方面内容,一是介绍了产生非法证据排除规则的历史背景以及它的发展过程;二是概述了非法证据的类别,对合法证据与非法证据之间的关系作了分析。通过该部分的论述,使读者能够明确非法证据与非法证据排除规则的具体概念。 第三部分重点阐述我国有关非法证据排除规则的立法现状、缺陷及现实意义。 第四部分重点阐述了我国非法证据排除规则在实务中所面临的困境以及在制度上的种种不足。 第五部分是重点阐述完善我国非法证据排除规则的方法,笔者从上一部分所述的我国立法不足之处入手,分析完善非法证据排除规则的急迫性和重要性,并就如何完善提出自己的建议。 United States in the world's oldest established exclusionary rule, from the advent has beena focus of academic debate Litigation, conviction and sentencing is based on known evidence,and investigating authorities in order to gather sufficient evidence to achieve the purpose ofcriminal accountability, often there will be some evidence of illegal behavior, so it must beaccompanied by violations of the rights of citizens. Protection of human rights and punish crimeis a contemporary shoulder the dual purpose of criminal proceedings, so as the internationalcommunity calls for protection of human rights continue to rise, the exclusionary rule should bepotential, it is through standardized police behavior, limiting the scope of public authority, thusachieving the purpose of protecting individual rights. Of course, the exclusionary rule in theinhibition of the production of such crime also has a negative impact can not be ignored, sincethe reduction of legal evidence available, it is bound to increase the difficulty of convictedcriminals, in a certain sense, it's like right offender's indulgence, the U.S. domestic socialsecurity chaos, crime is rampant and its strict exclusionary rule is not unrelated. However, theexclusionary rule has gone through a hundred years time, and has been recognized by manyWestern countries, and through the legal form to be fixed, which testifies to the exclusionary ruleitself an important value. For our country illegally before the relevant provisions of the rules ofevidence are not very comprehensive, which is leading to evidence of repeated acts of tortureand other violations of the important reasons, this year's promulgation of the new Code ofCriminal Procedure was the first time clearly established the exclusionary rule. So, improve ourexclusionary rule is not only follow the international trend of performance, but also reflects ourcommitment to human rights protection, but also to safeguard judicial dignity, justice andjudicial proceedings to ensure integrity of the important means. This article is divided into four parts, to discuss how to improve our exclusionary rule. Introduction The first part of this article, the author through his work in the courts duringthe contact and learned about the torture of real cases, cause the reader to the importance of theexclusionary rule thinking. For the second part is an overview of the exclusionary rule, specifically including the threeaspects, first introduced the exclusionary rule formation and development; Second, the definitionof illegal evidence, including evidence of illegal content, as well as evidence the relationshipbetween legitimacy and made illegal evidence further explanation and analysis of the exclusionary rule's basic values. Through this part of the discussion, the reader for theexclusionary rule and illegally obtained evidence can have a more clear understanding. The third part is our exclusionary rule system dilemma, this chapter from our legislative andjudicial practice status depict the exclusionary rule in our country are facing difficulties. SectionI, the author from1979,'Criminal Procedure',1996,'Code of Criminal Procedure,'2013'Criminal Procedure Law' and relevant judicial interpretations start to show the reader of theexclusionary rule from the refusal to have conditions apply to and then to formally adopted bylegislative fixed's process, while also put forward our country illegal evidence exclusion rulesof's imperfections of the Department; section II, author mainly tells the story of our countryunlawful Evidence Exclusionary Rules in judicial practice faced by the predicament, because ofChina's national conditions and historical the influence of traditional, for our country illegalevidence exclusion rules the implementation of the and perfect caused by of exclusionpsychological serious and work in encountered in practice all sorts of difficulties, the author inthis connection status quo conducted a cause analysis. The fourth part of the exclusionary rule for perfection, because I see that our exclusionaryrule in legislation and judicial practice imperfections, while recognizing that improve ourexclusionary rule of necessity, and therefore how to improve our exclusionary rule, from thelegislation and the establishment of specific aspects related supporting measures put forwardtheir own proposals.

关 键 词: 非法证据 非法证据排除规则 人权保障

分 类 号: [D925.2]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 裴涛
作者 熊伟
作者 蒲维
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作者 王树茂


机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 广州大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学


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