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Research on the Development of American Journalistic Professionalism

导  师: 蔡铭泽

学科专业: 050301

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 1990年代以来,美国新闻专业主义逐渐成为中国新闻学研究的热点问题,中国新闻业所处的由政府、市场和公众构成的媒介生态也需要借鉴美国新闻专业主义。美国新闻专业主义的传播价值和研究价值凸显,值得研究。 本文在专业社会学的基础上厘清了新闻专业主义的定义,将它作为新闻业在争取专业地位和权利过程中的一套价值标准体系/(包含新闻自治、职业标准--客观性原则、媒体公共服务、新闻专业协会和新闻伦理道德以及新闻教育等/)和相应的实践,是一个动态的建构过程。文章将其发展划分为四个阶段,分别论述各阶段美国新闻专业主义建构的背景、主要理论基础以及新闻专业主义各方面进行建构的具体措施,效果和局限。本文最后探讨美国新闻专业主义对美国新闻业以及对中国新闻业的影响,并总结其对中国新闻业发展的启示。 全文共分为绪论、美国新闻专业主义起步阶段、媒介社会责任论与美国新闻专业主义的完善、公共新闻学与美国新闻专业主义的发展、新语境下美国新闻专业主义的重构和美国新闻专业主义的影响等六个部分。在美国新闻专业主义起步(1890~1942)阶段,新闻业内外部条件基本齐备。自由主义新闻理论是主要理论基础。具体在1910年左右,新闻客观性理念从作为一种操作原则,上升到新闻业的职业标准和理想。新闻公共服务成为业界普遍观念。全国性的新闻专业组织形成并在全国范围制订了一批职业道德规约,新闻教育逐渐被接受为一种职业训练的专门途径在全国铺开;在美国新闻专业主义发展的第二个阶段(1942~1988),由于美国新闻媒介所处的政治、经济和文化背景的改变,媒介在与政府、公众关系恶化的困境下通过主动承担更多社会责任来改善与外部的关系。媒介社会责任论发展了自由主义新闻理论成为新闻专业主义建构的主要理论依据。新闻客观性通过新闻组织人员多元化来加强平衡性,尤其是族裔平衡。调查性新闻彰显了媒体的独立立场。公共广播电视系统扩大了公共服务。媒体专业协会重新修订和制订了一批职业道德规约,完善了新闻自律机制。新闻教育也通过传播学加强了专业教育的学术性;美国新闻专业主义在第三个发展阶段(1988~2001),美国民主政治危机和新自由主义经济政策削弱了新闻业的合法性和民主功能。基于杜威哲学和社群主义等理论基础的公共新闻学//事业成为这一阶段的主要改革内容,其根本目的是提升新闻业的政治民主功能,进行自我救赎。进行公共新闻实践的媒体不满足仅向公众提供信息服务,还致力于发现和解决社群的问题,培养更加积极参与民主生活的公民。新闻专业协会为了解决新的职业伦理道德问题重新修订道德规约,对新闻工作者的约束加强。但在危机缓解的同时也酝酿着新的危机。新闻工作者的参与者身份与传统新闻客观性理念有所冲突,社群的地理局限与公共新闻追求普遍的“善”相抵触。新闻教育不能提供新闻业界满意的具有技能的学生;在第四个阶段(21世纪以后),美国新闻专业主义建构进入一个前所未有的新语境。媒介经济持续恶化,互联网以及新媒体技术发展强劲,同时“9.11”后政府信息控制加强,爱国主义情绪也时常影响新闻实践。新闻媒体无论在新闻生产、公共服务和新闻伦理道德方面都受到严峻挑战。笔者提出了美国新闻专业主义重构的方向:提倡公司社会责任论,媒体集团管理者应承担更多责任,减轻媒体经济负担;加强媒介素养教育,使媒体在公民新闻时期处于适度的民主压力下。 本文最后一章探讨了美国新闻专业主义对美国新闻业和中国(大陆)新闻业的影响。美国新闻专业主义在发展中始终面临危机的事实说明,美国新闻专业主义具有先天的结构性缺陷,无法摆脱所处的政治经济结构,和人作为新闻主体导致的必然的不足。但也说明,美国新闻专业主义通过不断发展和调整,至今仍然作为美国新闻业的主流意识形态,本身也具备一定的生命力和合理性。对美国新闻业的内部控制和外部关系的协调起到了一定的积极作用。本文进一步分析了美国新闻专业主义对中国(大陆)的影响。1949年前,中国商业报刊和新闻学研究、新闻教育受到美国很深影响,国民党宣传体系在抗战胜利前后也受到一定影响。1978年中国改革开放后,美国新闻专业主义在中国再度传播,对新闻学研究和新闻实践产生了一定影响。由于当前中国新闻媒体所处的复杂媒体生态和舆论生态,既作为党和人民的喉舌,又要面临市场竞争和提供公共服务,中国新闻业发展具有一定的特殊性,不能照搬美国经验。但可以借鉴美国新闻专业主义中强调事实、真相的客观性原则和新闻的平衡性。以及他们将公众作为公民的服务理念和媒体自律机制的完善。 American journalistic professionalism has been a hot research area in Chinasince1990s. Chinese media also needs learning from it due to the complicatedenvironment in which Chinese media has to deal with its relationships with thegovernment, the market and the public. So, American journalistic professionalism is akey issue worth researching. This dissertation defines journalistic professionalism based on the ProfessionalSociology theory. It is a set of professional values and according practice in a processof construction. As a whole, American journalistic professionalism includes severalelements—professional autonomy, objectivity as the professional norm, public service,professional associations, professional ethics and professional education. Thisdissertation divides the development of American journalistic professionalism intofour phases and analyzes its construction in different aspects, such as objectivity norm,public service, media association, media ethics and journalism education. Finally thisdissertation analyzes the influence of American journalistic professionalism in bothAmerica and China, and trying to draw on its useful experience to the development ofChinese journalism. This dissertation has six parts—the introduction, the starting period ofAmerican journalistic professionalism, journalistic professionalism construction withmedia responsibility theory, public journalism and the construction of Americanjournalistic professionalism, American journalistic professionalism in newenvironment and the influence of American journalistic professionalism. In its startingperiod/(1890~1942/), the condition of construction of American journalisticprofessionalism became mature. Objectivity as the professional norm of journalismwas set up around1910. Media public service has been popularly accepted by mediapractitioners. National media associations have been established and made out code ofjournalism ethics. Journalism education has been regarded by journalism practitionersas a way of professional training. When American journalistic professionalism enteredthe second phase /(1942~1988/), along with the political, economic and cultural change,media’s relationships with the government and the public has got worse. To save itslegitimacy, American journalism followed some advices advanced by the Commissionon Freedom of the Press, though the influence of the media responsibility theorybecame visible20years after it took shape as a theory. The connotation of objectivitynorm has been expanded. Balance, especially ethnical balance has been stressed bythe diversity efforts of the newsroom. Public broadcast networks provided morepublic service. Media association revised ethic codes or formulated new ones. Mediaself-regulation has been built up. As for journalism education, the adoption ofCommunication theory and research enhanced the academic status of journalism. Inthe third stage /(1988~2001/), the political crisis and the continuing media ownershipconcentration along with the development of technology posed great threats toAmerican journalistic professionalism. To save journalism, public journalism has beenlaunched both in theory and practice. Media has made efforts to get the publicinvolved in media agenda setting and political life, and trying to find and solve issues in communities instead of only serving information. The identity of the public ascitizens instead of consumers has been stressed. Media associations have strengthenedself-regulation by revising code of ethics into a longer version with more specificrules to address new problems. While these efforts worked a lot to counterbalance thethreats American journalism faced, new worries appeared. The role of journalists asparticipants based on the public journalism contradicted the traditional role ofjournalists as observers. And the public journalism was carried out in the small unitsof communities prevented journalism to pursue general good which was claimed bythe campaign itself. Besides, journalism education can not meet the expectation of themedia by providing skillful media students. When American journalisticprofessionalism entered21stcentury, it also entered the times that have never been souncertain for American journalism and journalists. The deteriorating media economy,the rapid development of internet and we-media and the tightened information controlby the government after9.11as well as the patriotism give less room for media tosurvive, let alone provide public service. Objectivity-centered news production andmedia ethics are easier to be damaged also. The author advances suggestions for thereconstruction of American journalistic professionalism that America journalismshould advocate corporate social responsibility theory to relieve the economic burdenthe news media carries. Because this theory holds that media management, not onlyjournalists should claim social responsibility to serve the public instead of pursuingprofit. Besides, America should promote media literacy in order to foster betteraudience to keep the news media under certain suitable pressure, which would resultin better quality news in a time when citizen journalism is on the rise. At the end, this dissertation analyzes the influence of American journalisticprofessionalism in both America and China. The fact that American journalisticprofessionalism could not avoid threats and get rid of troubles proves that it has birthdefects rooted in the political and economic structure in which it grew up and thelimitation of the journalism practitioners as human beings. It also proves that as aprofessional ideology American journalistic professionalism still has vitality byself-correction. Although it has been criticized for many reasons, its function to betterthe inner-control of the media organization and relationships with the government andthe public could never be denied. In China main land, Journalism was stronglyinfluenced by American journalism before1949, especially commercial newspapersand journalism education. And ever since1978, the opening policy and establishmentof market economy opened the door again for American journalistic professionalismto reenter China and became a hot area. From all above we can say China can notcompletely transplant American journalistic professionalism. But Chinese media canactually get useful reference from it indeed, such as seeking truth in pursuit ofobjectivity, treating the public as citizens, building up professional ethics, etc.

关 键 词: 美国新闻专业主义 发展 专业化

分 类 号: [G219.712]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟