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A Rhetorical Appeals Analysis of Metadiscourse in English Company Profiles

导  师: 刘金明

学科专业: 0502

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湖南科技大学

摘  要: 元话语(metadiscourse)被广泛的称为“关于话语的话语”。自从Harris于1959年首次提出元话语这一术语以来,元话语成了语篇分析和语言教学领域的研究热点。而修辞(rhetoric)是劝说的艺术,早在古希腊亚里士多德就把其定义为用各种方法来建立劝说证据的艺术。在语篇中,作者或讲话者利用修辞投射自己的观点、兴趣和评价,衡量读者的反映,以达到劝说的目的。 本研究选取2012年《财富》杂志评选出的世界500强企业中20篇以英语为母语国家的企业的英文企业简介为语料,基于Hyland的元话语理论框架并结合修辞诉求分析模式,分析了元话语在所选英文企业简介语篇中的应用及分布情况,并对语料中使用的元话语分别进行道义诉求(credibility appeals)、情感诉求(affectiveappeals)和理性诉求(rational appeals)的分析,探讨了各类元话语在英文企业简介语篇中的修辞效果。研究发现:在英文企业简介语篇中,在交际元话语的使用过程中,框架标记(frame markers)和逻辑连接语(transitions)使用频率最高;而互动元话语中,自我提及语(self mentions)和模糊限制语(hedges)的使用较多。这些元话语标记的使用体现了语篇中的道义诉求、情感诉求和理性诉求,元话语的合理使用帮助作者更好地组织语篇,使文章更具逻辑性和说服力。此外,研究进一步表明,在英文企业简介语篇中,情感诉求和理性诉求得到了充分的体现,道义诉求在语篇中也有一定体现,所以一篇有效的英文企业简介应该更多的体现情感诉求和理性诉求。此外,元话语在实现这三个修辞诉求的同时,达到了树立公司积极正面形象、宣传企业文化、促进合作等的修辞效果。 本研究既有理论意义又有实用价值,不仅从理论上拓展了元话语的研究方向,同时对英文企业简介语� Metadiscourse is widely accepted as “discourse about discoursing”. It was coinedby Zelling Harris in1959, since then metadiscourse has become a research focus in theareas of discourse analysis and language teaching. While, rhetoric is the art ofpersuasion, Aristotle defines it as the art of finding available ways of establishingpersuasive proof. In the discourse, writers project their interests, opinions andevaluations to process and refine ideas out of concern for readers’ possible reactions inorder to achieve persuasive objectives. In this study,20English company profiles are chosen from Fortune the Global500Companies, and all of the20companies are from English-speaking countries.Based on Hyland’s framework of metadiscourse, combined with rhetorical appealsanalysis theory, this thesis analyzes the metadiscourse used and distributed in Englishcompany profiles, explores the credibility appeals, affective appeals, and rationalappeals created by metadiscourse which are employed in the corpus, and probes intothe rhetorical functions metadiscourse achieves in data collected. It is found that, forinteractive metadiscourse, frame markers and transitions are most frequently used inEnglish company profiles. For interactional metadiscourse, it is found that selfmentions and hedges are largely used. By using metadiscourse, credibility appeals,affective appeals, and rational appeals are created in discourse. That is, rational use ofmetadiscourse can help organize the discourse and make it logical and persuasive.What’s more, it is further found that affective appeals and rational appeals aresufficiently reflected in English company profiles, and rational appeals have certainusage. Therefore, an effective English company profile should focus on affectiveappeals and rational appeals. To sum up, this research has both theoretical significance and practical value. Itexpands the knowledge and research of metadiscourse as well as English companyprofiles.it’s the research findings can be applied to language teachi

关 键 词: 企业英文简介 元话语 修辞诉求分析

领  域: [语言文字]


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作者 林维燕


机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学


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