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Study on Rural Settlement Layout Optimization Based on GIS

导  师: 盖艾鸿

学科专业: 120405

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 甘肃农业大学

摘  要: 我国的农村规划相对滞后,加上传统农业生产方式和生活习惯的影响,造成农村居民点布局分散、土地利用率低,大多数地区的村庄建设处于无序状态,这不利于土地的集约利用和农村的现代化建设。因此,研究如何对农村居民点进行科学的布局优化,使农村建设用地走向集约化发展,具有重要的现实意义。 本文以甘肃省合水县为例,以合水县第二次土地调查数据及社会经济统计数据为基础,进行了县域农村居民点布局及整理适宜性评价,并根据评价结果划分农村居民点类型,确定相应的布局优化方案,为新一轮土地利用总体规划中农村居民点规划,提供了理论参考依据。主要内容如下: (1)农村居民点布局适宜性评价 在农村居民点布局适宜性评价理论研究的基础上,根据研究区的实际情况,确定评价单元,并从土地状况、社会经济状况及区位条件三个方面构建农村居民点布局适宜性评价指标体系;应用层次分析法(AHP)确定影响因子的权重;应用ArcGIS9.3空间分析功能,确定合水县农村居民点布局适宜性分布情况。评价结果表明:合水县农村居民点布局受区域限制较明显,适宜布局区占全县土地总面积的8.09/%;较适宜布局区占全县土地总面积的26.72/%;勉强适宜布局区占全县土地总面积的32.19/%;不适宜布局区占全县土地总面积的33.00/%。 (2)农村居民点整理适宜性评价 在自然因素和社会经济因素两方面选取评价指标,构建农村居民点整理适宜性评价指标体系;采用层次分析法确定各评价指标的权重;应用ArcGIS9.3空间分析功能,确定各农村居民点的整理适宜性情况。评价结果表明:合水县适宜整理的农村居民点占全县农村居民点总面积的7.82/%;较适宜整理的农村居民点占全县农村居民点总面积的49.54/%;暂不适宜整理的农村居民点占全县农村居民点总面积的42.64/%。 (3)农村居民点布局优化方案 根据合水县农村居民点布局适宜性评价及整理适宜性评价结果,将农村居民点划分为驻地型、中心型、保留型和搬迁型四种。驻地型居民点采用城镇化发展模式,逐步向县城或乡镇驻地搬迁;对中心型居民点进行整理和改造,经合理规划布局,建设现代化居民社区,向中心村发展;搬迁型居民点逐步向中心村搬迁,采用中心村建设模式;保留型居民点暂时保留现状,根据乡镇规划需要选择是否进行整理,可作为农村居民点整理的后备用地。 The rural planning of China is lagging behind, coupled with the impact of traditionalagricultural production methods and habits, resulting in rural settlements layout scattered, landutilization is low, most of the village construction is in a state of disorder, which is not conducive tothe intensive use of land and rural modernization. Therefore, the study of how to make ruralsettlements layout optimization more scientific and rural construction land go to the intensivedevelopment, has important practical significance. This paper chose Heshui County in Gansu Province as an example, based on the second landsurvey data and socio-economic statistics, finished the suitability evaluation of the rural settlementlayout and consolidation, then divided all the rural settlements into different types, based on theresults of the evaluations, and determined the appropriate layout optimization scheme. This providesthe theoretical basis for the planning of rural settlements in the new round of the overall land useplanning. The main contents are as follows: (1)The suitability evaluation of rural settlement layout On the basis of theoretical research on the suitability evaluation of rural settlement layout,determine the evaluation unit according to the actual situation of the study area, and build ruralresidential layout suitability evaluation index system from the aspects of the land status,socio-economic status and geographic conditions; use Analytic Hierarchy Process /(AHP/) todetermine the impact factor weights; determine the rural residential layout suitability distribution ofHeshui County by application of ArcGIS9.3space analysis capabilities. The evaluation showed that:the rural residential layout of Heshui county is obvious with regional restrictions, the appropriatelayout area accounted for8.09/%of the total land area in the county; the less appropriate layout areaaccounted for26.72/%of the total land area in the county; the marginally suitable layout of the areaaccounted for32.19/%of the total land area in the county; the inappropriate layout area accountedfor33.00/%of the total land area in the county. (2)The suitability evaluation of rural settlement consolidation Selected evaluation indexes from both natural factors and socio-economic factors, build thesuitability evaluation index system of rural settlement consolidation; used AHP to determine theweight of each evaluation index; determine the situation of the suitability of rural settlement consolidation by application of ArcGIS9.3spatial analysis capabilities. The evaluation resultsshows that: In Heshui County, the rural settlements suitable for consolidation accounted for7.82/%of the total area of all the rural settlements; the rural settlements less appropriate for consolidationaccounted for49.54/%of the total area of all the rural settlements; the rural settlements notappropriate for consolidation accounted for42.64/%of the total area of all the rural settlements. (3)The scheme of rural settlement layout optimization Divided all the rural settlements into four types: resident type, central type, reserved type andrelocated type, according to the results of the suitability evaluation of rural settlement layout andconsolidation. Resident rural settlements adopt urbanization development model, and graduallymove to the county or township; Central rural settlements do internal consolidation and renovation,construct modern residential community according to reasonable layout planning, and develop tothe central village; The relocated rural settlements gradually move to the central village, adopt theconstruction mode of central village. The reserved rural settlements maintain the status for the timebeing, to consolidate or not is according to township planning, it can be used as reserve land forrural settlement land consolidation.

关 键 词: 农村居民点布局 农村居民点整理 布局优化 合水县

分 类 号: [F323.211]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 黎诚
作者 陈士银
作者 吴雪彪
作者 梁国健
作者 张俐俐


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学地理科学学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟