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A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reports on Sino-EU Solar Disputes

导  师: 王小海

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 批评话语分析旨在通过分析语篇的语言特点以及语言环境的社会、文化和历史背景来讨论隐藏在语言结构中的意识形态意义,从而揭示语言、权利和意识形态之间的关系。新闻报道,作为信息传播的主要途径,虽然一再强调其客观、真实性,但是报道者的立场、观点和意识不可避免地会通过新闻语篇间接地传递给读者并给读者带来潜移默化的影响。之前对新闻语篇的批评性研究大部分集中于政治新闻,但对经济新闻的研究仍远远不够。所以对经济新闻进行批评性语篇分析具有重要意义。 2012年,中欧光伏贸易摩擦成为中西媒体关注的焦点,摩擦不仅仅是简单的经济问题,还涉及政治、社会、文化等因素的影响。因此,本文选取中欧光伏贸易摩擦的新闻报道为研究对象,通过对比分析中西媒体报道的语言和语篇特征来揭露经济新闻中隐藏的不同意识形态,并探寻不同意识形态背后的社会文化根源。 研究采用费尔克劳的三维模式和韩礼德的系统功能语法作为理论分析框架,从文本、话语实践和社会实践三个维度对取自《中国日报》和《金融时报》的6篇关于中欧光伏贸易摩擦的新闻报道进行定性和定量分析。分析是在描述、阐释和解释三个层面展开的:在文本层面,主要从及物性角度分析语言特点;在话语实践层面,主要分析引述话语的来源和引述方式两个方面;在社会实践层面,从社会文化角度解释语篇背后所隐藏的不同的意识形态。 研究发现,中西媒体在报道中通过运用不同的语言手段来阐明各自的观点和立场,语言特征上的差异主要有:1)物质过程、言语过程、关系过程中各元素的侧重点不同,中方报道强调欧盟反倾销调查对中方企业和全球光伏产业的消极影响及中方对欧盟“贸易保护主义”的谴责;而西方报道则着重指责中方企业的倾销行为及对欧洲光伏业的打击;2)中方媒体在报道中引用大量代表中方立场的声音作为消息来源,而西方报道恰恰相反3)在转述引语方面,《金融时报》比《中国日报》更多地采用间接引述,因而报道的主观性更强。由此可见,经济新闻的报道并不是完全客观、中立的,而是受意识形态的影响,同时,意识形态也会通过新闻语言影响读者对新闻事件的认知。究其原因,首先,媒体是服务于政府的;其次,在中欧贸易的大环境下,两大经济体间的利益冲突导致不平等的权力关系;再次,不同的意识形态根植于中西社会文化不同的大背景。 Critical Discourse Analysis is aimed to reveal the ideology hidden in languagestructure and thus discover the relationship among language, power, and ideology byanalyzing the linguistic features of discourse as well as the social, cultural, andhistorical backgrounds in which the language is used. News reports, as an importantmeans of information transmission, claim to be objective and truthful, but thereporter’s opinions and standpoint are inevitably passed to the readers through newsdiscourse and exert subtle influence on the readers. Previous critical studies on newsdiscourse mainly focus on political issues, while economic news is not sufficientlystudied. Thus, it is of great significance to study economic news reports from theperspective of Critical Discourse Analysis. In2012, the topic of Sino-EU solar disputes have attracted close attention of bothChinese and Western media. The issue itself is far from a simple economic one; rather,it is complicated because political, social, cultural and other factors are involved.Therefore, the author chooses news reports on Sino-EU solar disputes to carry out astudy. Through the contrastive analysis of the linguistic features in Chinese andWestern news reports, this thesis intends to uncover the different ideologiesunderlying Chinese and Western news discourse and find its social and cultural roots. Based on Fairclough’s Three-dimensional Model and Halliday’s SystemicFunctional Grammar, the thesis selects six pieces of news reports on Sino-EU solardisputes from China Daily and The Financial Times to carry out a qualitative andquantitative study at the levels of text, discursive practice, and social practice.Correspondingly, the study is carried out at three stages: description, interpretation,and explanation. At the level of text, transitivity is adopted to analyze linguisticfeatures. At the level of discursive practice, news sources and modes of discourserepresentation are explored. And at the level of social practice, social and culturalcontexts are taken into account to explain the different ideologies hidden in news discourse. Through the analysis, it is found that Chinese and Western newspapers expresstheir different viewpoints and stances by means of different linguistic devices. Thelinguistic differences are:1/) there is different focus of the elements in material, verbaland relational processes. Chinese news reports emphasize the negative impact of theEU’s anti-dumping investigation on Chinese solar companies and global photovoltaicindustry, and China’s condemnation for the EU’s “trade protectionism”, while Westernnews reports focus on the accusation of Chinese companies’ dumping practices andthe adverse effects to the European photovoltaic industry;2/) in Chinese reports, alarge number of the news sources are in support of China’s standpoint, while the caseis opposite in Western news;3/) in terms of modes of discourse representation, IndirectDiscourse is more frequently used in The Financial Times than in China Daily, whichmeans the Western news reports tend to be more subjective. Therefore, Economicnews reports are not entirely objective and neutral, but influenced by ideology.Meanwhile, ideology also affects the readers’ perception of the event reported throughthe language used in news discourse. One underlying reason is that news media are innature in service of governments. Besides, unequal power relation brought byconflicts of interests between China and European countries is another influentialfactor. And finally, the differences in ideology are rooted in the social and culturalbackgrounds of Chinese and Western countries.

关 键 词: 批评话语分析 新闻报道 意识形态 中欧光伏贸易摩擦

分 类 号: [G212 H05]

领  域: [文化科学] [语言文字]


作者 马军
作者 邱晴
作者 侯智德
作者 彭向敏
作者 杨操


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖雪红
作者 张维
作者 张美芳
作者 张长明
作者 彭佳莉