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Alienizing Translation in Xu Zhimo's Translation of Thomas Hardy's Poems

导  师: 王友贵

学科专业: 0551

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 徐志摩的诗歌向来以意境优美,语言脱俗而卓著于世。对于他的生平、情感和散文诗歌创作的讨论一直如火如荼,然而对于他的翻译作品,尤其是诗歌翻译却少有人问津。虽然近些年此种情况有所改观,但在数量有限的研究当中,意见分歧却十分明显,或对其诗歌翻译赞不绝口,或对其口诛笔伐。 作者细读了徐志摩所译托马斯·哈代的诗歌并与原诗进行比照,发现原诗与译诗之间的区别比比皆是。这些不忠实于原文的痕迹也正是徐志摩译诗饱受诟病的原因。徐志摩的翻译诗歌和原诗之间究竟如何不同?且这些不同之处究竟表现在哪些方面?作者在本论文中运用了陌生化翻译这一理论,从译诗的措辞、句法、意象、格律、音律、诗形以及徐志摩选择原诗标准等层面对其所译托马斯·哈代之诗歌进行了分析,发现徐志摩译诗时在各方面均有得有失,但是未能发现其中规律或者明显的刻意为之,更多的是志摩自己的主观理解或者偏好使然。然后运用图里的翻译规范理论,作者对前面的分析结果进行再分析,目的在于判别作为翻译而言,徐志摩译诗中所出现的陌生化现象是否完全合情合理。 作者认为,徐志摩在翻译诗歌之时的翻译策略/(如果硬说他有的话/),确实从审美角度上可以在译诗中通过与原诗、原语语言及文化和译语语言及文化之间的疏离,使译诗获得意外的陌生美感。但就长远而言,这些成功却因为过于陌生而无法被译语文化接受,对于译语文字和文化的发展并无建树。而且他在翻译时随意的态度,充满主观性的理解以及率性的诠释,说明了针对他翻译的批评之声并非空穴来风。不过徐志摩在新诗发展之初对于新诗格律等方面的绍介及探索也确实功不可没。 Xu Zhimo’s poems have been well known for their dainty sentiments andexquisite wording for a long time and there are heated discussions about his personallife, romance and prose and poetry creation while his translation has been neglected,especially his poetry translation. Although the situation has been improving recently,the conclusions of those few researches are highly disputed. Some are speaking highlyof his poetry translation but some are criticizing it harshly. The author has found out that there are a lot of differences between the sourcepoems and the target poems translated by Xu Zhimo after comparing his translatedpoems with Hardy’s source poems. It is the “unfaithfulness” that is one of the mostimportant reasons why his translation draws negative evaluations. The author studies,in terms of the alienizing translation, the diction, the syntax, the images, the rhythmicpatterns and the poetic forms of the translated poems and Xu Zhimo’s choice of thesource poems as well. The result turns out that there are both gains and losses in therespective aspects; however, no regular rule or obvious evidence could be found toprove Xu did the changes out of a specific purpose but out of his subjectivity and hispreference actually. Then the author looks into the gains and losses in his translationin light of the translation norm proposed by Toury, in order to determine if thealienizing in Xu’s translation is reasonable and rational by putting the ontologicalnature of the source poems in the first place. Finally, the author believes that the translation strategy of Xu Zhimo /(if there isany/) does contribute to the aesthetic realization of the poetry in the TT, which is alienand unfamiliar to the readers, by estranging the TT from the ST and from the sourcelanguage//culture and the target language//culture as well. But in the long run, thesuccess could not be sustained and effectively accepted by the target culturecompletely. So its contribution to the development of the language or the culture islittle or even none. At least, no finding has been done or no evidence has been foundin this regard. His willful attitude, his subjective readings of the ST along with his rather arbitrary interpretations in the TT, all of them gain him the criticisms. However,the contribution of his introduction and exploration in the rhythmic patterns to thenewly born New Poetry in China is undeniable.

关 键 词: 徐志摩 托马斯 哈代 陌生化翻译 翻译规范 诗歌翻译

分 类 号: [H059 I046]

领  域: [语言文字] [文学]


作者 饶毅
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机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学外国语学院
机构 广东工业大学外国语学院


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