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Crane's Concerns for Man's Plight in the Modern World

导  师: 黄家修

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 斯蒂芬·克莱恩(1871-1900)在美国文坛上被称为现代诗歌的先驱。其诗歌意象充满隐喻且令人深思。然而迄今为止,中外批评家鲜有对其诗歌意象进行系统归纳,也很少细析其诗歌意象浓缩的原型,更没有明确指出诗人借这些意象来表达他对现代人困境的关切。因此,本论文运用加拿大著名文学批评家诺斯洛普·诺弗莱的原型批评来解读克莱恩的诗歌意象是颇有意义的。 受弗莱的U型神话叙事结构(由上升和下沉结构组成)的启发,本论文将克莱恩诗歌意象分为上升意象和下沉意象,并结合诗篇对其进行了原型解读。首先本论文讨论了其上升意象所描述的内容,即现代人对追求共同的理想而奋斗的过程;其次讨论了其下沉意象所描述的内容,即现代人对满足其个人欲望的热切追求的过程。这些上升和下沉意象反映了克莱恩本人对现代人生存状态的关切,而这种关切又恰恰应和了弗莱提出的神话关切:人类首要关切是对饮食、自由、爱和财产的关切,其第二位关切涉及社会契约如爱国主义,宗教信仰,集体情感等。同时值得指出的是,克莱恩诗歌的意象整体呈现上升-下降结构,此结构恰恰有助于揭示诗人对现代人困境的关切。 克莱恩戏谑了传统的文学U型叙事结构,使得他的诗歌意象整体呈现上升-下降结构,即诗歌以看似充满希望的上升意象开头,接着却是让人意象不到的下沉意象,最后是落寞和死亡。这些反复出现的形象构建着一个魔怪且荒诞的世界:被异化的个人几乎没有实现他的任何一个理想或满足他的个人欲望。这无不彰显着诗人对现代社会中人所处困境的关切。 迄今为止,本论文是首个明确指出克莱恩诗歌意象呈上升-下降叙事结构的论文。克莱恩用这种独特的叙述结构嘲讽了当时十九世纪末期故作风雅的维多利亚式文风,并呼吁人们关注自身生存状态。在克莱恩看来,现代人之所以面临种种痛楚和困境,归根结底就是人类过于自负的目标与他自身相对有限的能力之间存在差距。 Stephen Crane /(1871-1900/) is regarded as a precursor of modern poetry inAmerican literature. His poetry is rich in metaphorical and thought-provoking images.However, until now, critics at home or abroad, have barely made a systematicclassification of his poetic imagery, or expatiated on the condensed archetypes in hispoems, much less clearly affirmed Crane’s concern for modern man’s plight, which isunderlying in the modulation of his poetic imagery. Therefore, it is of significance forthis thesis to study the images in Stephen Crane’s poetry in light of archetypalcriticism put forward by a prominent Canadian literary critic Northrop Frye. Inspired by the falling and rising pattern in Frye’s U-shaped narrative structure,this thesis classifies the imagery of Crane’s poetry into two kinds, the rising imageryand the falling imagery, and makes textual analysis in context of Biblical and classicalworks. Firstly, the thesis discusses the rising imagery which represents modern man’spursuit of his ideal. The thesis then proceeds to discuss the falling imagery whichrepresents man’s fervent desire for the fulfillment of his personal needs. The intensivestudy of the two kinds of images is intended to reveal Crane’s concern for modernman’s plight, which is consistent with the framework of “myth of concern” advancedby Frye: man’s primary concern involves his desire for food, liberty, sex and property; man’s secondary concern dealing with social contract such as patriotism, religiousbelief, and other collective sentiments. Meanwhile, it is noteworthy to mention thegeneral rising-falling pattern in Crane’s poetic imagery, which helps to reveal Crane’sconcern for man’s problematic living conditions in the modern age. Crane has branded his poetry into a parody of the traditional pattern ofU-shaped myth narrative and produced the rough rising-falling pattern in Crane’spoetic imagery that presents a promising vision of ascent at a beginning and adistressful vision of descent at the end. These recurring images depict a demonic andabsurd world where the estranged individual literally fails at every attempt to achievehis ideal and to satisfy his desire. All of these manifest Crane’s concern for man’splight in the modern age. So far, this thesis has been the first one to clearly affirm the rising-fallingpattern in Crane’s poetic imagery. This unusual pattern marks his breakthrough fromthe genteel style of the nineteenth century and awakes people to their plight in modernsociety. To the poet, the modern man’s plight is rooted in the discrepancy betweenman’s overwhelmingly ambitious goal and his relatively limited capacity.

关 键 词: 原型 置换 神话关切 型神话叙事

分 类 号: [I712.072]

领  域: [文学]


作者 李文娣
作者 梁红艳
作者 万木春
作者 吴红
作者 赵顺宏


机构 东莞理工学院城市学院文学与传媒系
机构 广东培正学院
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 学院
机构 广东海洋大学外国语学院


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