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Domestication and Foreignization on Interpretation of Chinese Culture-specific Words in Conference Interpreting

导  师: 赵军峰

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 关于归化和异化的策略选择一直是笔译理论领域争论不休的议题,然而在口译领域却涉足甚少,针对会议口译中的中国文化特色词语的归化和异化应用研究更是凤毛麟角。本研究首先以跨文化交际为出发点,根据奈达的动态对等理论和韦努蒂倡导的异化策略,从会议口译的视角分析具有中国文化特色词语,特别选用两会记者招待会总理引用的具有中国文化特色意象特点的诗句、成语、典故和谚语以及重要商务会议的中国特色惯用语表达的口译来探索译员的归化和异化策略选择。 通过大量的语料分析研究发现,口译员在处理成语、古典谚语和诗句时倾向于使用异化策略,在处理中国式表达词汇时惯用归化策略。这与会议口译的客观环境、时间紧迫、理解困难、现场压力以及译员自身的跨文化修养等特殊的工作机制密切关联。 归化和异化口译策略没有孰优孰劣之分,采种哪种策略较佳要根据具体的语境而定,不能一概而论。口译员不应墨守陈规,一味跟随备受“追捧”的异化策略,而应根据不同场合选择恰当的策略,以获取最佳交际效果。此外,口译员应不断提高跨文化意识修养方能在两种不同文化间穿梭自如,提高口译质量。 Which strategy should be best adopted by translators between domestication andforeignization is heatedly debated in translation theory field, while these twostrategies are not concerned so much in interpretation theory field. The presentresearch aims to study the applications of domestication and foreignization from theperspective of intercultural communication on interpreting Chinese culture-specificwords in conference interpreting. In recent years, Translation theory experts havebegun to shift the focus of study from domestication supported by Nida’s dynamicequivalence to foreignization advocated by Venuti. With the acceleration of economicglobalization, each country tries to retain its own special and unique culture and avoidthe intrusion from another. This thesis introduced these two translating approachesinto interpreting to explore the specific usages on definite conference interpretingoccasions. According to above-mentioned translating approaches, this thesis specializes inanalyzing common Chinese culture-specific words involving in idioms, allusions,classical poems, unique Chinese terms and Chinese speech stylistic utterancesexcerpted from top leader’s speeches in press conferences in NPC and CPPCCsessions and on some important business conferences. Through a detailed studyinterpreters are found to advocate foreignization strategy to transmit message to theaudience when dealing with Chinese culture-specific words involved in allusions,idioms, poems, while interpreters would select domestication strategy as tackling theunique stylistic terms. The choice-making of the strategies has a close relation withthe special working mechanism of interpreting and is determined by limited time forconference interpreting, working pressure, required fidelity and interpreters’intercultural awareness as well. In order to realize an optimum communicative effect,interpreters should choose the right way according to the definite context instead ofbeing fascinated by advocating foreignization. Moreover, interpreters should spare noefforts to cultivate their intercultural awareness so as to improve interpreting quality.

关 键 词: 会议口译 中国文化特色词语 归化 异化 跨文化意识

分 类 号: [H059]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 王芳
作者 曾小敏
作者 徐娟娟
作者 赵佳荟
作者 黄月华


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏