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The Role of the Chinese Interpreters in the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the US and the PRC, a Sociological Approach

导  师: 褚东伟

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 作为一个伟大的历史性事件,1970年代的中美建交结束了两国之间长期的对立,开启了两国关系历史的新篇章。中美的成功建交,离不开两国口译员的工作。中方译员提供了不可或缺的翻译服务,确保了两国间的有效沟通以及历史的平稳进展。作为中国外交史不可或缺的一部分,中美建交见证了中方译员的重要性,因此,对中方译员在口译史范畴内进行研究存在着一定的必要性。 本论文以中美建交的口译史为基础,从社会学角度研究中方译员的角色。本论文以口译员的历史角色为切入点,综述国内外的口译史文献,利用考据、批评和解释等定性研究方法,探讨中美建交中的口译发生的原因和口译活动本身,从而分析译员在其中的角色。口译原因方面,本论文将其分类为社会原因和个人动机,其中,个人动机的讨论介绍了中方译员的生平经历,包括他们的双语能力、家庭关系和政治觉悟。口译活动方面,本论文介绍了口译活动的组织、外交部的培训和口译活动的特点。通过借鉴社会学关于社会影响个人而个人在社会中发挥积极角色的观点,本论文提出中方译员在中美建交中起到中介作用和跨文化作用,从而为中美建交这段历史作出了独特的贡献。 As a great historic event, the establishment of diplomatic relations between theUS and the PRC in the1970s attributes much of its success to the work of theinterpreters. The Chinese interpreters have played a vital role in ensuring effectivecommunication between leaders from both countries, earning themselves specialpositions in history. As an indelible part of the Chinese diplomatic history, thereopening of the Sino-US relations marks the importance of the Chinese interpreters,who deserve to be studied in the realm of the history of interpreting. This thesis studies the role of the Chinese interpreters from the perspective ofsociology, based on the historical event of the establishment of diplomatic tiesbetween the US and the PRC. Having reviewed the history of interpreting home andabroad with a special interest in the role of interpreters in history, this thesis analyzesthe role of the Chinese interpreters by discussing the causation of interpreting and theinterpreting activities using qualitative research methods of archaeology, criticism andexplanation. For the causation of interpreting, this thesis categorizes it into socialcausation and personal motivation, the latter of which discusses the interpreters’experiences, including their bilingualism, family connection and political awareness.As for the interpreting activities, this thesis introduces the organization of theinterpreting activities, training in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well ascharacteristics of the interpreting activities. With the sociological theory that thesociety affects individuals while individuals play active roles in the society, this thesisadvocates the Chinese interpreters play the intermediary role and the intercultural rolein their interaction with history, making unique contribution to the shaping of history.

关 键 词: 口译史 外事口译员 口译原因 社会学 口译员角色

分 类 号: [H315.9]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 胡翔
作者 姚钦
作者 张卓婧
作者 马丹霞
作者 陈月霞


机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 香港中文大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏