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The Legal Regulations of Fraud Litigation

导  师: 常廷彬

学科专业: 0301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 近年来,民事诉讼领域虚假诉讼的现象越演越烈,逐渐引起了法律界的关注。虚假诉讼是对民事诉讼程序的恶意利用,将民事诉讼程序作为获得非法利益的工具。此种行为不但有可能侵害案外人的合法权益、国家和社会的公共利益,也浪费了宝贵的司法资源,极大的损害了司法公信力,社会危险性日益凸显,因此,完善虚假诉讼的法律规制是十分必要的。 虚假诉讼在实务中出现时间较短,在我国无论是实体法还是程序法中都尚未有明确的规定,诉讼法学界对这一问题的研究也尚处于起步阶段。本文旨在通过总结司法实践中虚假诉讼的特点,结合2012年修订的《民事诉讼法》对虚假诉讼规制的相关规定,对虚假诉讼的概念、特征、如何认定、成因及危害进行研究分析,并对如何进一步完善虚假诉讼的法律规制提出一些建议,以期能对理论研究和司法实践产生积极的意义。本文正文共分为4部分: 第1部分主要论述虚假诉讼的概念、特征,从虚假诉讼的基本问题着手,通过比较分析目前理论界和实务界对虚假诉讼概念的不同观点,对虚假诉讼的定义作出界定,对虚假诉讼的基本特征作出分析以及与恶意诉讼、诉讼欺诈、滥用诉讼等词作出概念辨析。 第2部分根据司法实践中虚假诉讼案件的处理经验,总结归纳了虚假诉讼的表现形式,并在此基础上,进一步分析该如何认定虚假诉讼以及认定的程序等问题。 第3部分主要分析了虚假诉讼的产生的原因和危害,重点分析我国司法实践中对虚假诉讼行为进行规制的依据和相应的司法措施,并分析这些实体法和程序法上所存在的可被虚假诉讼所利用的制度。 第4部分集中探讨了该如何完善我国虚假诉讼的法律规制,结合2012年修订的《民事诉讼法》对虚假诉讼规制的相关制度、条文,分析该如何进一步将制度具体化,对虚假诉讼施以更有效的规制。 In the past few years, fraud litigation has shown more and more in the juridicalpractices caused an increasing concern about it among experts in the field of civillitigation. Fraud litigation is a use of the whole civil procedure and sees it as a tool toget the illegal interests. It is a violation to others’ interests, a waste of the judicialresource. Thus, it is a need for us to perfect the system to regulate it.This thesis is intended to make an overall definition, analysis the characteristics of thefraud litigation on the basis of the shown cases in the juridical practices. Also, willanalysis the reason it shows and at the end, how to improve the system to regulate itbetter. This thesis has4parts. In the first part, I will discuss about the definition, the characteristics it shows andcompare it with malicious litigation, abuse of civil right to appeal. Second, the form of the fraud litigation will be concluded on the basis of the showncases. Then how to identify it in the civil procedure will be discussed. The third part firstly elaborates the harmfulness of the fraud litigation, and thenanalyzes the causes of false civil action. The key point is on the present regulationsabout fraud litigation in our country exist problems and loopholes. The last part of the thesis will discuss how to improve the way to regulate the fraudlitigation. As the new show of the2012civil procedure, there are a few systems aremade to regulate it. It is a need to embody those systems to regulate it better.

关 键 词: 虚假诉讼 法律规制 第三人

分 类 号: [D925.1]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


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