导 师: 钟育赣
学科专业: 120202
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 本文以企业中直接与顾客接触的一线服务人员为研究对象,考查顾客不当行为对员工造成的情感态度和工作结果上的消极影响,并探索其缓冲因素,以及顾客不当行为事件中可能隐含的有利方面——员工建言本次研究通过问卷调查的方式收集了来自员工及其主管两个方面的配对数据,所得样本覆盖了酒店金融零售教育培训通信医疗等12个行业 研究发现,顾客不当行为会提升员工情绪耗竭,降低工作满意度,并对工作绩效产生负面作用,而支持性的组织氛围和组织互动公平在一定程度上能够缓减顾客不当行为给员工造成的不良影响同时,事物都有两面性,顾客不当行为在其不利影响之下,也有积极的方面,发生顾客不当行为,能够在一定程度上暴露企业的不足,它就像是一个敏锐的监控系统,及时反映服务接触中的问题,当员工遭遇因组织自身漏洞而引发的顾客不当行为时,有可能向组织建言,提出抑制或改善的建议,而这需要一定的情境条件,本文就此探讨了组织支持和组织互动公平在其中的作用 学术界对顾客不当行为情境因素及其积极面的研究才刚刚开始,许多学者都呼吁今后更多探索从这些方面展开,拓展并完善该领域的研究顾客不当行为日益凸显,企业需要采取措施在发生冲突时尽量降低其不良影响,甚至可以借此机会发现并修缮自身漏洞,转危为机了解顾客不当行为的积极面,以及组织支持和组织互动公平在其影响机制中的作用,有利于企业在面对行为不当的顾客时及时应对,缓减其消极影响,同时从中吸取经验教训,改进和完善自身,让员工与组织一同成长我们通过结构方程模型检验相关假设,并提出管理建议为组织运营提供参考 This paper chose service personnel who directly contact with customers as theresearch object; data were collected from12industries using questionnaires toinvestigate the impact of customer misbehavior on staffs in the service encounters, andto discuss the effect of the organizational supportive atmosphere and organizationalinteractional justice in the process. The study found that customer misbehavior mayhave a negative impact on staffs' emotion, attitude and behavior. It may also enhanceemotional exhaustion, lower job satisfaction, and negatively impact job performance.However, perceived organizational support and interactional justice were able tomitigate its adverse impact on the staffs to a certain extent. At the same time, everythinghas two sides. Although customer misbehavior has many negative effects, it also hassome positive aspects. When customer misbehavior happens, it may expose theshortages of the organization. It just looks like a keen monitoring system which canreflect the organizations' problems. When staffs suffer from customer misbehaviorcaused by organizations 'own vulnerability, it is possible for the organizations to makeimprovements. This paper explores the role of organizational support and interactionaljustice in the process. These concerns have academic and practical value. First,researches of situational factors of customer misbehavior and its positive aspects haveonly just begun; many scholars have called for more researches in these areas. Secondly,customer misbehavior has become more serious, enterprises need to take some measuresto minimize its adverse effects in the event, and they can also take the opportunities tomanagement the organizations' shortages. An understanding of the positive aspects ofcustomer misbehavior and the effects of organizational support and organizationaljustice in the mechanism will help relieving the negative effects when staffs face themisbehavior of customers, and enterprises can learn from the experience. The papertested the hypnoses by structural equation model, and implications for management andfuture research are discussed.
关 键 词: 顾客不当行为 情绪耗竭 工作满意度 组织支持 组织公平 建言
分 类 号: [F274 F272.92]