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The Crime of Fraud of the Theory of Financing

导  师: 杜晓君

学科专业: 0301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 近几年,金融诈骗罪越来越呈现出高速、疯狂增长和发展的趋势,给社会造成了巨大的损失。集资诈骗罪更是以其参与人数多、涉及面积广、数额及其巨大和社会危害性特别严重而位列金融诈骗犯罪之首。集资诈骗罪的主体既包括自然人犯罪主体,也包括单位犯罪主体。根据这几年的实践情况来看,目前出现许多的自然人盗用单位的名义,实施着集资诈骗行为,其主观方面是要求直接故意犯罪,而此要求的认定标准主要是否“以非法占有为目的”。集资诈骗罪的客体是复杂客体具体包括国家金融秩序和社会公众财产所有权。使用诈骗方法进行非法集资、诈骗数额较大是认定此罪的一个重要条件。关于如何治理和打击集资诈骗罪,我国自2011年起开始实施《最高人民法院关于审理非法集资刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》,虽然此“解释”进一步规定了关于集资诈骗罪在司法中的适用,但是,并没有完全解决围绕此罪的一些争议。因此,在司法实践中如何认定罪与非罪、此罪和彼罪具有重要意义。在集资诈骗罪刑事立法完善方面,虽然目前取得很大成就,但是仍然存在不少缺陷,因此,有必要进行一些立法完善和更新,本文针对集资诈骗罪罪名表述、罪状描述及法定刑提出了自己的个人见解。 本文主要结合我国立法和司法现状,对集资诈骗罪的概念特点、犯罪构成及司法认定等系列问题进行了深入研究和分析: 第一章:先介绍集资诈骗罪的概念,再结合案例详细阐述集资诈骗犯罪的成因及特征。 第二章:此章节是本文的重点篇章之一,结合犯罪构成四要件说,详细分析、阐述了集资诈骗罪的犯罪构成,对此罪的犯罪主体、犯罪主观方面、犯罪客体、犯罪客观方面一一进行了解读。重点分析了如何认定非法占有的主观目的、什么叫欺诈手段、诈骗手段是否是成立本罪的必要条件以及犯罪数额的计算和确认等问题。 第三章:此章节是本文的另一重点篇章,主要结合相关经典案例介绍了集资诈骗罪的司法认定,主要包括罪与非罪方面:集资诈骗罪与民间借贷纠纷;此罪与彼罪方面:集资诈骗罪与普通诈骗罪、非法吸收公众存款罪、擅自发行股票、公司、企业债券罪的区别。 第四章:主要是集资诈骗罪的法律完善。集资诈骗罪在整个法律完善方面是一门新兴的课题,特别是对于目前情况下集资诈骗罪中的法律规定以及事后对相应行为的处理方式,都有很大的研究意义。本文作者将在此段中对上述提出的问题略加发表个人看法,以起到抛砖引玉的作用。 Financial fraud has been increasingly presents a high speed in recent years, the trendof growth and development, caused huge losses to the society. Fund-raising fraud but alsofor its participation, involve wide area, and its huge amount especially serious and harmfulto the society and at the top of the financial fraud crime. Raise both natural person crimesubject of crime of fraud also include the unit crime the main body, according to the yearsof practice, at present in many natural theft unit, in the name of the implementation of thefund-raising fraud. Its subjective aspect is direct intentional crime, the cognizancestandard of this requirement is whether 'for the purpose of illegal possession'. Raisingobject of the crime of fraud is a complicated object, including the country's financial orderand the social public property ownership. Relatively large use fraud method for illegalfund raising, fraud is an important condition of the charges. About how to raising fundsgovernance and combating fraud, since2011in our country began to implement 'thesupreme people's court on the concrete application of law in trying criminal cases ofillegal fund raising questions of interpretation, although the' explanation 'further specifiesabout fund-raising fraud in judicial applicable, however, has not completely solve some ofthe controversy around the sin. In the judicial practice, therefore, decide how to crime andnot crime, this crime and crime is of great significance. In terms of fund-raising fraudcriminal legislation perfect, although the great achievements, but there are still manyshortcomings, therefore, it is necessary to make some legislation to improve and update,based on expression of fund-raising fraud charges and charges description and statutorypunishment put forward personal opinions. In this paper, according to our country'slegislative and judicial status quo, characteristics of the concept of fund-raising fraud,crime constitution and judicial cognizance, etc problem carried on the thorough researchand analysis: The first chapter: first introduces the concept of the fund-raising fraud, combining thecase detail fund-raising fraud causes and characteristics of the crime. The second chapter: this chapter is one of the focus of this article chapter, combinedwith the four elements crime constitution says that a detailed analysis, this paper expoundsthe fund-raising fraud crime constitution, this crime subject of crime, subjective aspect,criminal object, crime objective aspects one by one. Analyzed the subjective purpose ofillegal possession, how, what is fraud, fraud means whether it is necessary to set up thiscrime and crime amount of calculation and confirmation. In the third chapter: this chapter is another key chapter of this article, mainlycombined with classic case related to fund-raising fraud of judicial cognizance isintroduced, mainly including crime and non crime: crime of fraud of the financing andinformal lending disputes; This crime and sin's point of view: with ordinary crime of fraudof fund-raising fraud, the crime of illegal absorb public deposits, issue stocks or companyor enterprise bonds of sin. The fourth chapter: mainly is the fund-raising fraud law perfect. Fund-raising fraud inthe whole law perfect is an emerging subject, especially for the cases of fund-raising fraudlaws and regulations as well as the handling of the corresponding behavior way, has greatresearch significance. In this paper, the author will be to the above questions in this sectiona little published opinion, to have the effect of topic.

关 键 词: 集资诈骗罪 非法占有 司法认定 刑事立法完善

分 类 号: [D924.35]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 邵军华
作者 姚蓉
作者 宋军强
作者 沙文静
作者 杜宝庆


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 深圳大学法学院
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚