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The Impact of Peer Assessment on Fostering Critical Thinking

导  师: 曾用强

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 本论文旨在探讨同伴评估是否能促进批判性思维的培养。研究设计中采取了Ennis-Weir批判性思维短文测试作为测量被试批判性思维能力的工具,这项测试是基于Ennis(1987)对批判性思维所作的定义“决定相信什么和该做什么的一种合理性、反省性的思维(P.11)”制作而成。这是一项在议论文写作(英语)背景下进行的测试,被测量的批判性思维能力子技能包括以下几项:抓住要点;识别理由和假设;陈述观点;提供充足的理由;看到其他可能性;并恰当地回应或避免模棱两可、离题性、循环论证、假性因果、偷换概念、以偏概全、过度怀疑、问题可信性以及使用激动的语言进行劝说。 因此本研究的自变量——同伴评估是在英语议论文写作背景下进行。被试总共对三篇议论文写作任务进行了三轮的同伴评估过程。本研究中的同伴评估是在被试具备指引情况下进行,即每位被试都是根据一份评估细则对同伴的议论文进行测评,这份评估细则是基于Ennis-Weir批判性思维短文测试评分规则和Stapleton(2001)对议论文中的批判性思维元素的界定进行改编而成。实验中设计了控制组、实验组以及前测、后测进行对照,然后使用t-检验对实验数据进行统计分析。后测结束后接着对实验组被试进行了补充性的调查问卷,从学生的自我认知角度提供必要的定性数据,用于对研究问题进行充分讨论和论证。 T-检验数据统计表明,同伴评估的干预使分数产生了显著性的差异,即指导性的同伴评估可以促进批判性思维的培养。而对于每一项Ennis-Weir批判性思维短文测试所测量的子技能的详细平均数分析表明,被试在不同的子技能上展示了不同程度的提高。最突出的变化在于被试对循环论证的辨认,也就是说学生普遍认识到每一个论点都必须包含足够的理由才称得上是论证,否则只是个人主观情感表述。另外一个明显的提高是对假性因果的辨认,这意味着学生更好地认识到不能把一个特定的事件定义为一个必然的因果关系。此外,对避免离题性以及偷换概念的平均分数相比其他子项也展示了更高程度的进步,尽管所有的子项的分数平均数都呈上升趋势。 后续性的调查问卷反映的定性数据也表明被试对同伴评估持有积极的态度,且自我承认批判性思维能力得到提高,同时某些技能已经转移到他们的学习和生活中,如询问能力、评估信息能力以及论证能力等。 Designed to explore whether peer assessment facilitates fostering criticalthinking abilities, the current study employed the Ennis-Weir Critical ThinkingEssay Test as the measurement for critical thinking, based on R. H. Ennis’/(1987/)definition of critical thinking as “reasonable and reflective thinking that is focusedupon deciding what to be believed or do /(P.11/)”. It accesses critical thinking in thecontext of argumentation, and the areas of critical thinking competency includegetting the point, seeing the reasons and assumptions, stating one’s point, offeringgood reasons, seeing other possibilities, and responding appropriately to or avoidingequivocation, irrelevance, circularity, reversal of an if-then /(or other conditional/)relationship, straw person fallacy, overgeneralization, excessive skepticism,credibility problems and the use of emotional language to persuade. Peer assessment served as the treatment in the context of argumentationwriting. Three argumentative writing tasks were set for the peer assessmentprocess. The peer assessment process was conducted with a guidance developedbased on the Criteria and Scoring Rubric for Ennis-Weir Critical thinking Essay Testand Stapleton’s /(2001/) Rubrics for Elements of Critical Thinking in argumentation.A pre-//post-test control//experimental group design was used, and the t-test wasadopted to analyze the data. Follow-up questionnaire was conducted among theexperimental group to reveal supplemental qualitative data on the impact of peerassessment on fostering critical thinking from the students’ self-acknowledgment. The statistic findings with significant t-values suggest that peer assessmentintervention elicits significant differences, that is, guided peer assessment facilitatesfostering critical thinking. Detailed mean analysis on the scores of each subskillreveals that participants show varying degree of improvement in the subsets ofcritical thinking skills tested by the Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test. Themost striking change lies in recognition of circularity, that is, the students’ perception that each argument should contain enough justification rather than asubjective claim. Another distinct improvement lies in recognition of post hocfallacy, which means participants have shown an improvement in recognizing theerror of defining a specific incident to be a regular pattern. Besides, recognition ofirrelevance and straw person fallacy display a greater degree of perfection comparedto the rest of the subsets, though all of which demonstrated an enhancement. Follow-up questionnaire data reveal participants’ positive attitudes to the peerassessment, and confirm self-acknowledged improvement in critical thinking, aswell as in participants’ approaches to their study and life, including questioning,evaluating information and reasoning, etc.

关 键 词: 同伴评估 批判性思维 议论文写作

分 类 号: [H319.3]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 谭春燕
作者 陈嘉惠
作者 郑映雪
作者 王唯唯
作者 兰玉


机构 华南师范大学
机构 汕头大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学南国商学院
机构 广州大学外国语学院


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作者 彭晓春
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作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏