导 师: 刘建达
学科专业: 040102
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 本文通过定量与定性相结合的研究方法,对计算机化听力理解选择题测试三种题干输入模式,即听觉输入模式(AI),视觉(文本)输入模式(VI)和视听输入(AVI)模式下的学生成绩和做题过程进行比较,研究计算机化听力理解测试中题干输入模式对不同水平的学生成绩是否有所影响以及学生在不同题干输入模式下的做题过程有何区别。 本研究的测试工具包括约20分钟的计算机化听力理解选择题测试和约10分钟的立即回溯采访。本研究所用的听力理解测试题目来自历年高考英语试题的听力部分,由两段对话和两段独白共12道选择题。三个版本的试卷均包含三种题干输入模式,前九题进行题干模式的变换,后三题作为控制变量均为视听输入模式。机上考试以PPT形式放送,并没有进行复杂的界面设计。 来自三个英语水平平行组的90名高三学生参加了计算机听力理解测试,在参加实验之前,研究者获得了他们在两次高考模拟考中的成绩,其成绩验证了他们的英语水平的同质性。90名学生根据高考模拟考成绩分为高、中、低三个水平组,随机分配到三个测试组中。听力理解测试结束后,三个测试组各选三名不同水平的考生进行立即回溯采访。 实验后对数据进行了分析。定量分析的结果表明,计算机化听力理解选择题测试中,题干输入模式对学生的成绩存在显著影响,听觉输入模式的难度和区分度较高。立即回溯采访的数据分析解释了该现象,学生英语听力水平较低、不同题干输入模式下不同的做题过程以及有限的工作记忆造成了这种差异。 此外,研究结果也表明,题干输入模式对高水平受试无显著影响,对中水平受试的影响最为显著。因此,本实验探索了不同水平受试在信息处理及答题策略的区别。研究发现,高水平学生在三种题干输入模式下均使用以自上而下为主的信息处理模式,综合各种听力策略,使用的元认知策略比中低水平学生的数量多,在工作记忆上的表现也优于中低水平学生,而中水平学生使用的选择题答题策略多于高低水平学生,他们在有视觉输入模式时使用较多的自上而下的模式,而在听觉输入模式下则使用较多的自下而上的模式,可能是造成他们受题干模式影响较显著的原因。 本研究的发现在教学上有一定的指导意义。它表明中国的英语听力教学应增强学生在信息处理模式、听力策略和工作记忆方面的意识,加强听力策略和工作记忆的训练。本研究对计算机化英语听力测试也有一定的启示。 This paper reports on an empirical study that compared the performance andprocesses of taking computer-based English listening comprehension MCQ test/(CBELCT/) in audio stem-input /(AI/) mode, the visual stem-input /(VI/) mode and theaudio and visual stem-input /(AVI/) mode. The present study is set out to find the effectof stem-input modes on test performance of students at different proficiency-level onCBELCT and the processes of doing MCQ listening comprehension test in differentstem-input modes. The current study consisted of a20-minute CBELCT and a10-minute recordedradio interview immediately after the test for each interviewees. The test papers forthe CBELCT were designed into three versions, each of which contained threestem-input modes.90Grade3high school students took part in the CBELCT. Theywere three homogenous groups in terms of their English proficiency, which wasverified by their performance on two mock NMETs. These participants were dividedinto high, medium and low proficiency-level respectively and3at eachproficiency-level were invited to participate in the immediate retrospective interviews. After the experiments, both quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed. Thestatistical results showed the significant effect of stem-input modes on performanceon the computer-based English listening comprehension MCQ test and items withaudio stem-input mode were shown to be the highest in its difficulty anddiscrimination. Qualitative data obtained from immediate retrospective interviewsindicates that the reason lies in Chinese students’ relatively weak performance inEnglish listening, the different process of answering items with different stem-inputmodes and the limited capacity of working memory. In addition, it is also found that the stem-input mode has no significant effect onhigh proficiency students while it exerts effect on medium proficiency students mostsignificantly. The information processing and test-taking strategies of students atdifferent proficiency-levels are probed into. The finding is that high proficiency students did items in three different stem-input modes by integrating various listeningstrategies and using a schema processing, making more use of meta-cognitivestrategies than medium and low proficiency students. The above suggests that English teaching of listening should involve the teachingof information processing, listening strategies and training of working memory. Thepresent study also has implications for computer-based English listeningcomprehension test.
关 键 词: 多项选择题 题干输入模式 计算机化 听力理解测试 信息处理 听力策略 工作记忆
分 类 号: [G434 G633.41]