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A Foucaultian Reading of Sylvia Plath's the Bell Jar

导  师: 方开瑞

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 塞尔维亚·普拉斯是被誉为20世纪50年代美国最重要以及最受尊敬的女诗人之一,她唯一的一部小说《钟形罩》一经发表即获得巨大的成功。这本小说以作家本身的亲身经历作为基础,记录了一个青春期女孩儿艾斯特,在一个充满权力压迫的社会里寻找自身主体的过程。自小说出版以来,研究者们分别从女性主义和精神分析的角度对该小说进行了诠释,并取得了一系列研究成果。 本文借助福柯的权利理论,尤其是规训权力中的圆形监狱理论重新解读该小说。本文试图从福柯的理论出发找出导致艾斯特疯癫及其自杀的原因,并且叙述了她对规训权力的反抗最后痊愈的过程。研究表明,艾斯特变疯和痊愈的过程其实是她内化规训权力和反抗规训权利的过程。她之所以精神分裂是因为由一切社会关系和一切权力机构组成的父权社会这个“圆形监狱”对她的规训。在这种由监视和惩罚手段组成的规训下,艾斯特变成了束缚自我身心的囚徒,变成了驯顺的身体,丧失了主体性。然而,她不愿意屈服于内化的规训权力,而向施加于她身上的权力枷锁宣战,以冲破代表权力束缚的“钟形罩”。最终重建了自身的主体性,获得了自由。 本文共由五章组成。第一章为对塞尔维亚·普拉斯及其作品作了简要介绍,分析了学术界对小说《钟形罩》的研究和评论,最后引入福柯的权力理论并且阐述了运用该理论来分析《钟形罩》的可行性和意义。第二章分别从社会关系所构成的“圆形监狱”和权力机构所代表的“圆形监狱”对艾斯特的规训来分析艾斯特受到的监视和惩罚;第三章关注在规训力量下的主体性变化。规训力量造成了艾斯特主体性的丧失,进一步将女性变成了驯顺的身体。然而福柯对权力研究的突破性在于权力具有压迫性,同时又具有反抗性。艾斯特对施于她身上的规训权力作出了相应的反抗,并在一定程度上获得了成功,最终重建了自身的主体性。第四章是对论文的总结。规训权力无处不在,它的无主体性和渗透性形成了一张权利的网络,构筑了一道权利的“圆形监狱”,将女性困于其中,生产出驯服的身体。然而,权力的实施必然会引起反抗。女性通过对规训权力的抗衡获得重生,找到自己的主体性。 Sylvia Plath /(1932-1963/) was hailed one of the most dynamic and admiredfemale poets of the20thcentury, and her only novel—The Bell Jar was considered tobe a testing ground for her poems and has proved a great success. It chronicles anervous breakdown and consequent professional therapy in non-clinical language.And finally, it gives the reader one of the few sympathetic portraits of what happensto one who has genuinely feminist aspirations in society, of a girl who refuses to be anevent in anyone’s life. However, it is more than a feminist document, for it presentsthe enduring human concerns of the search for identity, the pain of disillusionment,and the refusal to accept defeat. As a female writer, Plath fully demonstrates theclashes between her inner spiritual world and the estranged disciplined society. Drawing upon Michel Foucault’s disciplinary power theory, especially hisconcept of panopticon and theory of subjectivity, this thesis attempts to make atentative and theoretical exploration of the discipline and punishment toward Esther inThe Bell Jar in the sense of “power mechanism”. It conducts an analysis of how theconfinement of panopticon traps Esther inside and explores the discipline andpunishment upon her. As the result of discipline, docile bodies and alienated subjectbecome the products of power. As the breakthrough Foucault makes to the traditionalpower concept, power is impossible in the absence of resistance. So Esther’sresistance to reconstruct her subjectivity is also the focus of the thesis. Chapter One is a brief introduction to Sylvia Plath and her The Bell Jar. Aliterature review of the novel is also included, consisting of three parts: Sylvia’s autobiographical novel, a feminist manifesto and a psychological research. AndMichel Foucault’s disciplinary power theory, especially his concept of panopticon andtheory of subjectivity is then introduced as the theoretical framework. Chapter Twoconducts an analysis of the confinement trapping Esther inside, e. g. panopticon,which consists of three settings: the political society in the Cold War era, Esther’shome and the asylum. On the basis of the disciplinary power theory, this chapter alsodwells upon the surveillance and punishment on Esther. Surveillance aims todiscipline. In the settings shifted from the political panopticon to the asylumpanopticon, Esther is under strict and omnipresent surveillance. As the result of notconforming to the social norms set for women, Esther is labeled as mentally ill andput into the force of punishment, including attacks on women’s body and mind. Withthe combination of Foucault’s power and subject theory, Chapter Three centers onsubjectivity under disciplinary power. Power is productive. Life under powergradually submerges Esther’ subjectivity and results in her alienation, including thesocial and psychological one. In addition, women internalize the disciplinary powerand become docile bodies. So under the power of discipline, Esther’s subjectivity islost and docile bodies of women are produced. However, through resistance, Estherreconstructs her subjectivity and finally achieves rebirth. The last chapter comes to a conclusion. From the above analysis based on theconcrete textual evidence, this thesis finds that the confinement of Esther existseverywhere, from the political environment of Cold War era, Esther’s home as aprison and the asylum where she receives treatment for her mental illness. Thesepanopticon get together to form the entrapment of power. With the help ofomnipresent surveillance and punishment, Esther loses her subjectivity and becomedocile. Power is not one-way repressive. Resistance exists everywhere in powerrelations. The reconstruction of subjectivity through resistance is possible.

关 键 词: 钟形罩 圆形监狱 规训 惩罚 反抗

分 类 号: [I712.074]

领  域: [文学]


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机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院


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