导 师: 莫爱屏
学科专业: 050211
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 检察官在庭审中扮演着公诉人和法律监督者双重角色,享有强制讯问被告人的权力以及对被告人、辩护人甚至于法官的法律监督权。为控制被告人,对被问者行使机构权力,公诉人往往借助威胁性或警告性言语行为。为限制被告人的话语权和答话内容,公诉人还会实施诸如打断、转换话题、重述、以及封闭式提问等复杂的言语行为。 为了实现公诉人控制被告人的目的,双语法庭问答中的权力性和控制力须要以口译员作为中介充分传达。然而据作者观察,经过口译员“处理”后,译语中公诉人的讯问的控制力往往存在相当程度的遗失或减弱,从而无法实现公诉人警告、控制被告人的目的。 本文主要运用演绎法、观察法和分析法等方法对庭审双语语料进行定性研究。通过法庭旁听参与的方式获得第一手语料录音,并按照话语分析的转写规则对语料进行系统的转写。针对法庭口译中公诉人控制力的“不足译”现象,作者试图以言语行为理论为基础,以15个真实的涉外刑事审判片段作为个案研究,将公诉人的话语的言语行为与译员口译话语的言语行为进行对比分析,寻找口译中施为用意的丢失以及施为用意力度的改变,并利用语用学的相关概念分析、解释这些改变导致的控制力的变化。同时针对这些译员对控制力的“不足译”现象,借鉴目的论的原则,尝试给在各种条件限制下的法庭口译员在传递公诉人话语控制力方面给予选择策略上面的指导和建议。 Under China's inquisitorial court trial system, public prosecutors, who take ondual role to accuse the defendant and supervise the carriage of justice, enjoy thepower of forced interrogation and the authority of supervision over defendants. Toensure control over defendants and the exercise of institutional power, prosecutorstend to employ different linguistic devices to restrict the attitude, speech rights, andthe scope of answers of defendants. However, in interpreter-mediatedforeigner-related court trials, according to the author’s observation, the controlunleashed by prosecutors are usually attenuated or eliminated because of theinadequate delivery by the court interpreters, causing failures of control over theforeign defendants. In view of this phenomenon, this study aims to investigate into the possiblecauses of such inadequate delivery and to make suggestions to court interpreters for abetter delivery of prosecutors' control. Through an observational and analyticalapproach, a qualitative research is carried out to examine the firsthand bilingual datathrough courtroom participation. The recordings of court trials are transcribed andanalyzed in an effort to explain interpreters' inadequate delivery of prosecutors'control over defendants. Taking Speech Act Theory as an analytical tool and relevant pragmatic conceptsas parameters, the author assesses the illocutionary force of prosecutors control andmakes comparison with that of the interpretation through15case studies, so as tolocate the losses and alterations of illocutionary force and the causes thereof. Specificto such “inadequate delivery” phenomenon, the author also attempts to give somesuggestions and guidance on interpreting strategies that will improve delivery of theprosecutors control in light of Skopos Theory.
关 键 词: 法庭口译 言语行为 施为用意 公诉人控制力 传递不足
分 类 号: [H059]
领 域: [语言文字]