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Language Analytic Ability and the Effectiveness of Written Corrective Feedback on Chinese EFL Learners' Development of Implicit and Explicit Knowledge of English Articles

导  师: 谢元花

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 几十年来,书面纠正性反馈的有效性一直是二语习得领域讨论颇多、倍受争议的一个话题。之前对书面纠正性反馈的作用进行探讨的大部分二语习得研究集中于考察书面纠正性反馈对提高学习者显性知识的作用。然而,很少有研究就书面纠正性反馈对学习者发展隐性知识的作用进行探讨。 基于之前对书面纠正性反馈效果进行考察的实证研究,本研究采用了二语习得的研究方法,通过前测-治疗-即时后测-延迟后测的实验设计,试图探讨两种直接书面纠正性反馈方式对中国英语学习者发展英语冠词的两种功能用法的显性知识和隐性知识的相对有效性。此外,本研究也考察了这两种书面纠正性反馈方式的作用和学习者语言分析能力之间的相关性。 本研究的受试是92名来自广东省广州市一所大专院校3个完整班的大一非英语专业学生。这3个完整班被随机分配到三个组:直接书面纠正性反馈组,直接元语言书面纠正性反馈组和对照组。整个实验持续了8周,包括三个测试阶段和两个反馈干预阶段。书面纠正性反馈的效果通过显性知识和隐性知识来测量。三个测试阶段都采用了三种测试工具来考察书面纠正性反馈对发展学习者英语冠词的两种功能用法的显性和隐性知识的作用:看图写作测试(主要测量隐性知识),快速听写测试(主要测量隐性知识),以及改错测试(测量显性知识)。两个反馈干预阶段是基于两篇看图写作任务,即前测的看图写作1,以及看图写作2。实验者对直接书面纠正性反馈组(n=29)的受试在写作中犯的冠词错误通过指出错误位置并提供正确的语言形式的方式提供反馈。直接元语言书面纠正性反馈组(n=31)的受试则通过研究者指出错误位置,提供正确的语言形式,并加上额外的元语言解释来接受反馈。此外,两个实验组的受试除了接受冠词错误的反馈之外,其他语言错误如动词形式,主谓一致等方面的错误也得到相应的反馈。对照组(n=32)的受试在实验期间没有接受任何书面纠正性反馈,而提供了书面纠正性反馈的作文等整个实验结束之后才发还给他们。 收集到的所有数据用SPSS(社会科学统计软件包,版本16.0)统计分析工具进行分析。本研究得出了以下研究结果:/(1/)直接元语言书面纠正性反馈组在三个测试任务的两个后测中的表现都明显优于对照组;而直接书面纠正性反馈组除了在快速听写测试后测2的表现跟对照组没有显著性差异外,在其他测试中的表现都显著优于对照组;/(2/)两个干预组在发展学习者英语冠词显性知识方面的作用没有显著性的差异,但是相比直接书面纠正性反馈,直接元语言书面纠正性反馈在发展学习者英语冠词隐性知识方面的作用更好;/(3/)直接元语言书面纠正性反馈组受试的后测分数和他们的语言分析能力测试的分数之间没有显著的相关性。但是,研究发现直接书面纠正性反馈组受试的后测分数和他们的语言分析能力测试分数之间有显著的相关性。 本研究为以书面纠正性反馈为形式的显性形式中心语言教学的有效性提供了进一步的证据,表明本研究考察的两种直接书面纠正性反馈方式对提高学习者英语冠词的显性和隐性知识都是有效的。因此,教师在批改学习者作文的过程中应该毫不犹豫地提供书面纠正性反馈。同时,本研究也给我们以启示:在考察书面纠正性反馈的有效性时不应该忽视学习者的个人差异因素。相反,在选择合适的纠正性反馈方式时应该基于对学习者个人差异如语言水平,学习动机,学能等的分析,以此使书面纠正性反馈的效果达到最大化,从而更有效地促进学习者中介语的发展。 The effectiveness of written corrective feedback /(CF/) has been an issue ofconsiderable debate and much discussion in the field of second language acquisition/(SLA/) over decades. Most previous SLA research into written CF focused oninvestigating the role of written CF in improving learners’ explicit knowledge.However, few studies have examined the effect of written CF on implicit knowledgedevelopment. Based on the previous empirical studies on the efficacy of written CF, this studyadopted the methodology of SLA research into written CF with apretest-treatment-immediate posttest-delayed posttest design. It attempted to explorethe relative effectiveness of direct written CF and direct metalinguistic written CF onChinese English as a foreign language /(EFL/) learners’ development of explicit andimplicit knowledge of the two functional uses of the English article system: the use of‘a/(n/)’ for first mention and ‘the’ for subsequent or anaphoric mentions. Besides, theextent to which the effects of these two direct written CF options were mediated bylearners’ language analytic ability was also examined. The subjects were92freshmen of non-English majors from three intact classesof a junior college in Guangzhou, Guangdong province. These three intact classeswere randomly assigned to three groups: the direct written CF group, the directmetalinguistic written CF group and the control group. The whole experiment lastedfor a period of eight weeks, covering three testing sessions and two treatment sessions.The effects of written CF were measured in terms of explicit and implicit knowledge.Three assessment tests: Picture-cued Writing Test /(designed to primarily measureimplicit knowledge/), Speeded Dictation Test /(designed to primarily measure implicitknowledge/), and Error Correction Test /(designed to measure explicit knowledge/) wereadministered in the three testing sessions to measure learners’ development of implicitand explicit knowledge of the two functional uses of English articles. The twotreatment sessions were based on two picture-cued writing tests, that is, picture-cuedwriting test1in the pretest, and picture-cued writing test2. Subjects in the directwritten CF group /(n=29/) received direct correction on article errors through locating the errors and providing the correct forms. Subjects in the direct metalinguistic writtenCF group /(n=31/) were corrected through indication of the locations of errors and theprovision of correct forms in combination with written metalinguistic explanation.Besides the corrections on English articles, both treatment groups also receivedcorrections on other linguistic errors like verb forms, agreement in subject andpredicate, etc. Subjects in the control group /(n=32/) did not get any feedback duringthe experiment, instead, their texts with written CF were given back to them at the endof the experiment. All the data collected were entered into the statistic tool of SPSS /(StatisticalPackage for the Social Sciences, Version16.0/) for analyses. The current studyobtained the following research results:/(i/) Direct metalinguistic written CF groupperformed significantly better than the control group in both posttests of the threeassessment tests; direct written CF group performed significantly better than thecontrol group in all tests except in posttest2of the Speeded Dictation Test;/(ii/) Whileboth treatment groups can equally facilitate the development of explicit knowledge ofEnglish articles, the direct metalinguistic written CF group performed better than thedirect written CF group in fostering the development of implicit knowledge of Englisharticles;/(iii/) While the effect of direct metalinguistic written CF was not mediated bylearners’ language analytic ability, the effect of direct written CF was mediated bylearners’ language analytic ability to certain extent. This thesis provided further evidence for the efficacy of explicit form-focusedinstruction in the form of written CF, indicating that both direct written CF optionswere effective in promoting the development of implicit and explicit knowledge ofEnglish articles. Therefore, teachers should not hesitate to provide learners withwritten CF in reviewing their texts. This study also gives us implication that weshould not neglect learners’ individual difference factors while evaluating theeffectiveness of written CF. Rather, it should be born in mind that an appropriate CFoption should be selected based on the analyses of learners’ individual differencessuch as language proficiency, learning motivation and language aptitude, so as tomaximize the effects of written CF and promote learners’ interlanguage developmentmore efficiently.

关 键 词: 直接书面纠正性反馈 直接元语言书面纠正性反馈 语言分析能力 显性知识 隐性知识 英语冠词

分 类 号: [H319.3]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 肖海玲
作者 成思危
作者 丁宝军
作者 王培军
作者 贺红星


机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东技术师范学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏