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Humorous Characterization in Shirley Jackson's Life among the Savages and Raising Demons

导  师: 周静琼

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 雪莉·杰克逊(1919-1965)是一位多才多艺的美国小说家,其作品涵盖多种叙述方式和文体风格。在其短暂的一生中,她共出版了六部长篇小说,两本回忆录和一本短篇小说集,著作颇丰。在1948年,她因出版短篇小说《彩票》一举成名。直至今日,《彩票》依旧是她最负盛名的代表作。除此之外,雪莉·杰克逊还出版了一系列广受好评的哥特小说,如《塞勒姆村的巫术》,《日晷》,《山宅鬼惊魂》等等。这些作品成就了雪莉·杰克逊在哥特文学领域的经典地位,但也掩盖了她其它类型小说的独特光芒。比如,她在家庭幽默小说写作方面的文学成就一直未被重视。 本论文通过分析雪莉·杰克逊在《同野人生活》和《抚养魔鬼》两本小说中对人物形象的幽默刻画,深入探讨其中幽默的功能,从而挖掘其家庭幽默小说的独特文学价值。本文着重分析人物形象的幽默刻画,因为其中必然包含有情景幽默和言语幽默,而这三种幽默共同构成杰克逊小说中独特的文体特征。 本文的理论框架主要由三大幽默理论构成:幽默的优越理论,释放理论,和不协调理论。亨利·柏格森在其《笑》一书中,集三大理论之大成,系统地分析了幽默,并将其分为言语幽默,情景幽默,和幽默形象刻画三种类型。他的幽默理论有助于深入分析雪莉·杰克逊的幽默写作手法及其功能,因此在本文中也多次被提及和引用。 本文包含四个章节和结论。第一章主要包含关于作者及其作品《同野人生活》和《抚养魔鬼》的文献综述,探究这两本小说的写作背景,并概括相关的幽默理论。第二章聚焦《同野人生活》中人物形象的幽默刻画,而第三章主要分析了《抚养魔鬼》中的刻板人物形象。考虑到小说中的叙述者作为雪莉·杰克逊代言人的特殊身份,在第四章,我阐述了叙述者的言语幽默和其对自我形象的幽默描写,从而加深对这两部作品中幽默的真正含义和功能的理解。 在分析雪莉·杰克逊是如何运用幽默来刻画人物形象的同时,本文也探讨了幽默的三个社会功能。首先,幽默有释放功能;它可以释放人们的负面情绪,如压抑,沮丧和愤怒等。其次,幽默有纠错功能;它能够改正人们行为或语言上不合时宜的小错误,使之更能适应社会。此外,书中的家庭幽默既可以反映当时的女性角色和价值观,又被用作一种武器来反抗社会对待女性的偏见和歧视。只有了解杰克逊家庭幽默小说的独特文学价值和魅力,才能避免以偏概全地将她定义为一名哥特式作家,才能全面认识她作为一名全能小说家在美国文坛应该享有的地位。 Shirley Jackson is a versatile American writer who writes with diverse tones andforms. Despite her short life, she is a prolific writer, boasting of six novels, twoMemoirs, and a collection of short stories. Her reputation is established by her shortstory “The Lottery”, published in1948. Due to the enduring influence of “TheLottery” and her other gothic novels like The Witchcraft of Salem Village /(1956/), TheSundial /(1958/), and The Haunting of Hill House /(1959/), Shirley Jackson is recognizedas an occult horror writer in literature discussion while her humorous domestic novelsare largely neglected and underestimated. This thesis attempts to discover the unique literary value of two representativesof Shirley Jackson’s domestic novels, namely, Life Among the Savages and RaisingDemons by analyzing humorous characterization in them and probing into the socialfunctions of her humor. I focus on humorous characterization in the two books as itwould certainly contain situational humor and linguistic humor in it. In my discussion of humor, I would apply the three major theories of humor,namely the Superiority Theory, the Relief Theory, and the Incongruity Theory. HenryBergerson integrates the three theories in his book Laughter and divides humor intolinguistic humor, situational humor and humor in characterization. His theories arealso of significance to my analysis of humorous characterization in the two novels. This thesis contains four chapters and a conclusion. Chapter One includes literature reviews about Shirley Jackson’s Life Among the Savages and RaisingDemons and an overview of the theories on humor. It also explores the culturalbackground of the two novels. Chapter Two discusses humorous characterization inLife Among the Savages while Chapter Three analyzes a special kind of humorouscharacterization in Raising Demons—stereotypes. Considering the unique role of thenarrator as Shirley Jackson’s spokesperson, I would attribute Chapter Four to thediscussion of humorous characterization of the narrator. All these will enable me tobetter explore the true meaning and social functions of her domestic humor. Besides analyzing how Shirley Jackson applies humor in the characterization inthese two books, this study also leads to the discoveries of three functions ofJackson’s domestic humor. Firstly, humor can be a liberating element which canrelieve people from poisonous feelings such as depression, frustration and anger.Secondly, humor functions as a social corrective directed at the minor faults of humanbeings in words or in behavior, thus help them better adapt to society. Last but notleast, Shirley Jackson’s domestic humor in the two novels can be an index to the rolesand values of women of her day and functions as a resistant power to fight against thesocial prejudices towards women. All these will do full justice to Jackson’sachievements as a master fiction writer, not just a writer of gothic fiction.

关 键 词: 雪莉 杰克逊 幽默 家庭幽默 人物形象幽默刻画 刻板形象

分 类 号: [I712.074]

领  域: [文学]


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机构 暨南大学


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