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Investigation and Analysis of the Autonomy of Indonesian Undergraduates in Chinese Language Learning and Research of Teaching Countermeasure

导  师: 彭淑莉

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 在汉语二语教学界,研究外国学生自主学习汉语的文章尚不多见。鉴于外语教学(尤其是国内的英语教学)的经验和教训,汉语二语教学应着重培养将汉语作为第二语言的学习者的自主学习能力。而元认知策略和自主学习密切相关,它是成功地计划、监控和评估学习活动的必要条件,对提高学习效果起着最为核心的作用。因此在日常教学中,教师应该有意识地培养学生的元认知意识,引导学生设立学习目标、计划学习行动、评估学习效果,让学生自己监控学习过程,成为自主学习者。 近年来,中国和印尼之间的经济、政治、文化交流密切,印尼当地学习汉语的人(尤其是华人及后代)日益增多,如何帮助他们更好地学习汉语是摆在面前必须解决的问题。作者借此三个半月去印尼泗水的实习机会,了解目前智星大学中文学院一至三年级的大学生是否在汉语学习过程中发挥了自主性,自主学习能力的高低;在学习汉语过程中使用元认知策略的程度,是否需要进行元认知策略教学。最重要的是提出若干可行的教学建议以供参考。 In the sector of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the number of essays onthe autonomic learning of Chinese of foreign students is less common. In view of theexperience and lessons from foreign language teaching /(especially the Englishteaching in China/), teaching Chinese as a foreign language should develop theautonomic learning ability of Chinese as a second language learners. Whereas,metacognitive strategy is closely related to autonomic learning. It is the necessaryrequirement of the successful planning, monitoring and evaluation of learningactivities and it makes the most essential influences on the improvement of learningeffects. Therefor, So in everyday teaching,teachers should consciously developmetacognitive awareness of students and guide them to set learning goals,study plansand evaluation of results so that students can monitor their own learning process andbecome self-regulated learners. In recent years, the economic, political and cultural communications betweenChina and Indonesia are quite frequent and Indonesian Chinese learners /(especiallythe ethnic Chinese and their offsprings/) are rapidly growing. How to help thoselearners to learn Chinese better is a question ahead that must be answered. Takingadvantage of the practice /(which lasts for three months and a half/) to Surabaya,Indonesia, I found out whether the students from freshman year to junior year in theChinese college of Universitas widya Kartika had brought the autonomy into play intheir Chinese learning process or not, the level of their autonomic learning ability, thedegree of their using of the metacognitive strategy in their Chinese learning. And Idecided whether it’s necessary to carry out the metacognitive stategy teaching or not,and most importantly, I proposed some feasible teaching advices for reference.

关 键 词: 自主学习 元认知策略 汉语二语教学 印尼大学生

分 类 号: [H195.3]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 田雨
作者 贾琳琳
作者 尹玲
作者 吴春晓
作者 李云南


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广州大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏