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A Study of the Effectiveness of Peer Assessment on EFL Writing Revision among College Students

导  师: 曾用强

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 本文旨在通过不同水平学生的差异来探究同伴评估在中国大学生英语写作修改中的有效性。具体地说,本文从三方面对该问题做出了回答:不同水平学生吸纳同伴反馈的程度,不同水平学生在作文修改后哪些方面得到了显著提高,以及不同水平学生对同伴评估有效性的态度及看法。 108名来自广东外语艺术职业学院应用英语专业的大一新生参加了此项研究。学生经过了三轮写作及同伴评估,作者收集了最后一次写作任务的一稿、二稿进行对比,同时向学生发放了问卷,对三名不同水平的学生进行了访谈。 研究发现学生水平是影响同伴评估对写作修改的有效性的一个重要因素:在三个水平学生组中,中等水平的学生接受了最多的同伴反馈,其次是低水平和高水平学生;较高水平的学生在进行修改时更容易成功,也更容易进行自我修改。 同时,研究发现不同水平的学生在二稿中都有了整体上的提高。具体从写作的五个方面而言,三个水平的学生在写作规范上都得到了显著提高,中高水平组在写作内容上都得到了显著提升,另外,中等水平组在语言方面得到了显著改善,三个水平组在结构和词汇方面都没有显著进步。 总体上来说,不同水平学生对同伴评估大致都持积极态度。而不同水平学生对写作五方面有效性的看法基本与他们自身表现一致。高水平组认为同伴评估最能帮助他们提升写作内容,中水平组认为同伴评估对语言提高最有用,而低水平组则认为只对写作规范帮助较大。此外,研究还发现同伴评估能激发学生的学习自主性,增强他们的学习动机,培养学生的责任感。 This thesis probes into the effectiveness of peer assessment by exploring thedifference existing among college students at different proficiency levels underChinese EFL contexts. Specifically, the thesis explores to what extent students atdifferent proficiency levels incorporate peer feedback, in what aspects they canimprove their writing in revision, and how different level's students perceive theeffectiveness of peer assessment. In the study,108freshmen majoring in applied English from Guangdongteachers college of foreign language and arts take part in the study. After threerounds of writing, their first drafts and second drafts at the third round are compared,and questionnaire and interview are also carried out. It is found that students' proficiency level can be a great factor affecting theeffectiveness of peer assessment on EFL writing revision: intermediate level studentshave the largest incorporation rate of usable peer feedback, followed by the low levelstudents and the high level students and higher level students tend to be moresuccessful in revising and make more self-revisions. In addition, significant improvement in the overall quality is found among alllevels of students in the second drafts. In terms of the five aspects in writing, alllevels of students present significant progress in mechanics, and significantimprovement is also found in content with students at high level and intermediatelevel, in the aspect of language with intermediate level students. However, none ofstudents show any significant improvement in organization and vocabulary. Generally, all levels of students hold a positive attitude towards peer assessmentof EFL writing. And their perception of the effectiveness of peer assessment onwriting revision in five writing aspects is basically in consistence with their performance in their second drafts. High level students believe writing content canbe greatly improved through peer assessment, intermediate level students perceivepeer assessment enables them to improve the language of writing better than otheraspects, and low level students find the most usefulness of peer assessment inimproving mechanics in writing. It is also found that peer assessment can stimulatelearner autonomy, strengthen students' motivation, and enhance mutualresponsibility.

关 键 词: 同伴评估 同伴反馈 写作 修改 不同水平

分 类 号: [H319.3]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 毛为慧
作者 张爽
作者 杨勇
作者 郑金苗
作者 吴寒


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 东莞理工学院外语系
机构 华南农业大学外国语学院
机构 华南理工大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏