导 师: 易行健
学科专业: 020206
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 从1994年至2011年,中国的经常账户和资本账户同时处于盈余的状态,简称为双顺差。本文首先回顾了双顺差的历史演变和结构特征,认为双顺差的特殊之处在于货物贸易出现了超前发展。其次,通过对货物贸易盈余和外国直接投资的特征的分析,指出双顺差的直接原因在于在国际范围产业结构调整的背景下中国对产品内分工的参与。然后,论述了双顺差所反映出的经济结构问题,分别为储蓄大于投资、劳动者工资上涨受抑制以及金融市场发展滞后。在最后,对中国的国际收支进行预测并提出相关政策建议。 From1994to2011, surplus appears both in China's current account and capitalaccount, which is referred to as the double surplus. In this paper, the history andstructural features of the double surplus are reviewed and deemed special because ofthe premature development of trade in goods. Based on the analysis of thecharacteristics of trade and FDI in China, double surplus is attributed to intra-productspecialization in the context of worldwide adjustment of industrial structure. Then,problems in China`s economy which can be reflected by double surplus arediscoursed, they are the gap between savings and investment, suppression of wages toworkers and lag of the development of financial markets. Finally, predictions ofChina’s balance of payments and policy recommendations are made.
分 类 号: [F752 F832]