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A Translation Study of Lexical Category Shift in Children's Picture Books

导  师: 莫爱屏

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 与成人文学翻译研究相比,儿童文学翻译的研究成果寥寥可数,更别提对儿童图画书的翻译研究。在数量有限的研究成果中,笔者发现鲜有学者从认知语言学的角度去研究儿童文学翻译中词汇使用的具体问题。 事实上,关于词汇翻译,已经有学者尝试用原型范畴理论去研究,并提出词汇范畴转移的观点。但所有研究的目的都是为了克服目的语缺失相对应的词的独特性,并且是站在为成人翻译的角度上去考虑的。原型范畴理论告诉我们,不同的词处于不同的层次范畴。儿童的认知是有限的,他们最早习得和使用的是基本层次范畴词语。源语国家儿童的基本层次范畴词语不一定与目标语国家儿童的一一对应。其他语义范畴层次词语更是如此。译作中出现太多陌生范畴词语,会给儿童阅读造成障碍,影响儿童阅读的乐趣。 正是因为如此,本文通过原型范畴理论解释了词汇范畴的四大特点及范畴化的层级系统的组成。结合年青译者漪然的部分译作和其他原版图书,针对儿童图画书翻译中主要的词汇问题,详细地说明了在哪种情况下主动转移词汇范畴,及如何从水平和垂直两个方向实现转移。 经过论证,本文得出初步结论:儿童图画书的词汇翻译要从儿童认知出发,主动转移范畴。鉴于儿童文学翻译的特殊性及对孩子的重要性,本文呼吁更多学者投入到童书翻译的研究中,期待儿童文学翻译研究可以百花齐放,百鸟争鸣。 Compared with the studies on adult literature translation, the studies onchildren's literature translation are few to be found, not to mention those onchildren's picture book. From these limited materials, the author found that it washardly to find studies focusing on lexical problems in the translation of children'sliterature from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics. As a matter of fact, there have been scholars who used prototype theory ofcategorization to elaborate lexical translation and put forward to category shiftstrategy. However, it is a pity that all research was to solve the typical problem oflexical absence in target language, and in the meanwhile they were carried out forthe purpose of translating for adult. According to prototype theory, words areattributed to different categories which may not be at the same level. Children'scognition is limited, and words in the basic categories are normally first learned andused frequently. For children who speak source language, some words belong tobasic category; for children who speak target language, they may not. Words at othersemantic categories, no matter high or low at levels, share this attribute. Too manywords that belong to category which is unfamiliar to kids will lay obstacles and keepthem from enjoying reading. For this, this paper elaborates the four features of lexical category and theformation of lexical categorization system on the basis of prototype theory ofcategorization. Combined with some translation works of Xiran, a young translatorand other selected English picture books, it discusses in detail under whatcircumstances it is suggested to shift lexical category purposely, and how to shiftvertically and horizontally to overcome the major lexical problems in the translationof children's picture books. Through the aforesaid argumentation, this paper proposes to shift lexicalcategory on purpose in the translation of children's literature for the concern of children's cognition. Concerning the special nature of translating for children and itssignificance to children, this paper finally calls for the academic circle to conductmore researches in diversified ways in future.

关 键 词: 原型范畴理论 词汇范畴转移 图画书

分 类 号: [H059 I046]

领  域: [语言文字] [文学]


作者 庄奕莲
作者 曾贻
作者 徐优平
作者 马晶晶
作者 秦倩


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院


作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李晓青
作者 肖飞燕
作者 范文嫣