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A Report on the Translation of Rhetorical Devices in the Information Diet

导  师: 何洪亮

学科专业: 0551

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 文字的修辞手法和文字描述的内容同样承载作者想要表达的思想内容。本报告的目的就是总结笔者在《信息节食》译文中翻译原文修辞手法的心得。报告分为五个部分:任务描述、过程描述、文本分析、案例研究和总结,其中文本分析和案例研究尤为重要。 《信息节食》这本书的主要内容是指导我们如何避免垃圾信息,以免冗余信息既耗费了我们的时间,又误导了我们的判断。为了更好的阐述观点,作者首先详述肥胖所引发的问题和人们为什么会变肥胖,继而以节食作为类比,介绍什么是以及如何做到信息节食。 在《信息节食》中,作者使用了以下一种或几种手段来突出自己的行文风格:(1)自创新词;(2)讽刺;(3)使用夸大其词的修辞手法;(4)比喻;(5)特殊句式。这些修辞手法的使用增加了文字内容的趣味性,同时也让读者能够更清晰的明了作者所阐述的我们面临信息冗余时感到力不从心,和过度进食导致我们肥胖之间有着相同的本质,进而为我们指出,如同节食减肥一样,我们也可以通过获取量少质优的信息来达到信息节食的目的。 笔者以文体学作为分析工具,通过选取适当的字词句,力图忠实翻译上述修辞手法在字体,词汇,语义,句法,以及语篇层面上传达的含义。 Rhetorical devices, the same as words themselves, convey thoughts the writer wantsto bring out. This report aims to give some insight into how to translate rhetoricaldevices in the Chinese translation of The Information Diet. It is divided into fiveparts: task description, process description, text analysis, case study and summary.Among them, text analysis and case study are of vital importance. The Information Diet is a book talking about how to avoid junk informationconsumption in case that it takes up too much of our time as well as misleads ourjudgment. To make a clear argument, it discusses how obesity problem occurs andwhy more and more people are getting fat in the first place. Then it goes on bycomparing food diet to conscious information consumption. In The Information Diet, Clay A. Johnson organizes his text in one or more ofthe following ways:/(1/) by creating neologism;/(2/) by using irony;/(3/) by usingoverstatement;/(4/) by metaphor;/(5/) by syntactic deviation. All those rhetoricaldevices make the book an interesting book to read as well as allow readers tounderstand the metaphor between corpulent and information overloads. Furthermore,it shows us that by absorbing less but better, we can achieve information diet. With stylistics as a tool, the author tries to translate the rhetorical devicesmentioned above in graphological level, lexical level, semantic level, syntactic leveland textual level, by choosing appropriate word and sentence, in the light of thefunctions a particular rhetorical construct performs and the meaning it tries toconvey.

关 键 词: 衔接 修辞手法 翻译策略

分 类 号: [H059]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 刘天琦
作者 汤玉华
作者 林盛禹
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作者 许全欢


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州大学


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