导 师: 谢元花
学科专业: 050211
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 冠词是英语中使用频率最高的词之一,也是英语学习者较早接触的语法项目。尽管出现频率高,学习者接触时间早,冠词系统对于英语学习者甚至是本族语者来说仍然是语法学习中的难点。非英语本族语者英语即使达到较高水平,其冠词使用仍存在困难。由此,冠词习得研究成为了一语及二语习得领域的研究热点之一。 国外冠词习得研究开始较早,成果较为丰硕。但国内冠词习得的实证研究不多,与国外研究现状存在较大差异。因此本研究以语料库为基础,调查英语学习者的冠词使用情况,分析不同水平英语学习者对冠词系统及单个冠词的使用,并探讨各个冠词使用频率的发展性特征。 本文根据语料库语言学的研究方法,运用Antconc3.2.1检索工具,基于中国学习者英语语料库(CLEC)和布朗语料库(Brown Corpus),调查了中国英语学习者冠词使用的情况。本研究选取了CLEC及其三个子语料库(ST2, ST5和ST6),与布朗语料库,对比分析了中国英语学习者与英语本族语者在冠词使用频率上的差异,考察了不同水平英语学习者对冠词系统及单个冠词的使用情况,同时也探讨了随着中国学习者水平的提升,各个冠词使用频率的发展性特征。 研究结果表明,中国英语学习者总体上过少使用英语冠词,但个别冠词在个别水平阶段也存在过多使用的情况;不同水平英语学习者在冠词系统的使用频率上与其他水平学习者及英语本族语者之间均存在显著差异性。同时,就不同水平英语学习者在各个冠词的使用情况来看:在定冠词the的使用频率上,大学英语专业中等水平学习者与高等水平学习者相似,且高等水平学习者与本族语者相似;在不定冠词a的使用频率上,大学英语专业中等水平学习者与高等水平学习者之间没有显著性差异,但显著性差异在任何阶段的英语学习者与本族语者之间仍然存在;在不定冠词an的使用频率上,高中英语学习者与大学英语专业中等学习者之间不存在显著性差异,且英语专业高等学习者与本族语者之间也不存在显著性差异。另外,本文还发现,定冠词the与不定冠词an的使用频率随着学习者英语水平的提升与本族语者的渐趋接近,且高等水平学习者与本族语者之间已不存在显著性差异,但不定冠词a的使用频率不符合这一发展性特征。 本文充实了中国英语学习者冠词使用方面的研究,能够帮助英语教师及学习者更好地了解中国英语学习者冠词使用的特征,从而为冠词的学习和教学提供新的启示。然而,本研究也存在不足之处,作者在文章最后予以指出,并对进一步研究提出了个人的建议。 Articles belong to one of the highest frequent words in English, and thegrammatical project which English learners encounter at earlier time. Regardless ofthe high frequency and early acquaintance, English article system is still a difficultpoint for EFL learners or even native learners. And various difficulties in the use ofEnglish articles still occur, even though non-native English learners have arrived athigh proficiency. Therefore, study on English articles has been a research focus in thefield of both First and Second Language Acquisition. The researches on English articles at abroad start earlier with more mature resultsthan that in China, for there are few empirical studies on this topic at home. Therefore,based on corpora, the present study aims at investigating Chinese EFL learners' use ofEnglish articles, different language proficiency learners' use of English article systemand each article, and exploring the developmental features of the frequency of eachEnglish article used by Chinese EFL learners. Following the bottom-up method in Corpus Linguistics, with the application ofCLEC and Brown Corpus and the search software Antconc3.2.1, the authorinvestigates Chinese EFL learners' use of English articles. The present studycomparatively analyzes the differences between Chinese EFL learners and Englishnative speakers on the frequencies of their use of English article system, investigatesthe frequencies of different language proficiency learners' use of English articlesystem and each article; and explores the developmental features of the frequency ofeach English articles as Chinese EFL learners' language proficiency goes higher basedon CLEC, ST2, ST5and ST6in CLEC and Brown Corpus. And according to the results, Chinese EFL learners use less English articles thanEnglish native speakers, while the individual article is used more by individualproficiency learners. And the frequencies of English articles used by Chinese EFLlearners are significantly different among the three different language proficiency learners, and between any of the different language proficiency Chinese EFL learnersand native speakers. Meanwhile, the frequencies of each English article used bydifferent language proficiency learners are different:/(1/) for the frequency of definitearticle the, there is no significant difference between intermediate and advancedcollege English majors. And advanced college English majors appear to have acquirednative-like proficiency;/(2/) for the frequency of indefinite article a, there is nosignificant difference between intermediate and advanced college English majors, butsignificant difference exists between any of the three different proficiency ChineseEFL learners and English native speakers;/(3/) and for the frequency of indefinitearticle an, no significant difference has been detected between senior middle schoolstudents and intermediate college English majors. And it seems that advanced collegeEnglish majors have acquired native-like proficiency on their use of an. In addition, the frequencies of definite article the and indefinite article an aregetting near to that of English native speakers as Chinese EFL learners' Englishproficiency goes higher, and significant difference does not exist between advancedChinese EFL learners and English native speakers, while the frequency of indefinitearticle a doesn't follow this developmental feature. This thesis enriches the previous studies on Chinese EFL learners' use of Englisharticles, and gives some enlightenment to the learning and teaching of the grammarproject in China. However, there are some deficiencies in the present study. And at last, the author points out those limitations of the present study and somesuggestions for further research.
分 类 号: [H319.3]
领 域: [语言文字]