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The Art of Yang Xianyi's Poetry Translation in Hong Lou Meng in Light of Literary Stylistics

导  师: 张保红

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 杨宪益(1915-2009)是中国著名的翻译家、文化研究专家、诗人。在新旧文化交替的特殊历史条件下,杨宪益接受过中国传统文化的熏陶,沐浴过西方思想的洗礼。在夫人戴乃迭的帮助下,杨宪益献身翻译事业逾半个世纪,不仅将大批外国优秀文学作品译成中文,而且将中国两千年以来众多经典名著推向世界,在国内外享有盛誉,被誉为“翻译了整个中国”的士大夫,翻译成就少有人企及。在汉诗英译领域,杨宪益同样是多产的译者,出版了多本英译汉诗的选集,如《离骚》、《汉魏六朝诗词散文选》、《唐宋诗词散文选》等。翻译家许渊冲把杨宪益列为诗歌翻译散体派的代表人物,遗憾的是,学界对其英译汉诗所作的具体研究屈指可数,缺乏对译者诗歌翻译美学价值的发掘。 本文旨在利用文学文体学发掘杨宪益汉诗英译的艺术特色,并进一步揭示其翻译原则。《红楼梦》的诗词在推动故事情节发展,表达小说人物情感和抒发作者身世感慨方面都发挥着重要作用,又有区别于一般诗歌诗文互动的特质,体现了清代诗歌较高的艺术价值。杨宪益《红楼梦》译本中汉诗英译数量可观,为杨宪益翻译生涯中的后期作品,集中体现了杨宪益较稳定的艺术特点,适合作为本文的研究对象。文学文体学为文体学的一个分支,能帮助读者从文本出发赏析文学作品,并早已在诗歌翻译研究方面富有建树。笔者利用利奇和肖特的文本分析模型为理论框架,并基于诗歌的特点改良该模型。结合中国传统的诗学观点和外国现代诗歌的理论,从音韵、词汇、句法和篇章连贯四个层次分析杨宪益的英译汉诗,从诗歌本身乃至整部小说和整个社会语境理解译文,挖掘译文的美学特色。 笔者通过分析,认为杨宪益从语音、词汇、句法和语篇连贯等诸层� Yang Xianyi /(1915-2009/) is a world-renowned translator, expert of literature andpoet. At the turn of the century, he was able to indulge himself in both Chinese andWestern culture in the unique historical and cultural environment. With the help of hiswife, Gladys Yang, he had been devoted to a career as a translator for more than half acentury. He did not only introduce a large number of foreign literary works to Chinawith his translation, but also presented the rest of the world many Chinese classicswritten in the last two millennia by translating them into English. He was dubbed aliteratus who had 'translated the whole China' for his incomparable accomplishments.In terms of Chinese-English /(C-E/) poetry translation, Yang was a prolific translatortoo, having quite a few anthologies published, e.g. Li Sao, Poetry and Prose of theHan, Wei and Six Dynasties, Poetry and Prose of the Tang and Song Dynasties etc..Xu Yuanchong, a renowned translator and scholar, regards Yang as a representativeof the school of free verse translation. But having said that, the academe have madeonly a small number of studies on Yang's C-E poetry translation and made fewattempts at discovering the aesthetic value in his works. This thesis sets out to find out the artistic features of Yang's poetry translationand unveil his translation principles from the perspective of literary stylistics. Thepoems in Hong Lou Meng /(HLM/) plays a crucial role in the development of the storyand in the expression of both the fictional characters' and the novelist's feelings.Besides, they also interact with the whole novel and reflect the relatively highquality of poetry in the Qing Dynasty. Yang has a considerable number of poetrytranslations in A Dream of Red Mansions, his version of HLM, which is the workcompleted late in his career when his style was well-evolved. Hence, it is chosen asthe material for this research as it is likely to best reflect the artistry of Yang'stranslation. Literary stylistics, a branch of stylistics, assists readers in a

关 键 词: 杨宪益 汉诗英译 文体特征 翻译原则

领  域: [语言文字] [文学]


作者 李碧霞
作者 叶邵宁
作者 王亦琳
作者 吴继玲
作者 晏静


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李晓青
作者 肖飞燕
作者 范文嫣